Tricking My Cold Lover

Yanmei Is In Danger

Yanmei Is In Danger

0Anton and Yanmei returned to Korea after their vacation. Life had never been sweeter for them since.      

However, after their quick island date and vacation, they were back to their busy lives and Yanmei's list of ideal dates was already completed.     

Although they were back to their regular routine, over the past week, Anton made it a point to have dinner with Yanmei or simply spend time with each other, lounging in either of their apartments.      

One evening, Anton was feeling stressed with work. He was craving for a good steak that they returned to the same restaurant where they always had good beef. Iseul and Chun-Ho came with them, eating on another table.      

Like the last time, they had salad, and each had a large portion of meat with wine to go along with it. Yanmei could see how hungry Anton was, eating faster than usual and drinking, slightly carefree. He did not join her for lunch that day. Apparently, he did not eat at all.     

"Calm down," she said. "We can order another steak."     

He nodded and said, "Let's order another."     

As he was chewing his food, he noticed how part of the sauce had stained Yanmei's lips. As of recently, he had made it a habit to wipe her mouth that he stood up to do so with his thump.      

Yanmie giggled as he sat back down and drank from his wine, unconsciously holding the bow to the wineglass. The male attendant, who stood a few meters away, squinted and quickly acted.      

He promptly took another glass and offered it to Anton. "Sir, shall I replace your glass? It's already stained."     

Anton realized that a sauce and Yanmei's lipstick took the shape of his thumb at the glass. He did not find it necessary to change glasses, but since it was being offered, he had no qualms in changing it.      

Chun-Ho and Iseul finished dinner before the couple. They decided to wait outside the restaurant, parking their car upfront until Anton and Yanmei were done.      

They lingered in a smoking area next to the establishment. As they were burning their stick, Iseul noticed one food attendant come out from the back of the restaurant, carrying a ziplock bag. Inside it was a wineglass.     

A motorbike rider came for the ziplock bag and it aroused suspicion from Iseul, remembering how he thought the rider was familiar to him. He quickly noted the plates, making a mental note to have it checked.      

Chun-Ho then put off his smoke before he said, "I could have sworn I had seen that guy waiting by outside the office two days ago."     

"Fuck! I knew he looked familiar," said Iseul. He quickly searched in the database the rider's motorbike plates and found his name and address.      

His name was Geon-wu, a resident of the westernmost village in the city.      

Iseul and Chun-Ho reported to Anton their earlier observation. He thought back to his earlier dinner and recalled how a food attendant took his glass. He ordered them to interrogate the food attendant, but as soon as they sought for the server's presence, he was already gone. They did not even notice how he left.      

"Yeong, what's wrong?" Yanmei asked with her brows furrowed.      

"I don't know yet," he said. Stay with Iseul while I talk to the restaurant manager.      

From the restaurant manager, Anton learned that the food attendant was Ho-Seok and had been employed with them for four months. The manager said that the attendant was over-qualified for the job, having managerial experience in other hotels, but insisted on working for the restaurant.      

Anton suspected it was his wineglass that had been passed on to the rider. Thus, Iseul and Chun-Ho took a different route while Yanmei and Anton returned to their penthouse.      

They went to locate the apartment of the food attendant but found his home empty. They went to the rider's home and also found it unoccupied.     

In both homes, they sneaked inside. Iseul and Chun-Ho did not find anything relevant at Ho-Seok's apartment. However, at Geon-wu's, they found a room full of Anton's pictures and magazine articles… Everything was all about Anton Yeong.      

"Fuck," cursed Chun-Ho. "The boss was an obsessed admirer."     

Iseul shook his head and said, "I don't know. I don't see how the boss would have an admirer."     

They directed their men to remain on standby at both homes, hoping to catch either of the rider, Geon-wu, or the food attendant, Ho-Seok.     

It was already passed midnight when they reported back to Anton over the phone, Iseul said, "Boss, Chun-Ho thinks you have a stalker but we'll dig deeper into this."     

"Do was you must, Iseul. I don't want any unnecessary trouble from a…" He could barely get it out of his system. He took a deep breath and said, "A stalker."     

