Tricking My Cold Lover

The Good News

The Good News

0Three hours earlier.      

Ha-joon came to Lian's apartment, inviting himself in with his spare key. He went straight to the kitchen, fixing up toast and coffee for both of them.      

After pouring the hot coffee into the cups, he walked into her bedroom.      

For seconds, Ha-joon stood by her door and studied his girlfriend, still sound asleep. She was in her red sleeping dress, hugging a huge pillow.     

They usually sleep together towards the weekend, but Ha-joon received a special parcel, coming from Tanzania and it was delivered to JKW's office.     

Despite finishing work nearly midnight, he still left for the city and returned to the underground base past two in the morning. Thus, Lian slept alone last night.     

Ha-joon gently spanked on her behind. He leaned over and pecked on Lian's cheek before saying, "Wake up sleepy head. We are going to the city today."     

"Hmmmmm..." Humming herself to wake, Lian hugged Ha-joon outright, rolling him to the other side of the bed, hoping to get more sleeping time.      

"Lian, wake up now," Ha-joon called for her again.     

She forced her eyes awake and repeatedly kissed on his face. She said, "Hello, handsome. Did you intrude in my home to take advantage of me?"     

Ha-joon was left chuckling. He buried his face in her neck and tickled her with his kisses before pushing her hands away. He said, "That's not a good joke. Nor will that ever happened. I have already installed more security alarm in your apartment."     

She frowned and said, "Well, I still want you to take advantage of me, either way."     

"I made coffee. Let's drink it while it's hot," suggested Ha-joon, pulling Lian by the hand.      

"But - but! You are hotter!!!" She announced while getting required to sit up.      

In order to get Lian off the bed, Ha-joon sighed and said, "I'll please you after we have breakfast. Come on."     

Lian practically dragged herself to the kitchen, stomping her feet until she found the toasts and coffee on her dining table. She sat with a frown and munched on her bread, anyway.      

"We are going to the city?" Lian asked after consuming half of her toast.     

"Yes, we are going to the city," said Ha-joon. "We are visiting the Yeongs' mansion today with a very special announcement."     

Raising her brows, she asked, "What announcement?"     

Ha-joon was seated in front of Lian. He raised his cup of coffee and said, "Drink first."     

Lian drank a quarter of her coffee and when she realized how her boyfriend was studying her, she looked at the mug and saw writing from inside. It said; Drink Up, Beautiful.     

She smiled and glanced at him, "Thank you. Nice mug." She studied it and said, "I realized these are new."     

"Yes, I bought that last month," he revealed before taking a sip from his coffee. "Drink up, beautiful."     

"Oh," she said, smiling from ear to ear.     

Lian finished her toast before resuming to drink her coffee.      

When she consumed up the entire drink, she found herself coughing at the sight of the words from the bottom of the mug. It read; Will you marry me, Lian?     

Her eyes grew wide as she continued to clear her throat. She turned to Ha-joon and found him, holding a jewelry box in his hand.      

It was a blue Tanzanite ring surrounded by small, glittering diamonds.      

While diamonds were more expensive than Tanzanite gems, these blue beauties were rare kinds only mined in Tanzania.     

Lian and Ha-joon had a brief talk about it two months ago while she was hinting to want a ring on her finger. Lian, however, did not expect him to seek after such an engagement ring.      

She put down the coffee mug and put both her hands on her mouth. She became teary-eyed with his unexpected proposal and said, "Oh, my goodness! This is real!"     

Ha-joon nodded and said, "Yes, it's real."      

He stood up and walked closer to Lian and kneeled before her. He said, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to make a grand proposal, but know that I have been thinking about this for some time now." He looked down at the ring before saying, "Ordering for the ring was just a little too tasking. It took a month for the jeweler to fulfill my order."     

Ha-joon took Lian's hand and held it. He looked into her eyes and asked, "Lian, I love you. I hope you will forever love me the same... Lian, will you marry me?"     

"Of course, you silly! I have been waiting for this very day!" She said with her loudest scream. "Put that ring on my finger now!"     

Ha-joon chuckled and promptly put the ring on Lian's finger.      

When he looked back to Lian, he immediately received a kiss. The kiss turned passionate, and it led them to the bedroom with both of them celebrating their engagement, making love.     

Fortunately for Ha-joon, Lian was satisfied with just one round, excited to tell her cousin about officially being engaged. They left for the mansion after getting showered and dressed.      

When Lian and Ha-joon arrived at the Yeongs' estate, they saw an unfamiliar limousine parked outside the driveway.      

The moment they entered the living room, they saw Yanmei, Jae-won, and Yeong Soon in a serious discussion, sitting on the sofas.     

Anton was working on a weekend, not taking part in the commotion that Saturday morning. His parents and his wife were left alone to deal with Chun-Ho's predicament.      

"Cuz! Good morning!" Called Lian with the biggest grin on her face. She was literally hopping as she made her way to them. "Hello, uncle and aunt!"     

With Ha-joon behind her, she announced, "I have great news!"     

"Well, we also have news. Especially for Ha-joon," Yanmei said in a weak tone of voice and a grimace on her face.     

"Well, my news is more thrilling!" Said Lian. "I am - "     

"Chun-Ho, is married," Yanmei said. She could not hold it any longer, desperate to tell Ha-joon and help find a resolution for Chun-Ho.     

Anton was not answering his phone and next in line with the right contacts in the government was Ha-joon. Yanmei was completely relieved to see him, right at that very moment.      

"Haha! That's funny," said Lian, thinking Yanmei's words were a joke. "Anyway, I was just saying - "     

"It's not a joke. Chun-Ho is really married... At least in paper," said Jae-won. Yeong Soon was nodding, taking a second to look at everyone.     

"What? No," said Ha-joon. "That can't be."     

"This is a joke, right?" Lian scoffed and tried to bring everyone's attention to her ring and said, "Anyway, enough about this silly joke. I have a more important announcement!"     

Lian was about to show them her engagement ring when Chun-Ho walked in, seemingly coming from the Patio with a woman next to him.      

The woman was an obvious socialite base on her stance and clothes. She immediately caught the attention of Ha-joon and Lian that they both asked, "Who is this?"      

"She is... sort of Chun-Ho's wife," revealed Yanmei. "I have been trying to tell you for the past five minutes now."     

"Whaaattttttt? Are you serious?!" Lian said, raising her voice. She turned to Ha-joon in anger and said, "Why? Why did it take you sooo long???!"     

Ha-joon, "???"     

Lian could not accept it. She and Ha-joon became a couple first, but Iseul and Chun-Ho got married before them. She said again, "Why? How is this fair?!"     

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