Tricking My Cold Lover

The "I Love You" Words

The "I Love You" Words

0Yanmei only spent three hours at the park. Their party went separate ways afterward. Lian and Ha-joon went off to their weekend date, while Garry also had a date with his own.      

Whereas, Yanmei and her kids returned to the Yeongs' mansion for the babies' rest.     

In the evening that day, Anton and Yanmei were both having coffee at the study when she asked about Ha-joon.      

"Mine? Do you think Ha-joon is serious about my cousin?" She asked before sipping on her coffee from the intimate sitting area.      

Anton, who sat behind a desk, leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs. He held up the coffee to his face and frowned. He answered, "Mine, Ha-joon is the most honest person I know. Second to me of course."     

She sneered and said, "Where do I fit it?"     

"Mine, come on. You know what I mean," he answered. "Me and dad, we've known him since he was sixteen! Of course, he is. And he would never risk it, getting involved with your cousin, knowing any further problems will anger me."     

"He was just confused, torn of what to do at first. She is his first girlfriend after all... Trust me when I say, he means Lian well. I would not have encouraged him if I had doubts. She is your cousin after all, I am also looking out for her... despite her unusually forward behavior."     

"I see." She said before sighing. She pondered for a second before saying more, "Well, I'm glad to know. It's just that he hasn't told Lian he loved her yet. I just want to make sure they are okay."     

"Ah, the I Love You words... tsk, tsk, tsk..." Said Anton. "Mine, they have only been together what? Three months? For a man, I Love You are strong words. I'm sure he is also assessing, wondering if Lian strongly feels that way about him."     

'Or, he finally realized how hard it was to say it to the right woman,' he thought, judging Ha-joon secretly.     

He turned to Yanmei with the most serious expression on his face and said, "Don't worry, mine. I am his love guru, you know." He massaged his chin and his eyes narrowed before saying, "I know... exactly what to do."     

"Really, now?" Yanmei was giggling, hearing about her husband being a love guru. She said, "Well, I trust you... because you are the greatest!"     

"Of course!" Echoed Anton. "We both are."     

Anton already formulated the best payback for Ha-joon's previous mocking on his I Love You practice back in the day. He concluded it was the best time for him to make Ha-joon recognized that the struggle to say the magic words were real.      

Upon his next visit to his secret base, he called for Ha-joon in one of their interrogation rooms. They both sat in front of a table when Anton said, "Ha-joon. I'm here for a very important mission."     

"Mission? What - what is it, Yeong?" Ha-joon asked.      

"See that piece of paper over there? I'll need you to read every line," Anton instructed before he crossed his arms against his chest.     

Ha-joon frowned. His hand slowly crawled up to the surface of the table and flipped open the folded paper. To his surprise, it was filled with various lines, specifically including the "I Love You" words and Lian in it.      

They were different ways to say I Love You.     

When Ha-joon realized what his boss was implying he burst out laughing for seconds. He said, "Yeong?! Seriously! I Don't think I would have a problem saying this to Lian."     

"Haha! Cocky, I see." Anton scoffed and said, "Come on, Ha-joon. You are not too far off from me. We are similar in many ways." He lifted a finger at him and said, "I am here to repay the efforts you have done for me in the past."     

"As your love guru, it is now my turn to aid you in practicing the words, I LOVE YOU... say it," ordered Anton. He leaned forward and rested both his elbows on the table, clasping his hands together.      

"No, Yeong. Please, let's not go there. Seriously." Ha-joon tried to laugh it off, but soon his delight turned into a fright, seeing Anton's eyes sharpened.      

"What are you waiting for, Ha-joon? Say it!" He repeated, this time in a commanding tone of voice.      

Ha-joon breathed in heavily. He could not believe his boss was turning the tables around... when it did not even apply to him. He gulped and said, "Yeong, I don't think I have a problem saying... I love you."     

In a fraction of a second, Anton felt a lump in his throat. He loosened his tie and said, "Well, you are obviously talking and seeing me. Yes, I know you value me as much, but you should be imagining Lian - she being your girlfriend now."     

Perplexed over Anton's response, Ha-joon said, "No, Yeong! I don't have word fright as you did. I can say it!"      

Ha-joon realized Lian might have brought it up as a concern with Yanmei. Why else would Anton be putting him in this situation? He explained, "It's just that... I - I couldn't find the right moment with Lian... I just wanted it to be a perfect time."     

"Like you, I also hold a deeper meaning to the words, but I think I can say it outright - I mean I will probably be nervous, but I think I can say it."     

When Anton did not say a word, he added, "I can perfectly say, I love you, Lian."     

Anton's nose flared. He could not accept it. He gritted his teeth and slammed the side of his fist on the table. He said, "Ha-joon. Do you think that matters at this point?"     

He pointed to the paper and said, "You are still required to say those lines, regardless! Now, read!"     

Silence and cold air filled the room that Ha-joon reluctantly agreed, "Ahh.. okay, if you say so."     

He began to read the lines Anton had prepared for him.     

"I love you, Lian."     

"Lian, I love you, very much."     

"I love you, more than words, Lian. Please say you love me too."     

"Lian, I am head over heals for you. I love you."     

There were practically fifty lines that Anton had Junsu prepare for him, and it was because Ha-joon read them with no difficulty that he made him repeat the entire paper twenty times.      

When they were done, Anton was silent for a moment, covering his mouth with his hand while he rested his elbow onto the table. His eyes were nearly close, just giving Ha-joon intense stares.      

After what it felt like five minutes of glaring, Anton sighed and said, "Good! Good job!" He fixed his tie and coat while saying, "Of course, I knew you could say it! I just wanted to give you variations to choose from."     

When Anton got up, he added, "In that way, when you are finally ready to say it, you can flood Lian with many of those words."     

Ha-joon, "???"     

"I am very proud of you Ha-joon!" He extended his hand to Ha-joon and ordered, "Don't forget to thank me now."     

Ha-joon shot him the same intense gaze as he shook his hand. Despite knowing Anton for long, there were still moments when he was left dumbfounded by his actions. Still, he said, "Thank you, Yeong for the special training."     

"You are welcome! Now, let's go check on the men from Afghanistan who will graduate from training today," said Anton. It was his way of changing the topic.      

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