Tricking My Cold Lover

Not Geun I

Not Geun I

0When morning came, Yeong Soon and Jae-won arrived with food from the mansion. They brought special soup for Yanmei and a bouquet of purple flowers.     

"Congratulations to a new baby! And a boy! We are all very happy!" Said Yeong Soon.      

"Thrilled! She practically reported it to LN News!" Told Jae-won before laughing.      

"Mommy Soon, this is lovely," said Yanmei. She received a peck from Yeong Soon before she turned to Jae-won and said, "Thank you, dad."     

"Yanmei, we checked on Geun before coming here. He is a very healthy boy. I can't wait to hold him," expressed Jae-won.      

"I can't wait to hold him too - Mine? Didn't I say I wanted Geun to be brought up immediately?" She reminded her husband. It was already ten in the morning and she, unfortunately, woke up late, tired after giving birth.      

Still drinking coffee from the coffee table, Anton said, "Let's have breakfast first, mine before I check with them. You need to eat."     

"You both need to eat!" Said Yeong Soon. "I'll invite the boys to come over and eat too."     

Right after having breakfast, Yanmei's doctor arrived, further delaying her time to be with Geun. Still, her doctor was there to check on her and thus, she had to pay attention.      

"I'm really sorry about what happened last night. There seemed to be a mix-up in relaying the information. First, they called me an hour after you were admitted! I was shocked! Then! I was never made aware that at some point your baby was in distress, but I firmly didn't think so base on what I saw," said the doctor.      

"In any case, I've already requested an investigation on the matter. The resident doctor especially made a lot of mistakes! For that! On behalf of the hospital, I am very sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Yeong."     

After an apology, the doctor said, "For now, we will observe your contractions and your bleeding. Once you are able to pass gas or have a bowel movement, please let me know."     

"I personally did not like the resident doctor... I found her actions strange," said Anton with a frown. He regretted not fuming at the resident, but having experienced Yanmei getting angry with him in the past, he no longer wanted to make a scene at the hospital.      

Anton concluded that he would have that same resident doctor terminated, including the nurses who sided with her. For now, he had to request their son to be brought up from the nursery.      

After getting an update from Yanmei's doctor, they only waited for another half an hour for baby Geun to be roomed-in with them. It was Yeong Soon who first held the baby, carrying him in her arms.      

The baby was wrapped in blue linens. His head was covered with a cap and he was sound asleep.      

Yeong Soon relished the moment, taking pictures of the baby before finally handing him to Yanmei.      

Yanmei smiled, looking at the little baby. However, after seconds of staring, she thought that Guen was a little bigger than how she imagined he would be. Even if she only saw Geun for a brief moment and he was still covered in a creamy white substance, she honestly thought his nose was taller than the baby in her arms.      

Anton walked towards Yanmei and sat next to her on the bed. He leaned closer and also studied Geun. He frowned and asked, "Was his cheeks this puff last night?"     

He watched as Yanmei removed part of the blanket wrapping their baby, and she checked the name band, seemingly in doubt. Her brows were drawn together as she completely removed the linen.      

"Mine? What's wrong?" Anton asked. "Do you want to change him?"     

"I - I don't know. Something about him is not right," said Yanmei. "It - Mine, it just doesn't feel right."     

After removing the linen wrapped around the baby, she checked his arm. She checked again and again, but she did not see the same light-brown birthmark on his arm. The same that she saw when Geun rested on her chest.      

Yanmei suddenly felt her heart racing and her hands feeling cold. Her forehead formed droplets of sweat and her lips trembled. She said, "Mine."     

Tears began to flow down her cheeks when she spoke again, "Mine!" She raised the baby to Anton and said, "This is not Geun! This is not my son!"     

"I perfectly saw the mark on his arm. I was sure of it! He had a birthmark! And Look!" She persistently raised the baby and said, "Doesn't he seem a little bigger?"     

When Anton said nothing and only saw the shock on her in-laws face, she said, "Mine! Our son was stolen! This is not my son!"     

"I feel it in my heart! In every bone in my body! This is not my son!" Yanmei yelled.      

"Oh, my goodness! This can't be happening to my grandson!" Expressed Yeong Soon. She felt like losing consciousness from Yanmei's revelation that Jae-won had to help her on the sofa.      

"Mine? Are you sure about this?" Anton asked. He looked at the baby again, but he could not make out the difference. He only studied Geun for a minute when he came out and he was still covered in white-like substances.      

Still racing the baby up, she said with her voice breaking up, "Mine - I don't feel anything for this child. My heart says... this is not my child! Find Geun! Now!"     

From last night's event, everything began to playback in Anton's head; how they were rushed to the delivery room, the strange behavior of the resident doctor, the power outage. It dawned on to him that his son may have been stolen!     

Anton stormed out of the room and reported to the nurse's station before going down to the nursery. He only left Iseul and Chun-Ho guarding Yanmei's room as he spoke to the doctors and nurses.      

Everyone became alarmed that they took account of all medical practitioners who attended to Anton's wife.      

The resident who faced Anton was a different doctor from last night. This time it was a man. He said, "Mr. Yeong, before I let the charge nurse take your baby to your room, we checked the name band - "     

"I saw the band, but my wife sincerely believes that boy is not our son! Also, my wife said that she saw a birthmark on his arm - the boy inside our room does not have a birthmark!" Said Anton. "Where is my son! I demand an explanation!"     

Seeing the doctor in a panic, rushing to gather information from the night shift staff, Anton called Ha-joon. The second he took the call, he ordered, "Get your butt down here! I need you to inspect this entire hospital and go through their security cameras, now!"     

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