Tricking My Cold Lover

Atypical Call of Nature

Atypical Call of Nature


After getting naked with his wife, Anton received sensational lip service from Yanmei. The huge size that previously hid beneath his clothes was now utterly angry, standing in respect for his lovely wife.     

However, before satisfying himself, he wanted to please Yanmei. Her orgasm was equally rewarding in his eyes. Moreover, he loved the taste of her rose, her scent, and the wetness that covered his rod whenever they made love.      

Yanmei was facing down on the bed. She turned her face to the left and clenched her hands against the sheets. Her eyes fluttered the second she felt Anton's warm breath on the back of her neck.      

Anton purposely brushed his beard against his wife's skin while blowing air into it. He lingered in each area for a second before moving on to the rest of her fair and sexy back.     

After her neck, he traced with his tongue on every inch of her shoulders. Soon enough, he gave her light, yet stimulating kisses as he made his way down to the back of her waist, his hands equally touching her skin.      

When Anton found her two-round flesh, he opened his mouth wide to bite gently on her behind.      

"Aaaahhh! Mine," Yanmei moaned, feeling his angry teeth against her skin.      

Anton tasted his wife's ass with his tongue. He loved its softness and how fair her skin was. His wife's exposed body was absolutely stirring his senses. He hissed each time he sat up to marvel on her frame.      

"Mine, raise your ass for me," he instructed while giving himself a good palming. "Just a little bit."     

She did as he asked, raising her two-round flesh and giving him a perfect view of her peach.      

"Scchhhhh... So beautiful," he complimented how her bottom lips were so soft looking, so fair, and how its entrance reflected that pinkish slit. He concluded it was calling out to him.      

He dived in without hold, burying his face in between her behind. He put his hands on each bottom cheek and spread it wide to give him a better room. He stuck inside his tongue to flicker on her rose while occasionally bring it up to her pink hole.      

He did this again and again until he noticed his wife's legs trembling.      

"Aaaaahhh! Aaaaahhh!" Yanmei let out a loud moan, reaching climax, following her husband's expert flicking tongue. She absolutely loved how he was constantly hungry for her.      

Despite her body still shaking from the feeling of orgasm, she turned to him and pleaded, "Please, mine. Please do me. I want you inside me now!"     

"Okay. Stay down, mine," he ordered before getting into position on top of his wife. He meant to do it from her behind.      

Yanmei felt her insides were still throbbing and with her husband's rod rubbing against her entrance, more cries of pleasure escaped her lips. "Aaahhhh... Mmmmmm... Yeahhhh - Aaaaahhhhh! Haaahhh!"     

She practically jolted, sensing a hard, thick, and long shaft enter her from behind. It was filling her completely, reaching her very ends and rubbing against her every side. "Oh, it's sooo bigggg."     

"Fuck! Scchhh," Anton also cursed in satisfaction the second his entire member enter her thoroughly. "Mine, you are so wet. It feels so good."     

"Do you want me so badly?" He asked, putting his lips against her ear.      

"Yes, mine. Make love to me... Please - Haaah! Aaahh!" Her words were cut off by Anton's powerful thrust. He moved his hips eagerly, slamming hard against his wife's behind.      

Anton could never get enough of how his wife's peach sucked his member in. It was tight, yet it was slippery enough for him to glide back and forth inside of her.      

For half an hour, he relentlessly pounded against his wife while frequently gasping and filling the room with erotics cries of pleasure.      

"Kiss me, mine," he ordered.      

With difficulty, Yanmei raised her head and turned to his direction. They kissed for a moment as Anton pump from behind her. They let go only after Anton felt he was nearing climax.      

"I'm coming, mine," he revealed before raising his torso up and focusing on his pumping motion.      

The familiar slapping sound of their flesh quickly resonated across the room along with their moans.     

Not a moment too soon, Anton reached climax. He wanted to erupt outside his wife's womb, but the feeling was too satisfying that he came inside of her.      

"Aaahh! Fuck! Fuck!" He pushed harder a few more times before he rested on top of his wife, panting.      

"Mine?" Yanmei asked. "You came inside?"     

"Hmmmm... You are taking pills right?" He clarified.      

"Yes," she confirmed. "Oh, well. I'm about to have my last pill anyway, so I suppose it's fine."     

"What do you mean?" He probed, not understanding what she meant.      

"It means I am going to have my period soon," she answered. "So we won't be able to do it in the next couple of days."     

"Fuck! Okay. I'll take a leave from work tomorrow. Let's do it the entire night," he suggested. He got up and flipped his wife over. "Are you ready for another round?"     

It was because Yanmei committed to pay him back for the days she was lacking affection that she reluctantly agreed. With just minutes of break, they were once again at it, making love inside their room.      

The moans resumed. The bouncing bed was evident. The motion of two sexy bodies on top of each other only settled in the wee hours.     

Yanmei got pounded three times in a period of four hours. She was completely drained and lay on top of her husband despite the sweat on their bodies.      

Morning came and Yanmei felt kisses on her cheeks. She hummed, turning to her husband with her eyes, still partly closed. She asked, "Mine? Is it morning already?"     

"Yes, it's morning, my lovely wife," said Anton. He pecked on her cheeks and onto her lips before he revealed. "We have to take care of my morning erection now. It's the call of nature."     

"Whaat? Seriously? Call of nature? Since when is a man's morning erection part of "call of nature?" She retorted with a frown.      

She sat up and found his length very, very hard, and very, very big. She pouted her lips and said, "Oooohhh... It's so big." She bit her lip and told herself, 'How could I say no to that?'     

Despite her slight objection, she gave in. While it was tiring, it was equally satisfying, especially since it was her husband's gorgeous body lusting on her. Once again, her insides were filled with his extra-large size.      

When the morning "call of nature" had been attended to, Yanmei could not get up. Her knees were trembling and her insides were still burning. She said, "Mine, just ask the maid to bring us food in the room."     

She did not want her mother-in-law to see her in such a state.     

Anton had a devilish grin. He said, "Why... my dear wife. I did not think you wanted more after a heavy exercise."     

He was already getting ready to take a shower but hearing his wife not wanting to leave the room; he concluded to give in to his desire since the "call of nature" had already been addressed.      

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