Tricking My Cold Lover

Professional Cupid

Professional Cupid

0After the celebration, groups turned their preferred tables, catching up with each other or plainly goofing around, especially Yanmei's cousins.      

Anton and Yanmei first brought Chan-Mi to their hotel suite for her rest before returning to the venue, hopping from one table to another. They first dropped by to where Yanmei's cousins lingered to talk over liquor. Garry was there as well, joining the fun.     

"Anton, did you know that Yanmei got fired back in the states? Hence her reason for returning to China?" Garry told on Yanmei. "She a porn video to her entire office! Haha!"     

Yanmei's eyes grew wide. She turned to Anton's angry glare and said, "No - that was not how it happened."     

She had to explain everything to her husband about how she left her work in the US, but despite redeeming herself, the entire table had completely cracked up, hearing how Yanmei mistakenly sent to the entire office a video of her supervisor cheating with the boss.      

It was one part of her past that she was ashamed of, and she never told Anton about it. She could only curse in silence, 'Damn, you Garry!'     

It was because the entire group within the table was getting drowned in liquor that they were practically losing part of their reason, including Garry.     

"Oh, Yanmei, I found an old necklace the Bais gave to you before! It was still at grandpa Gang's house!" said one of Yanmei's cousin. "What do you want to do with this?"     

"Throw it!" Anton said out loud. Realizing that he had shown irritation, he said, "It must be rusted old jewelry. You can have it."     

Shifting to Yanmei, he put his arm around her and said, "Yanmei is already my wife. She cares not about the Bais." His eyes narrowed before he added, "She has an entire room of jewelry!"     

He sneered before proclaiming, "More importantly, my presence is more than enough to satisfy my wife... She is... very... very into me."     

It took every strength of Yanmei to hold her giggle after her husband's jealousy. After sensing the silence in the group, she said, "And you all know that I am crazy over my husband!"     

"Of course! It says a lot on your Instagram posts," said Xia Ping.      

"Sorry." It was all that her cousin could say for mentioning the Bais in the first place.     

While Yanmei's cousins were all laughing and getting entertained by their exchanges, Xia Lian was looking from a distance. Her attention was fixed on a man five tables away.      

When Yanmei saw this, she spoke to Lian. "Cuz, how is work recently?"     

Xia Lian was an accountant and a good one at that. She worked independently, doing consultancy jobs, helping small and medium enterprises manage their finances. Like Yanmei, she did not want to work for the Royal Dragon anymore.      

"Cuz! Lian!" Yanmei repeated, looking across the table.      

"What?!" Xia Lian finally turned.      

"So... that is Ha-joon, huh?" Xia Ping teased. He shifted to Anton and said, "My cousin has a crush on your right hand, man."     

"Hmmm... So I heard." Anton was expressionless for seconds. He had already learned from Yanmei about this and was aware of her plan. He was not sold to the idea, especially since it involved Ha-joon. Moreover, Xia Lian was rather... too aggressive for his right-hand man.     

Last night, he told Yanmei, it may not work between the two of them. Despite his warning, his wife was determined to give it a try. Thus, he agreed to give Xia Lian the chance to get close to Ha-joon.      

"I was asking about your job because I mean to offer you an assistant work at my husband's company - "     

"Pfft! Assistant?! Yanmei, I would not want - "     

"Oh, right. Too bad. Ha-joon really needs a good assistant - "     

"I'd love to! It's a deal! I think it's an adventure coming to another country!" Declared Xia Lian.     

"Wow, that was quick," remarked Xia Ping.     

"I was shocked myself," remarked Yanmei.      

"Well, I am over being shy about it. Ping already told on me and! I am drunk!" Announced Lian. "Hell, yeah! So... When do I start?"     

She extended her hand across the table from where Yanmei sat, confirming she would take the job.     

 They all went into laughter, cheering Xia Lian on.      

 Yanmei shook the hand of her cousin and responded, "As soon as you can - "     

"Tomorrow is fine with me. Mom and dad can ship the rest of my things here!" Said Xia Lian, her face utterly red, clearly somewhat intoxicated.     

The entire table roared in laughter. It took almost a minute for their giggles to die down. Only then did Yanmei say, "You are too eager, cuz. Go home, get your things, and come back in a week."      

Yanmei turned to the table where Ha-joon was before she said, "besides, we still need to arrange an apartment for you."     

Looking back at her cousin, Yanmei said, "For now, would you like to come with me and join their table?"     

"I want to, but I had too much to drink! I might end up confessing my love and be heartbroken altogether," she reasoned.      

Yanmei stood up and said, "Very well then, I'll just clear a path for you."     

Anton and Yanmei went to to the table where Ha-joon sat. It was where Andrea, Lu Fang, Li Wen, and Xia Ting were sitting as well.      

Ha-joon was talking to Andrea about Hanxi when the couple arrived.      

"So what is the serious discussion here?" Yanmei probed as soon as she sat down with her husband.      

"Oh, we were just telling Ha-joon about the changes in Hanxi," said Andrea. She leaned over to say, "Hanxi has a girlfriend. In fact, he is in Italy right now!"     

Ha-joon shook his head. He said, "I just can't believe it. The dude is a virgin! How does he find a girlfriend too soon?!"     

"Well, should you want to know," said Andrea. She looked everyone in the eye before she revealed, " Everything! Was my doing! I am a professional cupid!"     


Lu Fang leaned back, shaking his head, suggesting not to believe his wife.      

"So, Ha-joon, if you need help in getting a girlfriend, just let me know." Andrea pointed a finger at Ha-joon before adding, "I'm your cupid."     

"Well, actually Andy, Ha-joon does need a girlfriend," teased Yanmei, but before she could say more, Ha-joon stood up.      

"Excuse me, bosses. I need to check security around the premises. It was fun talking to you." He turned to Yanmei and said, "Mrs., Yeong, happy birthday again to the young miss."     

He left the table without saying another word, leaving Yanmei disappointed. She hasn't even begun and it would seem as though she was already been defeated.      

Anton sighed and said, "I told you. Ha-joon is difficult." He then directed his gaze to his siblings to explain, "My wife is trying to pair Ha-joon to Xia Lian. Her attempt to being a cupid."     

"Ooohhhhh," Li Wen said. "Think it's not bad at all."     

Xia Ting, on the other hand, shook his head. He said, "I don't know about that. Lian is a disaster in love. She might become an old maid."     

Yanmei pouted her lips and said, "but - but, mine. You married me! Aren't you the more difficult one? Why would Ha-joon be more difficult to crack?"     

"Mine! You forget... You tricked me and I fell into your trap," reminded Anton, recalling the days when he thought she was a lesbian.     

"And don't forget! I was your cupid!" Andrea inserted, giving a wink. She now had all of her memories and clearly remembered how she turned her brother into gay.     

"Oh, yes. How could I forget that it was all your fault?" Anton said, glaring at his sister, Andrea.      

"Hey, you should thank, Andy. You married Yanmei," Li Wen pointed out. "Regardless of her means, it worked!"     

"You are lucky to marry a Xia," added Xia Ting.      

Lu Fang cleared his throat and said, "And I already paid the price of what my wife did."     

"So, how about it, Yanmei? Do you want to be a professional cupid? I can give you a free consultation," said Adrea with the most serious expression on her face.     

Lu Fang gulped.      

Anton squinted at his sister.      

Li Wen and Xia Tin burst into laughter together with Yanmei.      

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