Tricking My Cold Lover

Don't Leave Nari

Don't Leave Nari

0The next day.     

The buzzing of her phone woke Nari at five in the morning, Italy time. Her eyes were heavy after a long and tiring night with Luiz. Who would have known Luiz was capable of keeping her up until one in the morning?     

Yesterday, after spending the rest of the afternoon with Spinello, they left the hospital, leaving him in the care of the Bianchi's side of relatives.      

Salvi, Geun, and Chan-Mi were still at the old house in the province, practically going through every inch of the house. They were still digging clues as to what could Lucia want from the property.      

Luiz and Nari went straight to Angela's house, sleeping together in the same room right after dinner.      

Nari did not realize how wrong it was for her to answer her call outright. She was too tired and sleepy that she took the call, not realizing it was an international number from the Maldives.      

"He- Hello. Who is this?" Nari asked with a frown, still in her bedroom voice.      

Luiz was practically resting half of his body on top of Nari and he hummed, hearing her awake so early in the morning.      

"Nari! Who is that you are with?! Is that a man?!" The loud scream of her father's voice fully awakened her. She immediately got up, slapping Luiz's arm away from her body.      

"Dad! it's you! Haha! You did not use your roaming number!" Nari exclaimed out loud, waking Luiz altogether.     

"Nari, you did not answer me!" Anton on the other line.      

"Dad, calm down! It's just Luiz!" Nari admitted. She determined nothing was wrong with telling Anton, especially since she and Luiz had shared a bed before in the past... As best friends and supposedly having a relationship that was like that of siblings.     

She acted relaxed, as if she had nothing to hide.     

"Why would Luiz be with you? What time is it now in Italy? Isn't it four in the morning?" Anton probed, maintaining his domineering tone while he was at it.      

Nari was urging Luiz to speak up, so their actual condition was not too obvious when Anton spoke again, "Nari!"     

"Ah, good - good morning, Uncle," greeted Luiz. His voice slightly breaking off.     

With another loud roar, Anton responded, "What's so good in the morning, Luiz?! Why are you with Nari at this time?!"     

"Dad, please. We have been trying to get through to you, but your phone was out of reach and so was Mom's!" responded Nari. "We told you that the Bianchis were having an emergency. Did you receive our text messages? What about our emails?"     

"Your Mom and I dropped our phone in the Ocean from our last excursion. So we had to commission the resort to get a new one for us on the main island. Temporarily, we are using a local number," reasoned Anton. "And I have yet to check my email."     

Clearly, Anton was busy himself. Despite being in his senior years, he was still eager to spend quality time with his wife.      

"Really, Dad? Really?" Nari acted to sound sarcastic.      

"Young lady, how does this situation became about me?! You haven't told me why Luiz is with you, obviously sleeping next to you naked!" Anton tried to trap his daughter.      

Unfortunately for him, Nari wound up laughing. "Dad, please!" It took all of Nari's strength to imagine clothing in their bodies as she described, "I'm in my jeans and so is Luiz."     

"We came from the hospital yesterday and we were both very tired - and we are in Angela's house, by the way," told Nari.      

"You, see, Dad. I was so afraid, Luiz had to accompany me. Uncle Spinello was shot," Nari gave the big reveal and her reason to run into Luiz comfort. She acted the part of a frightened girl and added, "I did not want Luiz to leave me, afraid of what had happened."     

"What?! Why in the world did, you not tell me?!" Anton screamed out loud.      

In truth, Nari and Chan-Mi delayed telling Anton. They did not want to cause any panic. They only sent their parents text messages and emails, saying there was an emergency. Nari was aware that Chan-Mi only attempted to contact Anton and Yanmei just the other day through an actual call.      

Who would have known it was a blessing in disguise altogether that their parents lost their mobile devices into the Indian Ocean?      

Nari pretended fearful as she explained everything that happened, but she swore that Angela and her Uncle Hanxi were giving them a hand, including an added security. She also relayed how Chan-Mi, Geun, and Salvi were at the old house, investigating a possible link to the shooting of Spinello.      

"I should go there," suggested Anton. "We can cut our trip short! There is no adult to supervise you all!"     

Nari froze. Her eyes shifted from left to right for a second. She then found herself laughing, slamming herself to the bed. She said, "Dad, we - your children are all adults! Please stop thinking we are children!"     

"Dad, you can talk to Uncle Hanxi. We are managing things. I promise, we are safe," Nari tried her best to assure her father. "It's just that last night, I was tired and worried at the same time. I needed Luiz to comfort me."     

After a few more exchanges with Nari, Anton recognized that Luiz and Nari were truly that close. Luiz was always like a brother to Nari, taking care of her. He erased his doubts completely.     

Towards the end of their conversation, Anton said, "I'll call your uncle Hanxi and Chan-Mi in a few hours. Let me talk to Luiz."     

Nari felt nervous, but she had to trust Luiz and gave the phone to him. She silently, in hand gestures, instructed him what to do.      

"Hello, Uncle." Luiz cleared his throat before he resumed, "How - how is your vacation with Aunt?"     

"Luiz, it's not safe for you and Nari to be going out often and you have to have security," suggested Anton, especially after what he had heard.     

"Yes, uncle. We have security follow us around from Angela's side and we rarely get out of the car now. Yesterday, after the hospital, we returned to Angela's home," revealed Luiz.      

"Good. Good. Just stay htere. Stay with Nari and protect her, Luiz! I'm counting on you. Protect my princess. You are family, after all. I trust you," reminded Anton.      

Luiz immediately felt his throat dried up. He and Nari agreed to tell Anton about their relationship only when he would leave for France.      

"And if she is frightened, you know how she calms down. You simply need to stroke her hair to sleep," suggested Anton.      

Luiz also ended up laughing, and he said, "I remember that, Uncle. Don't worry. I won't leave Nari's side. I'll stay with her."     

"Okay. You do that. I'll call you from time to time after I speak with Hanxi. Here, speak to your Aunt before you both go back to sleep," said Anton before handing the phone to Yanmei.      

Yanmei spoke to the two for another ten minutes before finally ending the call. Both Luiz and Nari threw themselves on the bed, feeling relieved.      

Seconds passed, they both fell into another round of laughter before Luiz said climbed back to Nari and said, "Well, I suppose, I should keep accompanying you."     

They both kissed while giggling as Nari said, "Yes, Luiz. Don't leave me."     

"We have to tell them soon," Luiz reminded.      

"Yes, after you leave for France," said Nari. She pecked on his lips and put her arms around him and said, "In the meantime, stay with me."     

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