Tricking My Cold Lover

Not Leonarda

Not Leonarda

0On the day of Chan-Mi's birthday, everyone gathered at the biggest ballroom of the hotel. The entire venue was decorated with colorful paper lanterns, balloons, and sides had huge paintings of the birthday girl as she was growing up.      

One side of the venue was dedicated only to Chan-Mi's first works of art. For a one-year-old, Cha-Mi's first paints were completely abstract, showing variations of colors with her hand-prints, sometimes with the use of a big brush.      

Still, it was valuable to Yanmei because she could tell Chan-Mi had a talent for art. She could see it in how her daughter's eyes twinkled every time they had a painting activity at home.      

The theme for her birthday was painting. Chan-Mi had a huge cake with various painting tools as part of its decorations. The event organizers also prepared a long table filled with desserts, frosted, or coated with rainbow-colored chocolate.      

It was made perfect, suited for a celebrant who absolutely loved to color.      

Everyone in the venue was looking forward to seeing Chan-Mi, especially the Xias, whom who had not seen her since.      

From outside doors of the ballroom, Anton and Yanmei prepare for their first princess' grand entrance.      

Anton had an obvious grimace on his face while holding on to his daughter. He was wearing a white overall suite with a rainbow tie. How he hated the idea. To him, it was worse than wearing a purple suit. He said, "This is absolutely not fashionable."     

However, after Chan-Mi continuously touched his tie, he sighed and said, "You like that don't you baby?"     

"Yes!" Said Chan-Mi with glittering eyes before she hugged her daddy.      

Yanmei, on the other hand, was wearing a white dress that flowed down to her feet and towards the end were actual paintings made by Chan-Mi. She naturally helped her daughter with painting her dress and regardless if it was perfectly done or not, she wore it! It had handprints of her baby and she loved it.     

The birthday girl wore a rainbow tutu dress. Her hair had a floral headband, and her shoes were made in bright pink.     

Unfortunately, Nari was still not allowed by her doctor to participate in celebrations where it was too crowded. She had to stay behind at their hotel suite with the caregiver and Ning Suyin.      

"Mr. and Mrs. Yeong, it's time for the birthday girl to make her entrance," said the event coordinator.      

Anton breathed in heavily, knowing he was about to reveal himself to the crowd, wearing a rainbow tie, but looking at his eager daughter, he let himself forget the momentary shame.      

As soon as the music played, Anton's forehead began to sweat. He was literally more uneasy than the birthday girl, just because of the tie.      

He let Chan-Mi stand on her own feet, ready for their entrance.      

When the doors opened, everyone applauded to the sight of the lovely couple holding to Chan-Mi's hands. They were all walking to a princess song in the middle of the ballroom.      

"A dream is a wish your heart makes     

When you're fast asleep     

In dreams you will lose your heartaches     

Whatever you wish for, you keep     

Have faith in your dreams and someday     

Your rainbow will come smiling through     

No matter how your heart is grieving     

If you keep on believing     

The dream that you wish will come true."     

In the middle of the song, Chan-Mi did not feel like walking anymore. She raised her arms in the direction of her daddy. Yanmei tried to carry her, but Chan-Mi refused. She only wanted her daddy.     

Anton took their little girl instead, awkwardly smiling at the crowd.      

From the guests, an obvious aww could be heard along with words of adoration for the father and daughter. It became clear to them that the first child of Anton and Yanmei was a daddy's girl.      

After reaching the stage, Yanmei took a microphone and gave her welcome greetings.      

"Thank you for coming to our Chan-Mi's first birthday. A year ago, our little princess was our most awaited gift. Everyone who is here with us knew how we longed for Chan-Mi's arrival and now, here she is, already a year older. It's amazing how time flies."     

She turned to the camera and said, "From the cameras, our little Nari is also watching us today."     

The huge screen behind them suddenly reflected a live feed of the sleeping Nari, being carried by Ning Suyin.      

More awws could be heard from the crowd before Yanmei explained, "It will be for a while before Nari can join a large gathering such as this, but even if she is at the hotel room, I'm sure she is happy to celebrate her sister's birthday."     

Yanmei went on thanking her family who came all the way from China, and Anton also gave his fair share of appreciation and welcoming words.      

Eventually, the couple took their seats with Chan-Mi in the center of the stage. Soon enough, more photos and videos of the birthday girl were presented on the large-screen, especially showcasing her developmental milestones.      

The video reflected Chan-Mi's first blabber, the first time she said "dada" and "mama", her first painting, and her first walk on her own.      

Following the presentation, everyone indulged in sumptuous dishes for their lunch. More live song and dances were incorporated in the gathering, including games and activities for the children.      

Part of the program included for all children to create a canvas of their own. Chan-Mi was the most excited. She was clapping her hands and reaching out to the paint being handed to her.      

A canvas, four feet in height, was prepared for their princess to make art within the center of the stage.     

With Yanmei and Anton's help, she happily dipped her fingers in the black paint and seemingly created a round figure. She giggled and looked back at her parents. She said, "Daddy!"     

She then used her other hand to put inside her fingers on a purple paint and created another round finger on the canvas. She giggled again and said, "Mommy!"     

Only then did Anton and Yanmei realized she was associating the colors to both of them.      

"Oh, my goodness! That is right, baby!" exclaimed Yanmei. She kneeled down to Chan-Mi and said, "Mommy likes purple!"     

Chan-Mi smiled again and said, "Mommy!"     

"That's right!" Yanmei looked at the other figure in black before she said, "And you seem to know what colors daddy like."     

She looked at Anton from the other side, chuckling. She asked Chan-Mi, "Baby, what colors does daddy like? Paint daddy's favorite colors!"     

Chan-Mi dipped her fingers to selective paints. On one side of the canvas were black, white, gray, and blue. Chan-Mi perfectly recalled most shades of her daddy's suit and clothes. She giggled again and said, "Daddy!"     

"That's right! I'm so proud of you!" Praised Yanmei, giving Chan-Mi kisses on her cheeks.      

Anton too was pleased and kissed Chan-Mi's other cheek. He said, "See! There was no reason for daddy to wear a rainbow tie."     

"Pfft! Whatever, mine. That tie stays," said Yanmei.     

After Chan-Mi finished her canvas, Yanmei said, "Mine, I have a feeling that Chan-Mi will be a great painter one day."     

"Mine, this is just a hobby she is forming. You'll see, she will get over it in a few years," said Anton. "Chan-Mi will be a businesswoman."     

"No, mine. She will be whatever she wants to me," said Yanmei.      

"Mine, please... your daughter is not Leonarda! Her name is Chan-Mi. She will be a businesswoman," said Anton persistently.      

Puzzled, Yanmei asked with a frown, "Who is Leonarda?"     

"The famous painter, Leonardo da Vinci. Leonarda... is the female version," said Anton seriously, making Yanmei burst out laughing.      

After settling herself, Yanmei said, "Chan-Mi will make a name for herself. She doesn't have to be a Leonarda."     


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