Tricking My Cold Lover

Yanmei's Fantasy

Yanmei's Fantasy


"Come here. Put that dress back on," ordered Anton.      

"What? No! I did say I wanted to do it in the yacht, completely naked. didn't I?" Yanmei pointed out.      

"Yes, in a yacht. You did not say, outside the yacht," he insisted, pulling Yanmei against his chest.      

However, she protested, pushing him against the leather sun lounge, making Anton sit upon it. She frowned and said, "Mine, please."     

She climbed on top of her husband and rested on his lap. She hugged him tight and pressed her lips against his ear. She said, "Mine, fulfill my sexual fantasy."     

Anton gulped. The words stirred his reason, hardening his brother altogether. He uttered, "Sexual fantasy."     

Yanmei leaned back and nodded. She bit her lip and slowly ran her fingers against the scar on his brow, his athletic face, and his sexy neck. She pecked on his lips and asked, "Is it wrong to desire your husband so much? I want to make love to you naked, under the sun."     

Anton hissed. He looked around and determined they were resting on the second level of the boat, which was partly covered with the roof. Technically, they were not so... out in the open.      

Before he could announce his partial decision, Yanmei covered his lips again, bitting and nibbling on his lower lip, tasting it with her tongue. She did this while unbuttoning the shirt that he wore. "Mmmmm... My husband tastes so good and I love it."     

Unconsciously, Anton began to rub his hands against his wife's thighs, reaching for her underwear, but it was when Yanmei slouched and found his manly chest that he tore it off her.      

"Ahh! Yeong! You startled me!" Yanmei exclaimed and nearly jump off from his lap.      

He quickly forgot how he meant to hide his wife and he said, "Let me eat you."     

From the second level of the luxury yacht, Anton slouched against the sun lounger, sliding his body lower, and settled in front of her wife's peach. Yanmei was also quick to sit on her knees, spreading her thighs apart to give her husband a perfect view of her rose.      

Before he could begin, Yanmei eagerly removed her dress.      

"Don't -" Anton objected, but it was too late. Yanmei only had her bra on.      

"Mine, there is no one around." She took off her bra and leaned her peach closer to his manly face. She touched his lips and said, "Eat me, mine."     

Anton's eyes wanted to look around, but the sight of her soft and exquisitely waxed slit was far too beautiful. He could not look away. He ended up, caressing her thighs up to her behind. Only then did he extend his tongue.      

He gave it a good taste before settling against her clit. He irregularly sucked on her peach while mostly, maintaining the flicking of his tongue.      

With the wind blowing against her bare back and sun warming her skin, Yanmei felt even more excited, being teased by her husband in between her thighs. She constantly bit her lip and moaned at the feel of his warm breath and the eager movement of his tongue.      

Anton's hands became restless, rambling every curve of Yanmei's body and grasping it with his hands.      

"Aaahhh, mine. It feels so good. Keept at it... Mmmmmm" Yanmei repeatedly let out her erotic cries while frequently holding on to his hair.      

Minutes into the fondling, Yanmei's body began to wave, drowning in a sea of pleasure, being licked in the middle of the sea. "Oh, yeah, mine. I love it."     

Now and then, she took a moment to study the motion against her peach. She loved how Anton would purposely bring up his tongue as if he was licking off ice cream from her entrance.      

If that wasn't enough, Anton would touch on her hole and feel her wetness. It did not take long for her to erupt in ecstasy, mildly convulsing, following the pleasure of arriving climax.      

"Aaahh! Aahaahh!" Yanmei quickly slid down to Anton's body, clamping her legs. She remained in the same helpless state for seconds before turning to him. She said, "Mine, that was amazing."     

"Hmmmm... My turn," he said. Anton finally recognized the thrill of playing naughty with his wife.      

Like a hungry wife, Yanmei ferociously unbuckled his belt. She roughly removed his pants as Anton took off his shirt.      

After seeing his angry rod, she lowered herself and gave it a good lick. From the base of his stick, she gently sucked on his nuts. She gave him a good palming before brining up her tongue to his length.      

After a good licking, she finally put his soft and hard member inside her mouth. It did not take long for the wet and slurping sound to be heard. Even out in the open, against the ocean breeze, Yanmei's fondling against her husband's rod was very audible.      

Anton cursed and hissed repeatedly, watching the island from afar. In front of him was his wife, slurping against his manhood like it was a perfect candy.      

"Fuck, mine. I want to - I want to fuck you know," Announced Anton.      

Yanmei let go of his rod with a pop. She climbed on top of him and said, "Let me take care of you, mine."     

A near sneer appeared on his face. He doubted if he could ride out his wife being on top of him. He thought it just wasn't hard enough. Still, for a moment, he allowed her to take control of their love-making.      

Yanmei let his rod to enter her, and she excitedly ground against him. She bounced up and down, her breasts, rebounding with her motion.      

Anton held on Yanmei's breasts while sometimes squeezing on her two-round flesh.     

Minutes into their love-making, the slapping sound of their flesh outdid the waves of the seas. However, despite the rhythm, Anton was still not satisfied. He said, "Mine, I need to go deeper. It - it isn't deep enough."     

Yanmei practically shivered, letting go of his rod inside of her. "Oh, my goodness. Put it back in quickly!"     

She settled, facing the sun lounge, raising her behind at him. Anton wanted to do her from the back, where he could take full control of his thrusting.      

He flicked his eight-inch against her bottom cheeks before he warned, "Get ready, mine."     

"Uh! Uh!"      

"Ahh! Aaahh! Fuck!"     

They both let out cries of pleasure as Anton thrust his length with great force... twice. He savored her hugging peach for seconds before finally moving his hips back and forth.      

It was from that experienced that Anton recognized the thrill of making love to his wife... out in the open that he became determined to grant more of Yanmei's sexual fantasy.      

For minutes, Anton pounded against his wife persistently, not missing a second. As they made love, they screamed in desire, knowing no one could hear them for miles.      

Nearing climax, Anton relished at the sight of his member going in and out of his wife's peach. His eyes were fixed on how her slit perfectly hugged his rod and how that white love juice from her peach glowed against his.      

He spread her two-round flesh further apart, increasing the thrill of doing it out in the open.      

"I'm coming," announced Anton. "Fuck! Fuck! Aahhh!"     

Anton thrusts so hard that he landed on Yanmei's back after his third push. His hips squirmed, wanting to leave every bit of his cum inside of her.      

Yanmei, on the other hand, was trembling in passion. She remained rested, faced down against the sun lounge, still lost in the electrifying sensation of making love to her husband.      

"Mine," she heard Anton asked. "Where to next?"     

Yanmei turned to him, still panting. She said, "Lower deck."     

"Okay. Let's drink water first," said Anton.      

Anton and Yanmei explored nearly every space o the yacht that day. After their first thrilling and love-making on the second-floor deck of the Yacht, they wanted to experience the same excitement and relived Yanmei's sexual fantasy.      

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