Tricking My Cold Lover

Jealous Baby

Jealous Baby

0Yanmei only suffered from nausea for another month more, taking only a week of rest before returning to work when the symptoms slowly died down. Anton had to support his wife once again all throughout the entire process of pregnancy, starting with her unusual cravings.      

Like the last time, he had a fridge and microwave set up inside their room, allowing Yanmei to snack at dawn whenever she felt the need to. Anton was ready this time around, anticipating his wife's needs as her belly grew by the month.      

On Yanmei's 4th month of pregnancy, the couple went for an ultrasound, finally with another doctor to take a look at the baby. It was time for the gender reveal.      

Anton had been telling Yanmei it was a girl, but deep inside of him, he wished for a boy. He was determined to trick the world once and for all.      

As soon as the doctor put the probe on her belly, Anton said, "It's a girl. It's a girl."     

'It's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy.' His thoughts, however, had a different cry.      

The doctor glanced at Anton Yeong with apprehension. This was because she overheard the previous doctor's experience with him.      

Fortunately, after seeing the baby give her a perfect view, the doctor moved the probe to a more obvious angle where the baby spread its legs. In between was a clear slit. She said, "I am 100% sure. This baby is a girl."     

Anton frowned. He was ready to curse, but his eye quickly found his wife's sullen look that he said, "I knew it! It's a girl!" He turned to Yanmei and said, "Mine, we have another princess!"     

He tried his best to act enthusiastic as ever, forcing a smile against his muscled face, stretching his lips wider, up to his ears.      

"Congratulations on a baby girl," said the doctor.      

Only then did Yanmei smiled and said, "Thank you, doctor."     

Reaching out to Anton's hand, she said, "Mine, she is going to be another daddy's girl."     


When the couple returned to the mansion, Anton walked to the room where his supposed son was to sleep. The nursery painted in blue skies remained unchanged in the anticipating of having a boy in the future.      

Yanmei saw him standing in front of the door. She walked toward him and hugged him from behind. She said, "Mine. Maybe our third child will be a boy. Don't think of it too much. Our girls are a blessing."     

"I know, mine." Anton, pulled his wife to face him and said, "Should we have this repainted?"     

"No, the girls can share a room while they are still young," said Yanmei.      

Since the second baby was another girl, the couple need not make another room, but only prepared for new clothes to wear for when she would be born.      

Yanmei rarely overstayed at the office. Neither did she work during the weekends. It paved the way for Yanmei to discover their daughter's talent.      

When Chan-Mi turned eight months, Yanmei realized her daughter was greatly interested in art. She had books for Chan-Mi to look at and flashcards, but her daughter was most interested in the most colorful selection.      

She taught her daughter to paint with her hands one day, and since then, it became Chan-Mi's favorite playtime.     

One weekend, Yanmei set-up a huge plastic mat in the garden. With her five-month-old tummy, she sat on the grounds, with several papers for Chan-Mi to paint with her hands.      

The caregiver and Yeong Soon were also with them, trying to bond with Chan-Mi through painting. They heard her laughter and saw the twinkle in her eyes as she painted. Even if the paper did not have a specific figure, everyone enjoyed the painting session.      

Luckily, Anton arrived in time to join them. Hearing from Iseul and Chun-Ho that Yanmei was having a painting session with Chan-Mi, he first got changed into a white tank top before joining them.     

"Where are my girls?" He asked while talking towards them in the garden.      

"Over here, son!" Called Yeong Soon.      

Yanmei lifted Chan-Mi's arms and said, "Here, daddy?!"     

"I am so tired from work today, I need to join the fun," he said while standing in between his wife and Chan-Mi.     

Clearly thrilled to see her daddy, Chan-Mi raised her colored hands, jumping her behind. "Dadada! Da!"     

Before Anton could hold his little girl, he leaned over to peck on Yanmei's lips.      

Chan-Mi reacted to the kiss by crawling towards her mommy, spanking Yanmei on the leg.      

Yanmei's eyes grew wide and so did Yeong Soon.      

"We have a jealous daughter here!" Said Yeong Soon.      

Yanmei burst out laughing while Anton smirked. He picked up his daughter and sat with them, putting Chan-Mi on his lap. Chan-Mi quickly painted Anton's face, giggling while she was at it.      

"Awww, mine. I have a feeling Chan-Mi is going to be a painter," said Yanmei with a smile.      

While Anton liked his daughter's playing with colors, he did not think highly of a painter. He said, "She won't earn as much. She will be a businesswoman or an accountant to help manage the company's finances."     

"No, I think she is an artist!" Exclaimed Yeong Soon.      

Anton's eyes narrowed. He raised Chan-Mi in the air with his hands and said at the laughing baby, "Chan-Mi, you are not going to be a painter. Just for a hobby maybe, but not as a profession." He gave her one firm shook and added, "Do you hear me, young girl?!"     

"Yeong!" Yanmei protested, smacking him in the arm.      

"She says she will follow everything that I say," Anton added.      

Yanmei shook her head and said, "Mine, we should let the kids choose their own careers. While we will expose them to the business, we should not force them if it is not their cup of tea."     

"I agree," Yeong Soon echoed.     

"Hmmmm... I'll think about it. We have a lot of years to consider that possibility," said Anton.      

"Da! Dadada!" Cham-Mi kept calling Anton's attention. He narrowed his eyes at his daughter and decided to tease her. She leaned over to Yanmei again and, despite the paint on his bearded face, he pecked on Yanmei's cheeks.      

Yanmei giggled and saw her daughter get angry, blabbering just about anything in a high pitch, spanking her daddy.      

That night, Anton decided to bring Chan-Mi to bed with them. Yanmei was feeling sleepy already that she gave Anton his goodnight kiss.      

"Ahhhhhh!" Chan-Mi screamed, pointing a finger at Yanmei. She climbed on to Anton's chest and continued to scream.      

"Pfft! Oh, no. Looks like I'm in trouble," said Yanmei.     

"It would seem so, mine," said Anton while holding the restless little girl who refused to sleep. "I think she is guarding me."     

"I'd say," remarked Yanmei. She leaned over to kiss on Chan-Mi's cheeks and said, "Jealous baby."     

Still, Yanmei stole a kiss from Anton, making Chan-Mi scream again.      

"Ahhhhhhh! Nana! Na!" She gave the most fierce look at her mother's eyes while Anton and Yanmei laughed at her actions.      

Anton rarely gave a laugh, but little by little, his wife and this little girl was teaching him the ways. He smiled at his princess thoroughly and just before Yanmei dozed off to sleep, he remarked, "Mine, I guess it's true what they say... The best things in life are free."     

His words made Yanmei turn to him. She smiled and said, "Yes, mine. The best things in life are moments." She reached to Chan-Mi's cheeks and said, "Don't grow up too soon, my love."     

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