Anton was already in bed when his phone rang. He was tired, but knowing it was urgent, he took the call. After putting the phone down, Yanmei asked in a sleepy voice, "So what was it about?"     

His eyes squinted as he revealed, "It would seem like… I have a male stalker?"     

"Seriously?" She giggled, remembering how she used to think he was gay.     

He shared the findings of Iseul and Chun-Ho and only then did Yanmei say, "It's creepy Yeong. I think we should watch our back."     

"Hmmmm… Yes, something is not right," said Anton.      

Despite surveillance of the two homes in two consecutive days, the owners did not return. Still, they remained observant of the neighborhood's activities. Anton even stayed overnight at the base on their second day, checking if there were any recent movements from Project Zero, but found no evidence to suggest such.      

On the third day, while Anton was still at the base, Yanmei received a visit from Sun Haneul. She had not seen him for some time, as he had not come over for almost a month. Knowing that Anton did not want her to be around men, she directed him to see Brian.     

"Don't worry, I just came to say and hope that things between you and Anton are okay? Heard about your recent fight," he said while merely sliding his upper body inside her office. His eyes then shifted to the half-empty I'm sorry M&Ms.     

She shook her head and said, "We are fine. If you heard of that, surely the news about us resolving our issues also reached you… Please go to Brian now, because I don't want him to think skeptically about your visit."     

"I see. He is such an ass. I'm sorry to hear he doesn't trust you," said Haneul with a grin. He waved a hand before leaving her office.      

Yanmei merely shook his head and went back to work, seeing Haneul go to Brian's office.      

After two hours, Yanmei received a call from Anton, saying that he was headed to JKW, but only to fetch her. She checked the clock and realize it was nearly time to leave. When she received a second call from him, she hurriedly got ready.      

Reaching the lobby, she saw Chun-Ho already waiting for her.      

"Boss is five minutes away, I think," he said.      

"Where is Iseul?" She asked while walking towards him.      

"Supervising the surveillance of the two suspicious individuals," said Chun-Ho. "We can wait outside. He should already be here any minute now."     

Yanmei nodded, clutching on her coat.      

As soon as she got out, she was stunned to find Haneul walking their way. He came out of the car, parked near the building entrance.      

"Relax! Relax!" Said Haneul, seeing Yanmei's take a few steps back. "I just want to talk."      

He put a hand on Chun-Ho's shoulders and said, "You know me?! No need to be alarmed."     

"Sir, for the sake of keeping my job. I would like it if you stay back. Whatever you need to say to Ms. Yanmei, you can say it two meters away," said Chun-Ho, raising his arm at Haneul, blocking him from taking another step.      

Haneul ignored Chun-Ho's warning and maintained to get closer to Yanmei, pushing himself forward. He said, "Yanmei, look… You are in danger! Trust me, you should just stay away from Anton!"     

Yanmei frowned and gestured to get inside the office as Chun-Ho pushed him back.      

"Yanmei! You have to listen to me! You are in danger! Anton will put you in danger!" Haneul kept yelling as Chun-Ho, held him from getting closer.      

As he called for Yanmei, Anton had apparently arrived. The second he reached Haneul's stand, he grabbed him by the neck with one hand. He said, "Don't you dare come closer to my woman!"     

Haneul sneered at Anton and said, "Anton, you don't understand the kind of risk you are putting Yanmei to! She does not deserve you - "     

"And who deserves her? You?!" Anton was already in range, seeing the scene before he pulled over his car. Watching Haneul come closer to Yanmei, he immediately lost his temper.      

Anton decided to give Haneul a lesson he would never forget. He punched against his face, leaving a good wound on the side of his eye. He then threw him against his car and said, "I will have our contract discontinued! I'll even pay for the breach of contract! But! If I ever see you again, you will find yourself in a hospital bed!"     

The couple did not hear from Haneul again, but after two days, news of Sun Haneul being beaten to near death and having fallen into a coma spread like wildfire. The primary suspect to his assault was none other than Anton Yeong.      

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