Tricking My Cold Lover

Offered His Daughter

Offered His Daughter

0Five days passed.      

Following the arrest of Ramon, Salvi's uncle, many things became clear.      

Angela came to the province with Hanxi, helping in the investigation of Salvi and Chan-Mi's attack. And because of this, many matters came to light.     

Ramon, evidently, had friends in town who aided him in his schemes.      

Apparently, it was not only Lucia and her husband who lived in town years back. Ramon also secretly lived in the same town. He formed junky allies as Ramon, occasionally using drugs.      

In fact, he was on drugs when he attacked Salvi. Geun concluded it was primarily the reason why he was strong despite his age, or at least his tolerance was high at that time.      

The DNA test to the remains from the old house's bathroom came back, and it was in fact Lucia's husband.      

After having identified Roman's accomplices, the investigators were able to get testimonies from Ramon's friends, confirming that it was Ramon who killed Lucia's husband.      

They also spilled the beans about Lucia and Ramon's relationship. A mistake that developed shortly after Lucia's early marriage to her husband.      

It was the main reason why they wanted the property, for they feared that the dead body would be uncovered over time.      

The pressure to secure back the old house, however, further returned when the families of Lucia's husband found out of her relationship with her own brother. They suspected how Lucia's husband was still not found after so many years.      

While the truth began to unfold, Salvi was out of it the whole time and it gave Spinello and Chan-Mi a fright.     

After Salvi was brought to the hospital, he only had minor surgery on his thigh. He required a blood transfusion the findings of his head injury suggested; he suffered a hemorrhage.     

When Salvi failed to wake up on the third day, Spinello determined it was best to bring Salvi to Florence. He wanted nothing more but the best care for his son.      

The doctors suggested while it was only a moderate hemorrhage, a coma following the injury was uncommon, especially since Salvi also lost a lot of blood.      

News reached Anton and Yanmei. It made them cut their trip altogether, arriving in Florence on the fourth day of Salvi's unconscious state. They just had to be there for their daughter and Spinello, especially since Chan-Mi had been in tears for days, with very little sleep.      

From inside Salvi's hospital suite, Nari, Luiz, Anton, and Yanmei had been comforting Chan-Mi from a small round table.      

"Sweetheart, everything will be fine," said Yanmei. "Most head hemorrhage resolve on their own. This is what the doctors told, right? And I've also heard about this."     

Chan-Mi's eyes were puffed, and she lost weight immensely in just a few days. She turned to her Daddy and said, "Dad, I - I can't live without, Salvi - I just can't."     

"Chan-Mi, you are overthinking things," told Anton. He pointed to the hospital bed and said, "the man is fine! He is not even on a ventilator. He is breathing on his own... Salvi just needs time to recover."     

"Unnie, Salvi will never leave you. You still have to get married!" Suggested Nari. Luiz echoed the same.      

"Yes, and also, Chan-Mi, Salvi - he. He would never want you to be this sad," said Chan-Mi. "You need to eat and rest so when Salvi wakes up, you can - you can get married right away! Right, mine?"     

That made Anton frown, but he saw how emotional his daughter was that he swallowed all his reluctance and said with the most difficulty, "Sweetheart. Yes, be positive and take care of your health while Salvi is recuperating." He gulped before adding, "How can you get married if you end up getting sick yourself?"     

"Really, Dad? Do you really mean it?" Chan-Mi asked. Somehow, the suggestion lip up her face. The truth was, if it were not for her contract with her own father, she would want to marry Salvi even before.      

Sweat easily formed on Anton's forehead. He wiped it away with his hand before he answered, "I - I suppose." He cleared his throat, grimacing before adding, "I suppose, the time is right."     

During their few weeks of vacation, Anton could no longer count with his fingers, the number of times Yanmei mentioned about having grandkids. He could only... give in.     

When Spinello arrived with Geun, having come back from the police station, Anton and Yanmei lingered a while longer, just merely exchanging words of comfort for Spinello.     

They could only imagine how hard it was for Spinello. He lost his wife and Salvi was his only son.     

While the parents were having a sincere conversation, Chan-Mi lay next to Salvi in the hospital bed. She hugged him from the side and whispered, "Mi Amore, please wake up. I miss you so much already."     

Sadly, Salvi did not wake up that day.      

Fortunately, the next morning, Chan-Mi woke up with good news. Spinello called her from the hospital, telling her how Salvi had already awakened.      

Tests were still being conducted, and he was waiting for the assessment to come through.      

The entire family of Anton and Yanmei, including Luiz, were staying at a hotel when it happened and they rushed to the hospital following the news.      

Chan-Mi practically ran as she made her way to Salvi's hospital room, not minding how her parents and siblings were left behind.     

When Chan-Mi entered the hospital suite, she panted heavily and was teary-eyed. She saw how Salvi was sitting up and being interviewed. Spinello was signaling her to stand next to him.      

She found it odd how Salvi was not rushing into embracing her nor calling her by her name, but she still followed Spinello's suggestion.      

As soon as the doctors left, Anton and the rest of the family arrived, just in time to witness Chan-Mi speak to Salvi.      

"Amore, I miss you so much," said Chan-Mi, immediately hugging Salvi. "I'm so glad you are awake now."     

Unfortunately, she did not receive a hug back. She frowned and looked Savi in the eye and heard him say, "Who - who are you?"     

Blood easily drained in Chan-Mi's face. Tears fell down her cheeks and her throat dried up.      

Before Chan-Mi could react, however, Anton took out his golden gun and unwittingly pointed it to Salvi. He said, "Boy, I don't care if you lost your memory or not, you better not make my daughter cry or you'll get it from me!"     

"When we go back to Korea, we are arranging your marriage!" Announced Anton, giving away an angry glare.      

"Ah, Anton," Spinello tried to speak. but Salvi cut in.      

"Uncle, I'm - I'm sorry. It - it was a bad joke. I was just teasing Chan-Mi - amnesia after an accident. I thought, I'd give her a little scare," Salvi said, raising his hands. "But, I'd  - I'd really like that - to marry your daughter."     

While Chan-Mi was relieved beyond words, hastily hugging Salvi and kissing him anywhere in his face, crying, it was Anton's turn to pale. He had just offered his daughter's hand in marriage and he felt he had fallen into a trap!     

Just as he was scoffing at Salvi's act, an idea came to his mind. He said, "Well, boy. You aren't the only one who could tease. I - I was just... also joking. Have I ever told you, I am a good joker?"     

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