Tricking My Cold Lover

The Dessert Fork

The Dessert Fork

0Iseul and Chun-Ho were both walking back and forth outside the mansion door. They did not know how to play along with Yanmei's request.      

She had instructed the two to give Lian compliments during dinner while... in front of Ha-joon. They were expected to join them for dinner that night.      

"This is suicidal," remarked Chun-Ho. "Why is the Mrs. giving us a hard time?"     

A bright idea suddenly crept into Iseul's mind. He whispered to Chun-Ho's ears, formulating a plan.      

Anton arrived first before Ha-joon. He noticed Chun-Ho and Iseul's awkward glances but dismissed it. He went straight to the dining area where his wife was already waiting.      

"Mine?" He said, pecking on Yanmei's cheek.      

Yanmei turned to kiss on his lips before gesturing him to kiss on Chan-Mi. She said, "Nari is upstairs, sleeping."     

Anton also pecked on Yeong Soon's cheek before he took his seat next to Yanmei and Chan-Mi. "Where is your cousin?"     

"She should be here anytime soon," said Yanmei. "She said her day was good."     

The food was already served when they heard more footsteps coming their way. Yanmei said, "That should be them." Turning to Yeong Soon, she said, "Ready Mommy Soon?"     

"Ready! I like playing cupid! Haha!" Said Yeong Soon before giggling in the direction of Jae-won.      

Jae-won could only shake his head.      

"Hmmmm... What are you two planning?" Asked Anton.      

"Nothing," said Yanmei. "By the way, I asked our three boys to join us for dinner."     

When Lian and Ha-joon arrived at the dining area, Yanmei stood up to peck on her cousin's cheek. "How was your drive?"     

"It was fine, cuz. Thank you for being so concerned," said Lian. She bowed her head to Anton's parents and greeted them for the evening. "Thank you for having me here."     

"Ha-joon, please join us for dinner. You can take the seats in front of us," said Yanmei.      

Ha-joon gave his greetings and took the seat as directed by their lady boss. He was sitting next to Lian.      

Chun-Ho and Iseul eventually arrived after making last-minute checks on the security. Iseul took the seat next to Ha-joon while Chun-Ho sat next to Lian.      

Just as the Yeongs gestured for everyone to start dinner, Yanmei glared at the two and cleared her throat. Iseul and Chun-Ho looked at each other before they finally spoke.      

"My, Mrs. Yeong." Chun-Ho said, referring to Yeong Soon. "The way you decorate your home is as lovely as always. And! You look lovely today."     

"Haha! Thank you, son," Yeong Soon laughed at Chun-Ho's words.      

Just when they thought he was done throwing compliments. He turned to Yanmei and said, "And the Mrs. as always, look very vibrant and young. The perfect lady boss."     

Anton glared at Chun-Ho, making him gulp. He coughed out of the situation, turning to Lian. "And of course, Lian is just as radiant as the Mrs."     

"You look good in your... office attire, Ms. Lian," Chun-Ho added before awkwardly glancing at Iseul. He raised his brow, signaling him it was his turn.      

Iseul sneered and fixed his tie. He waved at Chan-Mi and said, "Little miss! You look so pretty!" He leaned back and added, "Of course, Mrs. is the prettiest."     

He then looked at Ha-joon and then to Lian before he said, "Ah, Miss Lian, good evening again. Did I ever tell you that your eyes are as sparkling as the Mrs.?"     

Lian had heard Yanmei's bodyguards call her Mrs. She knew exactly who they meant. She smiled and said, "Yes, and that's probably because we are cousins!"     

Ha-joon was earlier drinking water when his two other buddies decided to give praises, but when Iseul appreciated Lian's eyes, he turned to her direction. He put down his glass and focused on her face, flushing at the compliment.      

Ha-joon immediately turned to Iseul and tightened his eyes.      

Iseul and Chun-Ho determined that they can still give Lian praises as their lady boss required of them while doing the same to the other ladies at the table. In that way, Ha-joon would not feel malicious about their actions.      

When Yanmei realized what they were doing, she casually put food on her plate and said to her husband, "Mine, what would be the punishment for your men in cases of.... insubordination?"     

Iseul's eyes grew wide. Chun-Ho sneered.      

Anton chowed down a slice of pear before he answered, "That rarely happens, but it can range from salary cuts to being sent to the north."     

"Oooohh! Sent to the north! I like the idea," said Yanmei. She smiled and glanced at Iseul and Chun-Ho. "But, I'm sure no one would go against me, being your wife, right mine?"     

A frown reflected on Anton's face. He asked, "Why?" He looked at Chun-Ho and Iseul before probing, "Who would disobey my wife?!"     

"No - no, mine. Relax! No one did... Not yet," said Yanmei before grinning mischievously.      

Chun-Ho felt his heart race. He sighed and reached for some spicy beef ribs. He said, "Ms. Lian, can I help fill your plate? A beautiful lady like you should be served by a gentleman!"     

Ha-joon, "..."     

"Oh, my. Thank you!" Said Lian.      

"Ms. Lian," called Iseul. He purposely leaned against Ha-joon to get close to Lian. "I really like your perfume. It suits you."     

Lian giggled and said, "Today I - I just had a Vitoria Secret spray, nothing special."     

The two began a series of compliments and even competed to offer Lian her food, making Ha-joon frown for the most part of the dinner.      

Anton could only shake his head, realizing this was his wife's doing. Yeong Soon and Yanmei giggled frequently.      

When dessert finally came, Ha-joon saw the two eager to help the maids. He stood up immediately and said, "Sit down, both of you."     

Ha-joon received two slices of cake from the maids and settled it in front of him and Lian. He took the dessert fork and cut through the cake of Lian. He raised it up to her mouth and ordered, "Eat."     

Everyone's eyes were wide open, except for Anton. He had his brows drawn together.      

At that very moment, Ha-joon forgot the prying eyes around him and repeated himself, "Eat."     

Lian awkwardly opened her mouth and accepted the cake. Her face could not help but slightly flush at being fed by Ha-joon. He practically fed her with the cake until her full slice was finished.      

"Awwwe. That is so sweet, Ha-joon. You two make a really good pair," remarked Yeong Soon and she followed it with a teasing smile.      

Only then did Ha-joon realized he gave himself away. He coughed and drank a glass of water. He said, "It's getting late. We should be heading back."     

"Thank you for the lovely dinner." Ha-joon bowed his head in respect to the Yeongs and his boss before excusing himself. He turned to Lian and said, "I'll wait for you outside."     

Looking at his two comrades, he ordered, "I'll speak to you outside. Now."     

Lian was still dreamy when she tried to get him back to his seat. She pointed at his cake and said, "Don't you - want to - finish your cake?"     

"No. I'll wait for you outside," he said while maintaining a calm yet blank expression. He bowed again before he walked outside. Iseul and Chun-Ho had sweat on their foreheads as they frantically followed Ha-joon.      

Yanmie giggled and glanced at her cousin, but what Lian did next made her eyes beam. "Lian?! What are you doing?"     

Xia Lian warped the dessert fork with her table napkin, the same that Ha-joon used to feed him. She said, "Just keeping memories."     

The dining table became filled with laughter, coming from Yanmei and Yeong Soon. Whereas, Lian blushed unendingly, but still maintained to put the fork inside her trouser's pocket.      

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