Tricking My Cold Lover

Do You Blame Me?

Do You Blame Me?

0When Yanmei was done putting Maya into another unconscious state, she and Anton changed into a new pair of clothes. Ha-joon would be responsible for putting an end to Maya, but only after she had suffered enough. They meant to keep her alive for as long as she could.      

From more than twenty feet down, they made their way to the parents that allowed their child to be switched.      

While they were not the masterminds of the kidnapping, if it were not for parents who were willing enough to make the exchange, Geun would not have been taken.      

Erlina So and Park Nam-gi were locked up in the upper level of Anton's underground base. It was meant for those who were less of a threat. The two had a more comfortable chamber with a bed and restroom inside.     

The doors to their room opened and came inside were Anton and Yanmei. They stood in front of them with Yanmei's hands against her waist and Anton, pulling his coat back, flaunting his weapon.      

Erlina So and Park Nam-gi, hastily stood up, and both made lies about their roles in the taking of Geun.      

"Mr. Yeong. Thank you for finally seeing us. We have been meaning to tell you - we - didn't mean o get involved. We were forced - we were threatened!" Told Erlina.     

"Mr. and Mrs. Yeong, the entire time, we took care of your son. We did not know it would be your son that would be exchanged with ours," said Nam-gi. He was stuttering as he let out his words.      

"Mr. and Mrs. Yeong, how is our son? Is he with you?" Erlina asked without waiting for an answer from Anton and Yanmei. "Please... please don't punish our son. It - it was not his fault."     

Erlina gradually walked towards Yanmei and kneeled down before her. She said, "Please, please take care of my son. Treat him as your own."     

Yanmei's brow immediately raised. She bluntly asked, "Why in the world would I raise your son?!" She turned to Anton, who reflected a disgusted look.      

"I don't like children that are not my blood! Only my children can carry the name of a Yeong!" Announced Anton. He wasn't lying. He never did like children, but he loved his own and cared for the children of his other siblings.      

"Social service handed your baby to your family members," said Yanmei, irritated by her suggestion.      

Erlina sneered. She nearly gritted her teeth, learning that her son will not live wealthy as she had hoped. Still, with the pending matter of them being locked up, she said, "Mrs. Yeong. Thank you for letting us know how my child is doing. I - I have been worrying about him since."     

She remained to kneel as Erlina added, "I - I knew that those people would get captured soon so I - I took care of your son very we - Ahhhhh! Ahhhh!"     

Erlina received a slapped on the face twice. Yanmei thrust her hand forcefully against the woman's cheeks, leaving a good mark on her face.      

Yanmie held Erlina's face with her hand, her nails carved against her cheeks.      

"Ahh - Mrs. Yeong- Mrs. Yeong," Erlina's protest to the pain as she tried to pull away Yanmei's hand, but no matter how hard she pleaded, Yanmei's hold was firmly gripping against her face, locking against her jaws.      

"Woman! Don't you think I do not know that that you raised a hand on my child?!" Yanmei pushed Erlina away, nearly throwing her down on the floor.      

"What kind of mother does not know that a newborn baby needs to be fed every two hours?!" Said Yanmei.      

Everything she told was based on Ha-joon's tale to her. She had long been enraged, eager to let Erlina feel her displeasure.      

"If you say you were merely forced to switch the babies, then how did you get the one million dollars in your bank account?" Anton asked. "We know you were paid to do this. Everything was planned - in your case, you were candidates sought for almost a month ago!"     

Yanmei grasped on to Erlina's blouse with one hand and with the other, she repeatedly slapped her with all her strength.      

Nam-gi was about to help Erina but quickly saw Anton about to reach for his handgun. He instantly felt his hands turn cold and his heart was ready to jump out of his chest.     

They had always heard that a man such as Anton Yeong took matters into their own hands, but they never expected it was true to this extent.     

What kind of man has its own prison, full of armed men? Nam-gi could and Erlina could only regret their decision now, but what Anton said next was far more what they anticipated.     

"I'm going to donate you to the north! You'll become slaves by their army and will be stuck there for good!"      

Only when Yanmei was satisfied, inflicting pain against the woman who hurt her child did Anton order for their immediate transfer to the north.      

Following the experience of getting revenge, they drove back to the city in silence. They left the base nearly midnight, arriving at past 1 AM in the morning at the Yeong's mansion.      

 "Are you going to look at the results? Or are you going to ignore the envelope again?" Anton asked his wife, minutes after they entered their bedroom.      

The DNA test result between them and Geun had been sitting on their bedside table for days, yet Yanmei had not opened it.      

While they firmly believed in their hearts that the baby they brought home was their own, the hospital wanted to make sure. It was also in their best interest to have the DNA test, but Yanmei never opened the results.      

"I don't need to," she replied while looking at Anton. "But do you mind checking?"     

Yanmei head for the direction of the bathroom and said, "I - I want to take another bath."     

At the base, she and Anton had already taken a bath. While she did not take a life, the blood spatter and experiencing for the first time, losing to anger, gave her a hint of guilt.      

When Yanmei came out of the bathroom after half an hour, Anton was already in his pajamas. The DNA results remained in his hand as he gestured for her to take her side of the bed.      

She climbed on the mattress, and Anon pulled her over to his arms.     

For another half an hour, they remained awake, sitting against the headboard in silence. Anton pecked on her forehead and said, "Mine, this all happened because of me. Do you - do you blame me - "     

"No." Yanmei pulled away to look at him. As if she understood where their conversation was going, she softly said, "I would never regret choosing you for my husband because I love you."     

She hugged him tightly and so did he. He pecked on her forehead repeatedly and said, "He is our son, mine. He is our son."     

Yanmei nodded while remaining in his arms. She said, "Of course, he is. He is."     

Anton's chest raised dramatically as he took heavy breaths. He said, "You are the only one - my wife. It if wasn't you, I would not have a family."     

"I want you to know - know that you make me the happiest man alive, for being with me and giving me beautiful children."     

It was not like Anton to become nostalgic, but over the past few days since Guen was taken, he felt Yanmei's pain and it was so apparent that it pierced a hole in his heart.      

Hearing Anton's words, Yanmei began to weep. She knew her husband was feeling guilty for what had happened to their children. It was because of his past, his parents, and their highly competent skills that the same organization came after her and Geun.      

She turned to peck on his cheek and said, "Mine, I love you so much. You know that. I admit I was broken with what happened to Geun, but I - I can't picture a life without you."     

Yanmei let go and adoringly looked at her husband. She said, "Now that Geun is back. Let's move on together and put this behind us. Now that everyone has been dealt with."     

Anton nodded. He put a hand behind Yanmei's neck. He pecked on her lips again and again. "Thank you, mine. Thank you for remaining with me - for understanding and for accepting the terms of being with me."     

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