Tricking My Cold Lover

Coincidental Encounter

Coincidental Encounter

0Now that Yanmei's belly was six months bigger, she had both Iseul and Chun-Ho following her around. One of them carried a bag of healthy snacks and water, attending to her dietary needs while the other primarily looked out for the safety of the lady boss.      

While she was out buying more coloring materials for Chan-Mi and some food carvings, she received a call from Sun Haneul.      

"Haneul, what can I do for you?" She asked on the phone as she picked some washable bathroom markers.      

"Yanmei, I am at the site where the crew is shooting the ending for the movie and I just don't get it," said Haneul. "They said this last shoot would cost five hundred thousand dollars but they are just on a farm and are about to shower rain - nothing really extravagant."     

Yanmei sighed. She had always suspected the producers to be extracting too much money from the investors. She said, "Don't worry. I already have someone investigate the producers, and I even hired an accountant to look into the expenses. Besides, I never gave them additional money. They did, however, secured more investors to the movie."     

"And that's fine really, but the investors should have their fair share to the movie cut, given the amount of money they have sought from us."     

"Okay, then. I'll let you know if I find out some more," said Haneul.      

The shoot to the movie was organized twenty miles from the city borders. Haneul had to make a surprise check on the production, wanting to see how his investment was being put to good use.      

While he wore his ID as a representative of Lionheart Entertainment crew, he dressed down, wearing casual jeans and a t-shirt. He did not want the crew to identify him immediately.      

Wandering around, he walked past a tent and overheard a conversation between a production manager and one of the production crew, "Remember what Mr. Gok said to ask the provider and make it look like the rental to the rain equipment is fifty thousand dollars! Are you dumb or do you want to get fired!"     

"Why would I do that? That's cheating!" Haneul heard a girl's voice say.      

"If we don't do this, the media company will cut down our budget! Don't you want to have more donuts and steak for lunch? We are all working hard to get more funds for our daily needs here!" The production manager yelled.     

"But - but that's not right! We should just declare the right amount and request for funding for more food! Besides, fifty thousand dollars is just too much! The entire rent for one day is just five thousand dollars!" Objected the young girl.      

"That's it! You are fired! Go back to wherever province you came from!" Said the production manager.      

"You can't fire me?! On what grounds? Being honest! I will report you to the labor department!" Said the young girl.      

The two were left arguing for minutes until Haneul barged inside the tent with his head down. He said, "The girl is right. She can't be fired for such grounds!"     

"And just who do you think you are - " The production manager cut his own words, realizing the man before him was Sun Haneul. He instantly felt a lump in his throat.     

"Fuck," the manager cursed, realizing Haneul may have just overheard their conversation.      

"You and Mr. Gok will be dealt with in our next meeting. You better come clean with all the money you have pocketed or else!" threatened Haneul. "Now, why don't you call your beloved producer and let him know you have been found out. Go!"     

The director rushed outside the tent, leaving Haneul with the young production crew in front of him. He turned to observe the girl.      

The young girl was very slender, a typical Korean with very fair skin. Her hair was dark, perfectly straight and glossy. She had a very small face and a pair of attractive eyes and small pinkish lips.      

He was in immediate awe by the young girl's face. Even if she dressed very simply, she looked admirable to him.      

"Hi, I am Sun Haneul. I am one of the investors for this movie and a shareholder of the Lionheart Entertainment," said Haneul before extending his hand to the girl.      

"Hello. It's nice to meet you. I am a temporary production crew for the movie. I was just assigned to Mr. Gok's team two days ago. My name is Shin Eun So," the young girl said.      

"Nice to meet you, Eun So and thank you for standing up for what is right," he said.      

Haneul remained to hold Eun So's hand. His eyes could not keep away from the young girl's small face. He had practically shaken her hand for over a minute.      

Eun So cleared her throat and said, "Thank you for coming to my rescue, Mr. Sun. You can let go of my hand now."     

"Oh! Right. Right." He grinned and said, "I just wanted to make sure that the manager did not hurt you."     

Realizing he was not making sense, he said, "I better go check on the production manager. Then I suppose I'll see you around."     

Eun So nodded and gave a smile to Haneul. She watched as he fully exited the tent.      

It was because Shin Seok's marriage was still due in three months, Eun So chose not to use her father's name. Especially since the formalities were underway.      

As of recently, The Suns had not made a recent visit to the Yeongs' mansion and had not crossed paths with Shiwoo. While Haneul heard about Yeong Shiwoo going to the province to meet his first love and daughter, he had not seen them himself.      

After Haneul's encounter with Shin Eun So, she constantly visited his mind that he looked for her within the media company in the following days. He secured information from HR of her recent assignments. Sometimes, he would see her and sometimes not.     

Whenever their paths would cross, Haneul would merely imply that he was just... passing through and that their encounter was a coincidence.     

During his next meeting with his co-investors for the movies, his head was elsewhere, eager to roam the studios and see if Eun So was working that day.      

The pregnant Yanmei was the tigress during the session, imposing sanctions and demands to the producers and the crew who were now facing embezzlement charges. JKW's and the Lionheart's lawyers were naturally there to help determine if a settlement was acceptable.      

Yanmei had lunch as usual with Haneul and Han So-woon. It was during that time that Haneul made another call to the HR office of the Lionheart entertainment. Yanmei could literally hear him speak on the phone.      

"Hey, can do me a favor and check which set is Shin Eun So working today? Really? What about tomorrow? Great! Thanks," said Haneul. He had a big smile plastered on his face after putting his phone down.      

Yanmei frowned at him and asked, "What are you asking about my cousin for?"     

"Cousin?" Haneul asked back with his brows drawn together.      

"Yeah, Shin Eun So is uncle Shiwoo's daughter! Why was looking for her?" Yanmei asked casually as she began to eat her meal.      

"Shin Eun So is uncle Shiwoo's daughter?!!" Haneul repeated.      

Yanmei was chowing down a piece of her meat when he asked again. She looked strangely at Haneul and said, "Yes! They practically live two blocks from your house!"     

"What the - she is my neighbor?!" Haneul clarified. He could not believe his luck. He had been making too much effort, looking for Eun So when... they were just practically neighbors. "Damn!"     

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