Tricking My Cold Lover

Hiking and Fishing

Hiking and Fishing

0The couple went on several excursions during their four-night stay. They rode on a helicopter tour going around the famed limestone cliffs of El Nido. They went hiking, snorkeling, and of course Yanmei's request for deep sea finishing.      

They went hiking on their second day at Taraw Peak. While they were at it, Yanmei was utterly put to the test, going up on trails where there was barely a clear path and only pointed rocks to step on to. It was definitely meant to question her stamina.      

Taraw Peak in El Nido was only a thirty-minute journey to the summit, a viewpoint in the city, but it's also incredibly tough with extreme humidity and sharp rocks.     

The trail wound through a small neighborhood before it led them into a jungle. For the first few minutes, Yanmei was clambering more than following a trail.      


There were sections that were more vertical and while Anton made it look easy, Yanmei's hands firmly held on to any rock opening just so as not to fall off. Fortunately, with the rock formations, there was always something to hold on.      


"Yeong, this is a little frightening. Maybe we should get back," complained Yanmei as she looked down at the steep route.      

"Trust me, you will not regret it," he said. He had researched the hike, and it was one he was looking forward to doing.     

"This is not only a splendid exercise for the body but also for the mind. You need to quickly think about where to go. Imagine the adrenaline of being chased in these conditions," said Anton as he looked back at her.      

Yanmei frowned. There was supposed to be a guide, but because the guide was male, she was left with ho help whatsoever.     

Seeing her not make a move, Anton shook his head and said, "My woman can do anything."     

She rolled her eyes before figuring out where to hold, but eventually made it through with difficulty.     

When Yanmei reached the peak with Anton, her entire body was sweating and her legs were in pain. However, seeing the view from the summit, it was just too overwhelming, that she had nothing but smiles on her face.     

"Amazing! This is just amazing!" She repeated, complementing the view. From where she stood, she could see the other peaks, the entire town and bay where several boats stood afloat.     

"Next time, don't complain. I won't ever bring you somewhere where it isn't worth it," said Anton as he extended his hand to her, helping her on a good spot in between pointed rocks.     

After joining him, she sweetly smiled at him and pecked on his cheek. "Thank you. This is incredible. Being with you, I am learning to climb, how to fight, how to be…" She thought for a second before whispering, "to experience making love."     

"Hmmm… Yes, that's the most important skill," said Anton before reminding her of her favorite part. "Take pictures now before I change my mind."     

She took as many pictures as possible, especially those that highlighted their sweaty bodies against the breathtaking views. Fortunately, Anton had no complaints.     

Getting back, however, Yanmei accidentally scratched her legs half-way down the trail. It left a small cut on her leg. Despite the plan of letting her hike down on her own, Anton ended up carrying her in some pathways or guiding her on vertical routes.      

A day before they were to leave the country, they went to experience deep sea fishing, renting a large boat, equipped with diving and fishing essentials. They left for the sea along with boatmen to guide them.      

Using a fishing pole, Anton seemed to be getting better luck than Yanmei, often catching small fishes. They went for two hours with only Anton getting a catch, but Yanmei still caught nothing.      

She was utterly disappointed, and Anton saw it in her face.     

"I'll go scuba diving as you fish. You are taking too long to catch one," said Anton before suiting up.      

Yanmei only had a frown on her face. She really wanted to experience catching a fish. She had even put too much on the hook as bait, but whenever she felt she caught something, it easily got away. Most of the time, the fishes did not take a bite.     

Going to the other side of the boat, Anton yelled to Yanmei's direction and said, "You better catch some fishes before I get up."     

All she could do was mumble at his luck. However, just a few minutes after Anton dived into the water, Yanmei felt a pull on her line. Her eyes lit up, hoping it would finally be her first catch.      

"Oh, my gosh. I caught one! I caught one! Yeong - " She turned to look for Anton but remembered he was still under the water.      

The boatman helped her bring-up the fish and to her surprise; she caught a twelve inch trevally. She nearly cried out of happiness.      

She was so excited that she failed to notice the spear wound on the fish's body, which did not quite make sense compared to her small hook.      

