Tricking My Cold Lover

31 Weeks

31 Weeks

0Yanmei was on her 31st week of pregnancy and the baby inside her womb has still not yet fully developed. She was met with an unfortunate encounter with a man whom they believed to be one of Farhad's remaining men in Korea.      

Despite the Maybach out of shape, Minsuh rushed back to the hospital where Yanmei was treated against possible pre-mature delivery.      

The entire time, as the nurses and doctors attended to her, she cried out of fear, realizing the possibility of losing her baby. She was put on IV, steroids for the baby, and other medications to prevent contractions.     

Anton arrived at the hospital not a moment too soon, promptly comforting his wife with all that has happened. He naturally sped up the care for his wife, given his domineering behavior, threatening the nurses and doctors for their lack of efficiency.      

After her initial treatment and ultrasound, Yanmei was brought up to a private room where the new doctor met the couple with an update of Yanmei's current condition.      

Anton and Yanmei held each other's hands when the doctor spoke.      

"Mr. and Mrs. Yeong. There is a leak on the baby's bag of water. This is why Mrs. Yeong is on IV," said the doctor.      

"Mrs. Yeong, I have ordered for you to receive steroids. It's for your baby's lung development. It will help speed the growth of her lungs and she may not need so much support, should you give birth before 36 weeks."     

"We hope that your water won't break in the next twenty-four hours. You need to complete the doses of the steroids. So it is very important to think positively about everything. Remember that the baby is not yet ready to be born."     

With a frown on her face, Yanmei asked, "Doctor, what will happen if my water breaks before then?"     

The doctor sighed and said, "Your baby will be in distress, unable to breathe on her own, but then again, even if you complete the dose, the baby may still need the support of a ventilator. The baby will be in the ICU for at least a month... There is a risk of infection since her bag of water is already open."     

"The care of a premature baby is not my specialty, and thus, I have already asked an ICU pediatrician to attend to your baby... just in case you deliver her earlier," said the doctor.      

The doctor looked down at the floor. She had heard about the attack against Yanmei. It was all over the news. She said, "I'm sorry about what happened. Please stay strong for your baby's sake. She needs you now more than ever."     

"You will be put into a complete bed rest until the baby is born - hopefully, not anytime soon."     

Anton clenched his hand into a fist. He had earlier scolded Ha-joon for having missed the man who had attacked his wife. He meant to continue and let Ha-joon face his anger after hearing the doctor's words. Ultimately, however, part of him blamed himself.      

After the doctor left, Yanmei let out a heavy sigh. She felt her heart was being squeezed tightly. It was so painful that she was catching her breath. She turned to Anton and asked, "Mine, what do we do?"     

Anton sat next to his wife and hugged her tight. Never in his life did he feel so guilty for failing to protect his wife and child. He felt her worries and deep inside he had the same regard. He said, "Mine. I'm sorry. This is my fault. We - we did not find this man sooner."     

He caressed her hair and added, "I'm sorry, mine. I'm terribly sorry."     

Yanmei did not answer. She just embraced her husband tightly. She could not help but shed a tear and only after drying her face did she say, "Mine, it's not your fault. We don't always have control over everything. Not even with Li Wen on our side."     

She looked up to him and said, "I'll get through this. With you by my side. I'll get through this. We - we will get through this."     

"Thank you, mine. Thank you for not blaming me," said Anton.     

In the next twenty-four hours, Anton remained with Yanmei. He had most of his meetings online and bringing work in the hospital through Junsu. He dared not leave his wife behind, especially since he felt responsible for what happened.      

Yeong Soon and Jae-won visited. Garry and Seo-jun also came to see her, encouraging her to remain positive during this trying time.     

The entire time, Yanmei just lay in the hospital bed, waiting for the time to pass. While it was difficult, she bore it all, only for her daughter, Nari.      

On the third day, Yanmei's condition suggested to be better. She did not experience any contractions, and she was hopeful that she can pull-through until her baby was old enough to be born.     

While all of this was happening, Ha-joon was busy investigating the attack against their lady boss. After carefully going through the evidence with authorities, they determined that the man driving the sports car received help.      

The Afghan who was trying to harm Yanmei had a phone and pieces of evidence suggested that he was speaking to someone as he was driving on the road that day.      

Moreover, the car he drove was a newly purchased sports car, bought by a name that did not exist.      

If that was not enough, Ha-joon and his team had to investigate the sudden appearance of a mysterious woman who helped by killing the Afghan.     

He was left wondering who the woman was, captured in the street's surveillance camera. She had no face, but the way she sped through the road and shot the driver, Ha-joon could tell, she was an experienced mercenary.      

Back at the hospital, Anton joined his wife in bed as she slept. In the middle of their rest, Yanmei turned to his side, hugging her husband when she thought she felt wetness down her legs.     

She woke Anton in a panic. Tears quickly flowed down her face. "Mine - mine. My - my water broke. My water broke!"     

"What? No!" Anton became alarmed and immediately called the nurses outside. "Nuse! Nurse! My wife needs help!"     

The resident doctor came attending to Yanmei, but unfortunately, there was nothing else they could do. They could only wait for the baby to come out, for when the bag of water broke completely, the contractions that followed could no longer be prevented.      

Yanmei went into labor two hours after her water broke. Nari was born at 31 weeks and five days, weighing only three pounds.      

While still at the delivery room, Yanmei could not stop her tears. It was because she did not hear Nari's cry that she feared for the condition of her child. She saw her baby being taken away immediately, and it concerned her the most.     

"Doctor, how is my baby?" She asked with her voice cutting off. She was still catching her breath from having given birth. "Please... please tell me how is my baby?"     

"Yanmei, you need to rest for now. Your baby is being brought to the Neonatal ICU for care. She needs to be put on a ventilator," responded the doctor. "She - she could not breath on her own."     

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