Tricking My Cold Lover

The Big Yes

The Big Yes

0"Thanks for picking me up - I'm not sure what happened! I did not think a brand new car would suddenly break down like that!" Lian said while buckling herself in Ha-joon's car.      

He merely smirked because her car not working was utterly his doing. He said, "I'll have my men look into your car. For now, I can take you to the office and back... Every day."     

"You don't need to take the bus, I'm happy to take you to work every day," he said with a smile.      

He turned on the engine and said, "Thank you, Lian, for giving me a chance."     

She just smiled at him and said, "Don't thank me yet."     

Aside from being Lian's driver every day, Ha-joon followed it by having lunch with her. At first, she insisted on having lunch at the cafeteria that he too joined her with the rest of the employees. It was only after a week when Lian finally agreed to join him for lunch at his often, once in a while.      

It became evident to all workers at the gun factory that Ha-joon was courting Lian. He was always on his toes for whatever she needed, from food to personal care, sometimes checking on how she was doing when it was not necessary.      

Aside from this, Ha-joon sometimes lingered in Lian's apartment in the evening, helping her with dinner. When he was not with her, he would call and speak to her on the phone for at least half an hour.     

On one occasion, where Ha-joon was required to report to Anton in the city, Lian's car miraculously got fixed despite Ha-joon telling her that it would take two months to get it working again.      

She did not expect to see him that day, but he arrived at the factory before five, carrying a bouquet of Twix and three red roses.      

Lian was shutting her computer when he arrived. His presence made everyone in the office screamed in delight, making Lian flush. Ha-joon pretended to cough several times. He quickly gave her the Twix bouquet and the three red roses before pecking on her cheek.      

He whispered, "Let's go because I can feel my head burning."     

She saw his ears turning red that she pursed her lips. She said, "I - I brought my car?"     

"I'll have someone drive it back. Please," he said.      

It was her first most romantic moment yet, and while it excited Lian, she tried not to show it.      

Every weekend became an official date. Ha-joon took her to the city once, and on another weekend, he took her to the nearby zoo.      

On another Saturday, Lian paid Yanmei a visit. Ha-joon drove her to the Yeongs' mansion but left with Chun-Ho to the airport. They were headed back to Afghanistan to make a follow-through on Anton's foundation.      

Lian stayed overnight at the mansion. She and Yanmei finally had the chance to catch up, face to face.      

"So, when are you going to say the big YES!" Asked Yanmei as she and Lian took the babies out on a walk through the garden.     

"I don't know. He hasn't asked me again. Should I say yes already?" Lian asked while helping Chan-Mi to walk.      

Yanmei lifted Nari up, holding her by the arms and asked, "What do you think, baby?"     

Nari merely gave a blabber, making Lian and Yanmei smile.      

"She is getting bigger," said Lian.      

"Yes, I'd probably go back to work in a month," said Yanmei. She turned to Lian and said, "It's up to you, Lian. It's also hard to keep your heart restrained when you have wanted to be with him for so long."     

"Do you feel him being serious this time?" Yanmei asked while resting Nari in her chest.      

Lian nodded and said, "Yes, I suppose."     

"When he returns from his trip, he wants to take me trekking and camping," revealed Lian. "I - I might accept him as a boyfie should he ask again."     

"Go, girl! Get kissed! Haha! Don't ever tell aunt and uncle, I am encouraging you - "     

"Hey! You realize I am about to turn twenty-eight, right? I am as old as I can be! I can decide for myself what I want to do!" She pointed out. "God! He has only been gone for a day and I already miss him."     

"You are hopeless," remarked Yanmei.      

"Why? Weren't you this way with Anton?" Lian asked with a frown.      

"Ahhh... Haha! I might have. Sorry, I should know more about what you are feeling right now. You are right. The more you love someone, the more you want to spend the rest of your days with him. Sometimes I wish I could just tie my husband to bed!" Revealed Yanmei.      

Lian's eyes narrowed. She first gazed at the cute baby holding her hand before she muttered, "Just wait till I get to say that. I will definitely! Definitely! Tie Ha-joon to bed!"     

"I - absolutely! Did not hear what you said," said Yanmei before they both burst out into a boisterous laugh.      

It took another week for Ha-joon to return. Lian was relieved that he was safe and sound. She did not have time to fetch him from the airport, but as soon as he returned to twon, he went straight to take Lian for their trek and camping.      

They spent nearly two hours following a stream up to its water source. They wound up in a small waterfall where they took their first rest, took pictures together, and had lunch.      

Lian knew she would not be able to hold it any longer. She badly wanted to make Ha-joon hers. She earnestly hoped that he would ask her again that night.      

When they reached a hilltop, they set-up their tent and a fire in front of it.      

They had dinner watching the fire and the view of the night greeneries in front of them. They were perfectly alone in the woodlands, atop a hill.      

Laying on her back against a picnic blanket, and watching the skies, Lian said, "I'm so happy. This is the most wonderful experience I have ever had. I - I have never really camped before."     

When Ha-joon lay next to her, her heart skipped a beat. She anticipated a kiss, rather; she wanted it badly.      

Ha-joon turned to Lian's face and said, "Lian? Have you - have you thought about what I asked? It's been a month since I asked." He shifted his entire body to face Lian. He studied her for seconds before finally asking, "Will you be my girlfriend?"     

Lian closed her eyes for a second. Her insides were screaming with joy. She could practically hear fireworks inside her head and her heart! 'Yes! Yes! Yes!'     

She also turned to face Ha-joon. She took a deep breath and said, "Yes, Ha-joon. I'll be your girlfriend."     

Her face was utterly red, but it hid in the darkness. Lian could see Ha-joon smile and just as she had been yearning, he moved closer to cover her lips.      

They both felt the warmth of their breaths, their distinct tastes, and the touch of their hands. It did not take long for Ha-joon to get on top of Lian, feeling the heat of their kiss.      

After what it felt like half an hour of just making out, Ha-joon pulled away and rested on his back. He said, "I think it was a good idea that you said yes to me while we are out here in the wilderness. I - I honestly may not be able to control myself and ask everything of you if we were in your apartment."     

Lian was still in heaven. She had butterflies in her stomach, and she was still catching her breath. Hearing Ha-joon said those words, she bit her lip in dismay. After some time, she asked, "Are - are you sure it's safe to camp out here? It's not yet too late to go back... is it?"     

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