It was because catching one fish thrilled her that she tried again. She was amazed yet again. It did not take too long to get another fish. This time, she caught a sweetlips fish, nearly as big as the first.      

She went at it happily, hoping to catch more. Fortunately, she hooked two large groupers succeedingly. They were all so big that Yanmei was jumping from her side of the boat. In all the fishes, she missed the see the spear wounds.     

Looking at the larage bucket of catch, she muttered, "Just wait and see, Yeong. I caught too many fishes. You'll be in envy!"     

Each time she rejoiced, the boatmen roared at her eagerness and regularly gave her a thumbs up.      

When she saw Anton finally coming up to the boat, she hurriedly walked to the other side and said, "Yeong! I caught so many fishes and big ones too! I can't believe you missed - Why are you carrying a spear?"     

Anton frowned as another boatman help him up. He handed first the spear before turning to Yanmei. He took off his goggles and octo before he said, "These waters… are known for the presence of sharks. I had to take a weapon with me for safety."     

"Oh.. Then you shouldn't have just gone under! It's too dangerous! Besides, you said so yourself, you did not like to swim at the beach!" She said, showing serious concern for him.     

"Fortunately, there weren't any... It was just a precaution," he added as he took off his oxygen tank.      

Trying to deviate on the topic, Anton said, "You said you caught a fish?"     

"Not just a fish! I caught several fishes!" She exclaimed before pulling him to the direction of where her catch was. "See! am I great or what?!"     

"Hmmm… Yes, you were great. Too bad there wasn't any red snapper… Would have been a great dinner," said Anton.      

Her brows drew together, realizing Anton liked red snapper fish. She said, "Let me try again! Maybe I can catch one."     

"No - no. Forget about red snappers. I am fine with whatever you caught." He pretended to look through the fishes and said, "Looks like you have some groupers. They are equally good."     

"No! No, Yeong. We have to try! I know how much you love red snapper!" She said and excitedly went to prepare her bait while Anton smacked on his own forehead.      

The boatmen laughed at Anton, understanding his dilemma.      

"Watch out, Yeong! I am having my luck!" She said after throwing in her line.     

Anton figured it was best for her not to catch anymore, but after fifteen minutes, she maintained her stand, waiting patiently for another fish to take a bite on her hook.     

Another ten minutes passed, Yanmei suddenly felt a pull on her string. "Oh, my goodness, this is a big one."     

Seeing Yanmei struggled to pull up the fish, Anton helped her pull up her string. Then, as they brought up the fish, they were surprised to see a red snapper come out of the water. It was practically twenty inches in height.      

Anton could already see his dinner right in front of his eyes, but as the fish flew in the air, its body shook vigorously, eventually releasing itself from the hook.      

With a hand on Yanmei, Anton said, "Continue fishing for red snappers."     

He ran to the other side of the boat, grabbed the spear and jumped into the water.      

"Oh, look, Ms. There is a group of red snappers! Let's try to catch again!" One boatman said with difficulty but managed to pull through in English. He was pointing to the sea, where the fishes swam in circles.     

Yanmei knew not what was on Anton's head, but hearing the boatmen encourage her, she threw in another bait, hoping to capture a snapper. After five minutes, she noticed another pull on her string. It was nearly the same strength as the earlier catch.      

One boatman helped Yanmei bring up the fish, and fortunately, it was a red snapper. Once again, she was ecstatic. The boatman helped secure her catch only then did she saw Anton climb out of the boat.      

"Yeong! You missed it again! I caught a snapper for you!" She announced as he put down the spear and walked towards her.      

"Hmmmm…" He said.      

Yanmei's eyes lingered on the fish before looking at Anton. She asked, "Why did you go back into the water? You did not even have your oxygen tank on."     

He cleared his throat and revealed, "I can hold my breath for fifteen minutes average... I - I suddenly needed to take a leak. The sea was the closet release."     

She sneered before saying, "Pool fishes."     

Anton tightened his eyes at her reaction, considering his efforts for her to catch a fish. She dared to sneer at him.      

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