Tricking My Cold Lover

The Set Up

The Set Up

0Sun Haneul was found in an alley nearing the luxurious neighborhood where the Suns and the Yeongs lived. He was badly beaten together with his driver.      

The police received an anonymous tip at twelve midnight about Haneul's state, and they rushed to his rescue. He was found face down and bleeding on the pavement. His face was disfigured and was barely breathing. He suffered head injuries and multiple bruises all over his body.     

His driver had fewer fractures compared to Haneul, yet both were seriously knocked out.      

Pieces of evidence were readily found at the scene. A baseball bat was used to make damage. The police thought it was a random robbery at first, but after finding all Haneul's valuables intact and inside the car, they suspected foul play.      

The scene of the crime happen to have occurred in an alley between two private establishments, where one had a surveillance camera directly to where Haneul was assaulted.     

In the CCTV footage, Haneul was seen being beaten by a man similar to Anton's frame and length of hair. There were two other men who held Haneul and the driver down. Unfortunately, the place was too dark and the assailants somehow knew how to evade the cameras. The investigators could not make out a face.      

While the video was not enough to put the blame on Anton, it did not take long for the pieces of evidence to point to him.      

Haneul was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery. Following his operation, he was sent to the ICU as he remained in a coma since, unable to breathe on his own. He was put into a ventilator. The sight of his state devastated his parents.      

The Suns were not as wealthy as the Yeongs, however; they were well recognized in the society for their wealth, investments, and contribution to the community. They were equally considered important in the eyes of the authorities and the local government. Hence, they put the investigation into top priority.      

After Haneul was found, the detectives anonymously received a video of the confrontation between Anton and Haneul. It ultimately made Anton a primary suspect of the crime. Moreover, his prints were on the bat, the weapon found at the scene of the crime.      

While the investigation was still ongoing, Anton being a suspect was not yet revealed to the public. Considering his influence in the city, the authorities dared not to share the information with the media.     

However, the details of the crime made it to another local media company, and they were brave enough to air the news. Once again, they received vital information anonymously, including the video of Anton punching Haneul and throwing him to his car.     

The day after the news was released, police officers came for Anton at the office. The police were still waiting for a warrant to be released and considering the cry of the city; they acted by first requesting Anton to sit down with them at the police station.      

Yanmei wanted to come with him, but Anton insisted that she remain in the office with Chun-Ho. Iseul came with him while Ha-joon was quick to leave his post, accompanying them to the police station. Two of his lawyers also followed the second he made the call.      

Inside the interrogation room, Anton and his lawyers sat in front of the table with two detectives inside the space.      

"Mr. Yeong," said the first detective, whose name was Byung-ho. "We all know how you do things your way… Without our help... It's just unfortunate that the person you had nearly killed comes from a well-known family in the city… Sadly, we can't just ignore it."     

One lawyer put his hand up and said, "My client would like to exercise his right to remain si - "     

"I will speak," said Anton, interrupting his lawyers.     

"When was Haneul found?" He asked without making any expression, his tone domineering than ever.      

"Yesterday, at midnight... Sir," said the second investigator, named Jang-mi. He could feel Anton's eyes burning a hold against his body. "We - we received an - "     

"Anonymous call… I supposed," Anton added before he glanced to both his lawyers. He was gesturing them to take note of what he was about to say.      

Returning his gaze to the investigator, sitting across from him, he said, "Look. I think. Someone is trying to set me up."     

"While it's true, Haneul, and I had our disagreement, I would never be caught! Beating him to near death! You know me… My work is… clean," said Anton outright, his mouth twitching at the end. He did not like being disturbed from work, but out of respect to his partnership with the authorities, he came willingly. "More importantly, our argument is not enough for me to kill him."     

Anton's way of protecting his empire was known to the police. In fact, often than not, he ended up surrendering most of his captives when he was done with them. Just like those that had tried to infiltrate the gun factories.      

If anything, the police were usually thankful that Anton and his men did the work for them.      

The law enforcement had long suspected that Anton and his armies were responsible for the disappearance of a serial killer in the past, but they could not find evidence leading it to any of his men. Plus, the public only cared for the fact that the kidnappings and killings stopped.      

They were also mindful of how the Yeongs took matters into their own hands, in dealing with Yeong Soon's two kidnapping incidents.      

"If I wanted to kill Haneul, I would not use a bat. I would not want any spatter on my body... Let alone my handsome FACE," he added, nearly gritting towards the end.      

The detective looked into each other's eyes, both making sense of Anton's words, but Jang-mi said, "Sir… The problem we have is that… your prints were found on the bat. Your warrant of arrest is underway."     

Anton shook his head and said, "Please feel free to check the surveillance at the Kwans Luxury Residence and my office. The other night, I was working late until ten in the evening. I had dinner with my girlfriend at the Four Seasons -You can check their lobby cafe for footages. We were there for an hour. Then, we came home at my girlfriend's penthouse passed eleven in the evening."     

Before the investigators could say more, he added, "You are not allowed to speak to her without my presence... and only female police!"     

"Also, my guys have been investigating two men who had… apparently been following me around. One even collected my wineglass from the restaurant where we ate." He snapped his fingers as he tried to recall the names, but all he could say was, "Please ask my men about it. I forgot their names."     

"Fingerprints are circumstantial evidence. You won't find any direct evidence to pin me with the crime... Because! I did not do it! How dare a warrant be issued against me!" He turned to his attorney and said, "Make sure to stop that warrant from being issued!"     

"Mr. Yeong - "     

"What?! I have given you enough information. Work on the leads I have given you… or? Like always, will I have to solve this myself… AGAIN?" He said with his eyes tightening. "I might as well take over the police force."     

Anton and his lawyers left the police station, leaving the detectives with much work to do. They gathered on all of Anton's side of the story, and found accounts of his whereabouts during the time of the crime.      

They also picked on the two men who were suspected to have collected prints of Anton Yeong, Geon-wu, and Ho-Seok. the investigators could not deny the possibility that someone was trying to frame the most powerful man in the city, but who? Who would dare offend Anton Yeong?     

While the police were torn on how to approach the investigation, Yeong Soon was heartbroken. She had been confronted by her good friend, Sun Mi-Cha about Anton's possible assault against Haneul. She cried her heart out trying to defend her son, but Mi-Cha was ignited, pointing out the video that had was scattered all over the news and recalling the time that Anton punched Haneul back in highschool.      

Yeong Soon was left devastated, hearing the accusations of her dear friend. Yanmei and Anton had to retire home at the Yeongs' mansion to comfort Mommy Soon.      

Inside Jae-woon's study, all four of them were in a serious discussion over what was currently happening to Anton. After all the facts were laid out on the table, they all concluded it was a conspiracy. It was a scheme meant to bring Anton Yeong down… or even distracted.      

"Mommy Soon, I was with Yeong the entire night. I can guarantee you, the truth will be revealed soon," Yanmei assured Yeong Soon as she caressed her back. She was sitting next to her on the sofa as she wept.      

"Yanmei is right Soon, my dear. Let's leave Mi-Cha to be in anger for now. When the truth is out, you can bring back your friendship." Jae-woon said while nodding his head.      

While Yeong Soon recognized that she had to temporarily distance herself from her friend, she told Anton, "Son, you have to control your temper and use it only in real threat. We don't want people to make these kinds of assumptions again."     

Anton shook his head and said, "Fuck that, Haneul. I'm going to beat his ass until he wakes up from the pain. God damn coma!"     

Yanmei glared at him and only then did he say, "I'll… I'll pray for his fucking fast recovery!"     

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