Tricking My Cold Lover



0Yanmei offered a shoulder to cry on for her newfound friend, Rae Bin. Yanmei could not tell her everything would be better, but what she promised was that Rae Bin could speak to her anytime she needed to. Yanmei could at least listen to her pain and cry with her.      

While Yanmei was with Rae Bin at the NICU, Anton spoke to the hospital administrator. He paid off the twin's current medical fees and made a deposit for the other child of Rae Bin. It was enough to sustain her child's future medical expenses for another month, depending on the need.      

He then ordered Dr. Jung to look after the child, hoping another specialist could provide more direction in the treatment of Rae Bin's child. As instructed by Anton, all help extended to the family would remain a secret.     

Eventually, Rae Bin's husband and the rest of her family arrived. Only then did Yanmei step back and went looking for Anton.      

It was, at the same time, when Li Wen and Ning Suyin arrived. They took a moment to check on Nari before everyone had a late breakfast at the nearby restaurant.      

As they were eating, Li Wen gave reminders and enlightening words to Yanmei, especially since she and her children were returning to Guangzhou.      

"Yanmei, it's always very painful as a mother to see their children in a difficult condition, but always remember to take care of your health because Nari will need you when she gets out of the hospital."     

With a smile, Yanmei responded, "Yes, I am working on that. Thank you, Wen."     

"And I think you are doing a great job, learning all those medical terms and how to check Nari's vitals - I see you from the viewing area, learning how to listen to Nari's chest and - " Li Wen gulped, just thinking about suctioning her own child with a suction machine.      

Li Wen had seen Yanmei learn how to use the suction machine, and she thought it was very daring of her. It was because Dr. Jung told that Nari may need a suction machine at home that Yanmei took it upon herself to pick up the skill.      

With a sigh, she said, "You are a strong mother to find the courage to insert that catheter on Nari's nose." She placed a hand on Yanmei's shoulder and added, "To tell you honestly, I don't know if I could do it myself."     

"Yes, that is right," said Ning Suyin, giving Yanmei a smile. "Yanmei, my dearest daughter. It's good that you are learning to be hands-on with Nari's care. Premature babies need more than the usual love and attention they need."     

While Li Wen saw the growth in Yanmei as a mother, she also saw the same with her brother.     

Turning nostalgic, Li Wen shifted to Anton. She said, "Brother. All I can say is... I have never been so proud of you, being Yanmei's strength and seeing through her unstated needs - taking the time to see Nari despite your busy schedule and being a daddy to Chan-Mi - "     

"You've just turned into such a wonderful husband to Yanmei and a caring - loving father. You've grown so - "     

"Enough. Let's continue eating. Your children are looking at me like I've turned into a creep," said Anton.     

Xia Jianyu was smirking at how his mother was describing his previously cold and overbearing uncle. Whereas, Xia Mei merely smiled in agreement, having not seen that cold side of Anton.     

Seeing Ning Suyin confused, Li Wen leaned over to Yanmei's mother and whispered, "He is trying to hide this... emotional side of him. Men."     

"Oh, I know what you mean," said Ning Suyin before smiling at Anton.     

"Mine," called Yanmei. She rested her hand on his shoulder and said, "It's true, you are a good husband and father. I am very happy to have you as my strength."     

To avoid being noticed by his sister, Anton pecked on Yanmei's cheek. He then pressed his lips against her ear and softly said, "Try not to do this in front of Li Wen. She is mocking me."     

Yanmei smiled at Li Wen before whispering back to Anton, "No, she is not. She is just expressing her observations."     

"I'm telling you, mine. She is giving me that... I TOLD YOU SO look," whispered Anton.      

Yanmei giggle and whispered back, "She has the right to give you that I TOLD YOU SO look."     

Just before they left the restaurant, Anton asked to speak to Li Wen alone.      

On a separate table, he narrated to Li Wen about his encounter with a woman named Maya. "Wen, I met a woman who claimed to be a victim of Project Zero's last abductions. She said she was kept in the room across Andy's."     

"Really?" Li Wen asked. She frowned and looked over Anton's shoulder, making sure her children and Ning Suyin could not hear them. "She told you this?"     

Anton explained what Maya wanted from him and how she might have saved Yanmei from the remaining man of Farhad. After hearing Anton's tale, Li Wen said, "I'll have a look and identify the woman."     

Back when Anton's sister, Andrea, was kidnapped by Project Zero and kept in a vessel floating in the English Channel, it was Li Wen who hacked into the ship's network, gaining access to all their files, including prisoner information.      

If it were not for Li Wen's skills in hacking, they would not have found Andrea sooner.      

"What they are doing is reckless. If she is who she claimed to be, she and his group are just exposing themselves to more power-hungry people!" Li Wen remarked.      

"Or! Be the power themselves," said Anton.      

"I'll let you know once I have the information," added Li Wen.      

Since she was already alone with her brother, Li Wen seized the moment to tease him again. She said, "I see you now and recall how you were before. You never wanted to be a husband - a father. You used to question Andy for the changes in her and now... here we are."     

Li Wen merely smiled and pointed a finger at Anton. With a smirk on her face, she nodded repeatedly, giving Anton that one last I TOLD YOU SO look.     

Anton's mouth twitched, but after seconds of getting the same expression from Li Wen, he gave up and said, "Fine! You won."     

He pointed a finger at Li Wen and declared, "One day, I'll give you that same look you are giving me. "     

"Pfft! Haha! I don't see how that is ever going to happen." Li Wen got up and said, "I love you, my dearest brother, but in as much as I want to continue tormenting you, my husband awaits."     

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