Tricking My Cold Lover

Great, Greater, Greatest

Great, Greater, Greatest

0After sending off Shiwoo and the Suns off, the couple first took some time to play with Chan-Mi before heading to their room.     

Since Yanmei's belly began to be more obvious, they had been teaching Chan-Mi to kiss her sister every morning and evening.      

Anton sat on his knees, carrying Chan-Mi up to her mommy's belly. "Kiss your sister goodnight, baby."     

Yanmei demonstrated the kiss, and Chan-Mi happily pecked on her mommy's belly. She gave a delightful smile with eyes twinkling after achieving her task.      

"Good girl. Always love your sister. Now its time for mommy to get a kiss," said Yanmei, leaning over and lowering her cheeks.      

Chan-Mi gave Yanmei a sweet kiss. She then eagerly turned to her daddy and gave Anton multiple pecks on his cheeks.      

The sight made Yanmei frown and complain, "So unfair! I carried you in my womb for nine months!"     

She teased her daughter, stealing a kiss from Anton. Chan-Mi ended up screaming at Yanmei, smacking her with her little hands.      

Chan-Mi's actions made Anton grin. Only his family could influence him this way, and he knew it. He gave Chan-Mi one last kiss before giving her to the caregiver. He said, "Goodnight, my love."     

As the couple made the walk to their room, Yanmei took the time to appreciate her husband's efforts. She said, "Mine, you are getting better and better at expressing your feelings, showing it to Chan-Mi and of course to me."     

She held Anton's hand and said, "Thank you for being such a good daddy and husband. You are simply great!"     

"Hmmm..." He narrowed his eyes before looking at Yanmei. "I guess I am just a fast learner. It came with my extraordinary genes. As you said, I'm just so great."     

His words made Yanmei giggle. What made it even more amusing to Yanmei was how serious Anton was at his self proclamation.      

Anton: "I am serious about being great."     

Yanmei: "Of course you are. No one would dare argue with you on that."     

Anton: "Everything about me is great... Including my wife and my child."     

Yanmei was left smiling. She gave him a peck on the cheek and said, "Yes, I'm part of your greatness... Now, prepare my bath all-mighty Anton Yeong. Your greater wife needs a bath."     

"Hmmm... I am greater, but I will do your bath for safety." Anton did so as she requested. It was too risky for Yanmei to prepare her own bubble bath.     

Yanmei indulged in a warm bath full of white foam. Anton had prepared the bathtub and helped her get settled.      

"Careful. It's slippery," warmed Anton.      

"Pfft. I'm already leaning back. I'm perfectly safe with my husband right in front of me," replied Yanmei. "My great husband."     

He squinted for a second before he answered, "Hmmm... Don't forget all-mighty. Those came from your own mouth."     

After getting naked himself, Anton joined Yanmei into the tub, flaunting his manly frame, his little brother already hard after stripping naked his wife.      

She gasped and bit her lip. "Mr. Yeong, are trying to tempt this pregnant woman? Why are you always looking so delicious? You really are great."     

"And all-mighty," he added.      

He submerged half of his body under the bubble bath in front of his wife before stretching his arms. He said, "I don't know why God chose me to be perfect. It's exactly the reason why I grew a beard."     

"Ah, yes. I've heard about this story a thousand times," said Yanmei before giggling. Her husband just could not get enough of himself, but she already knew this. In fact, she is copying this side of him.     

Out of nowhere, he crawled to her side, keeping a safe distance from her belly, and covered her lips.      

Yanmei giggled as they kissed. Their lips remained locked for a minute before Anton pulled away. He said, "I'm going to eat you tonight, but for now, let me scrub you."     

"Okay, can you also wash me down here, great all-mighty Anton?" She teased.     

"Hmmmm... Do you prefer hand or tongue?" He casually asked as he helped his wife turn around. He then began to scrub on her back.      

"Both are good, but tongue really is far better," she admitted, flushing her face at her own boldness.      

"Tongue it is," he swore. "And hearing you requesting this again, makes me think I am greater."     

"No, I'm greater," Yanmei insisted.      

"Why?" He asked.      

"Because I won the heart of the all-mighty Anton Yeong. So I'm greater," she insisted.      

Squinting altogether, he asked, "So what do you call the man who won the heart of the greater woman? I probably am the greatest."     

Yanmei only laughed at his words. It soon became a competition, declaring who was the better being among them.     

Rinsing a portion of her back, he leaned closer and kissed on her nape.      

Yanmei felt goosebumps at the feel of his beard and said, "Mine, that tickles. You are giving me chills!"     

He purposely brushed his chin against her neck and said, "Until now, you are still not used to me? Your face is blushing like in the movies. If I have this effect on you, then I am the greatest."     

She threw her head back and rested it on his shoulder. She laughed again, looking at him, and answered, "Perhaps, mine. Maybe you really are the greatest. Because it's not that I'm not used to you, mine. You just endlessly give me butterflies in my stomach."     

Turning her naked self to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck. She pecked on his lips and said, "Your breath against my skin excites me. Your touch easily stirs me up. You still make me blush like all of this is our first time. Mine, till this day, you give me the thrill of my life... and I love it."     

She was rewarded with a kiss, and it warmed her heart. She added more heavenly words, silently asking for more pecks.     

"I love you with all my belly," she added.      

Her words made Anton frown, but eventually, he got an explanation. She added, "I would say my heart by my belly is the biggest part of me right now, with me and your daughter combined."     

A smirk quickly became painted on his face. Anton gave his wife another kiss.      

In an effort to respond to Yanmei's flowery words, he said, "I love you too, mine. I think of you and... my mind is quickly filled with dirty thoughts."     

Yanmei burst out laughing. She hugged her husband thoroughly and said, "I can't complain to that."     

"Mine, what do you think about Nari?" Yanmei asked.     


"The name for our baby, Nari," she explained. "I saw on the news featuring this girl, the Korean athlete who struggled through her championship? I just thought she was so impressive, I want to name our baby the same. Nari."     

"Nari means Lily," said Anton. "And it's a beautiful name."     

"Nari it is then," said Yanmei.      

"Mine?" She called his attention.      


"Do you realize how you always follow whatever I tell you to? Because I am your boss, remember? So I am greater?" She teased.      

Anton sighed and said, "We are both the greatest - supreme amongst the rest. That's why we are married."     

She wrinkled her nose and said, "I could get used to this egocentric life."     

"Yes, the advantage of marrying me. You become equally great as me." Anton closed their conversation of whoever was greater. There was no winning against his wife, anyway. They might as well be equally great.     

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