Tricking My Cold Lover

Luiz Material

Luiz Material

0"Hey, Nari, you seem awfully sad lately. Maybe I can cheer you up," Aiden suggested while trying to catch up with Nari as she stepped outside of their class. "Do you - want to hang out?"     

Nari let out a sigh. She checked the time and realize how it was still early. Their professor wrapped up the discussion earlier than anticipated.      

"Ummm. I suppose it's fine," said Nari in a weak voice. "My brother won't be here for an hour."     

For the past month, since Luiz left, she rode with Geun rather than asking her Uncle Kael to fetch her.     

Kael was very bad at consoling Nari. She felt her loneliness grew worse over time. Kael was also saddened by Luiz's sudden departure. Like Anton, Kael treated Luiz's like his own son. After all, he brought the kids to school since they were in middle school.      

At least with Geun, he would make Nari angry to the point that she would just forget about missing Luiz! An argument with Geun was much entertaining for Nari nowadays.     

Nari and Aiden walked slowly in the direction of the school backyard. They settled on a table underneath the tree and engaged in a light conversation.      

"Are you okay, Nari?" Aiden asked, taking out two bars of chocolate from his bag. "Here, I brought you a sweet treat. These came from a famous chocolaterie in Switzerland. My dad just came back from a business trip there."     

Nari smiled and accepted the bar with chocolate and almonds, but she noticed how Aiden had his own; a plain milk chocolate bar. Unwittingly she announced, "Oh, I like plain chocolates."     

"Really? Me too," said Aiden. Still, he maintained to hold on to his own plain milk chocolate.      

Nari just smiled at that. She ate on the one with almonds either way. It wasn't really a big deal to her, but she recalled how Luiz would always give her what she wanted.      

"Luiz left," said Nari after eating a portion on the sweet.      

"Your best friend?" Aiden asked.      

"Yes," said Nari. "It had been a month since he left for Italy. I technically don't have any more weekend buddy."     

A sly face became painted on Aiden's face before he told, "Well, Nari. I can accompany you on weekends."     

She scoffed and said, "What would be nice, except that I would never be allowed to see anyone, other than my family." Wrinkling her nose, she reminded, "My Dad is very strict."     

"Right, but Nari you are... old enough," Aiden pointed out.      

"I know. I know that. Actually, that did not seem to matter to before. I was always free to hang out with Luiz anytime of the day!" She announced. "I suppose, its different now."     

"Well, Nari. Maybe I can visit you at your home?" Aiden suggested, smirking then right after. "I can finally prove to you how much I like you."     

Nari froze at that. She honestly has forgotten that Aiden had been expressing his like for her.      

Aiden was good looking and came from a prominent family. He was a desirable choice altogether, but that very little excitement that she used to feel was no longer there. She used to look forward to hanging out with Aiden, but that day, she felt absolutely nothing.      

Her emptiness outweighed in every bone of her body.      

"Um. Trust me, Aiden. May Dad can really be a scare," said Nari. "And to be honest, I'm not sure if I want to. I'm pretty busy lately. I'm helping mom with our foundation and also looking into marketing the Suns Hotels."     

Nari gave him a partial truth. For she was just not in the mood to be friendly with him. She used to think that Aiden was so attractive, but now, she felt he was just... average.     

'So much for my prince material,' she sighed, wondering when she will ever meet her perfect ideal man.      

Half an hour of lingering in the school's backyard, Aiden and Nari noticed how it started to rain.      

"Oh, no. Let's get into cover, Nari," suggested Aiden.      

In a split second, rain poured heavily and both Aiden and Nari had no time to find shelter. As they ran, Aiden the suggested, "Nari, let's use your bag. It's pure leather!"     

Nari was shocked at his recommendation, but instead of replying to Aiden. She just helped herself, covering her head with her bag.      

As soon as she stepped under the roof on one side of the building, Nari said, "I have to go to the front gate now, Aiden. Goodbye!"     

She just left him outright, utterly dismayed.      

As she stomped her feet from inside the building halls, she muttered, "How dare he suggest using my bag!"     

Nari, whenever at the university, carried with her a huge leather bag. It was convenient for her to carry her things, including her books and paper works.      

Recalling how Luiz used his own jacket to cover her up in the rain, and getting sick in the process, Nari frowned. She mumbled, "Luiz, you fool. Always putting me first before anything."     

While she questioned how Luiz was too protective of her, she unknowingly started comparing Aiden to Luiz. She concluded that Aiden would never be like her best friend.     

Nari just waited for Geun for the rest of the time at the front gate.      

When Geun arrived, she was surprised to find Chan-Mi with them. Nari happily hoped on the car and hugged her older sister outright.      

"Woah, what's this all about?" Chan-Mi asked, hugging her sister back.      

"I'm so happy to see you," said Nari. "You aren't going to Italy anytime soon, right?"     

Chan-Mi laughed and said, "No. No. Salvi promised, he moved his life for me so should we ever go, it will be just for a vacation."     

"Good, because I don't know if I would lose another companion," revealed Nari before buckling herself.      

"Hey, aren't you going to sit with me in the front? Am I your driver?" Geun pointed out with a frown.      

Nari sneered and said, "If this was Luiz, he'd never mind."     

"Yeah, well. He'll never mind anything when it came to you, Nari. He did everything you told him to do, but watch out when everything is going to change," told Geun.     

"What's that supposed to mean, Geun?" Nari protested.     

"When he comes back, Luiz is going to be the boss and you'll be following his every lead!" Told Geun before returning his gears back to drive.      

"Oooh, I'd like to see that," told Chan-Mi before spotting a billboard with a handsome north-american model.      

Chan-Mi pointed at the model and said, "Hey! Look Nari, the guy looks like Luiz!" With a smirk, she added, "He'll be a good prince material, eh?"     

"Him? Prince material?" Nari glanced at the billboard and said, "Yeah, a little - the face, but I've seen him being featured on the talk-show once where they went to his house." She leaned to her older sister and revealed, "He is so not like Luiz! He doesn't know how to cook!"     

Nari turned her head back to look at the billboard again before suggesting, "He may have the looks but he is not quite like Luiz."     

"Are we still talking about your prince material here, Nari, or has the category changed to... Luiz material," said Chan-Mi, quoting her words with her fingers.      

From the rearview mirror, both girls could see Geun shaking his head. He said, "Thank goodness, I'm not the only one seeing this."     

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