Tricking My Cold Lover



0On alternate days, Yanmei had received martial arts training. Whenever she had a session with the martial arts expert, she would leave early with Iseul and Chun-Ho to the penthouse suite, practicing at the gym.      

Anton has been getting reports of how Yanmei had been seriously training and while he saw this often in the changes to her body, he wanted to test her out himself.      

On one afternoon, he purposely left work early, riding home with Yanmei at the same time.      

While being driven by Minsuh, Yanmei and Anton sat on the back. She was happy that they left for work on time that she asked, "Yeong, are we going to have a special dinner today?"     

"No, just eggs. You need protein," he said while his hands were still moving around his laptop.      

She pouted her lips and said, "It's not good to work on your laptop while in the car. Your eyes will get strained."     

"I eat carrots every so often," Anton replied.      

When they were nearly at the penthouse building, he said, "Today, I'm going to be your trainer."     

Yanmei was taken aback as she studied Anton's serious face. She bit her lip and said, "Really? Please don't give me a hard time."     

Anton closed his laptop and put it inside his bag. He turned to Yanmei while caressing the rough surface of his bearded chin and said, "Just because you are my woman, I am supposed to go easy on you?"     

"On the contrary, I think I should be able to make it harder for you - be more vigilant in your training," he added.      

After arriving, the couple got changed into their training attires. While bringing their gym bags with them, they made their way to the gym. Management already cleared half of the space for their practice, also enclosing the area with a divider, making sure no one was free to watch them.     

Anton especially did not want any men to observe Yanmei's figure as they walked in. He had his arm around her the entire time.      

After warming up, Anton and Yanmei finally got into position.      

Yanmei was pursing her lips, watching as Anton tilted his head from side to side and stretching his arms. When he took off his tank top, she giggled and said, "Are you sure we are going to practice? Or do you want me to take off my top too."     

"Get serious," he said. "I will first test the strength of your fist and elbows."     

Anton put on some punch mitts on his hands and directed for Yanmei to begin punching against it, alternatively thrusting with her elbows. Just before getting started, he said, "Give me your best shot…. Or else… There will be no date this weekend… only Sundays."     

She frowned as she took her stance. The next weekend was a trip to a private island. There was no way he was taking that away from her.      

With one hand in front of his face, he instructed, "Start with your left fist."     

Yanmei put up both her fists and began to throw punches on the mitts but Anton said, "Mom, punches better than you."     

She sneered and threw in a harder punch. "Hiya! Hiya!"     

"Now, your right first!" He ordered.      

The sounds of Yanmei's punches became louder and Anton already felt her strength after the second round.      

"Now, alternate! Left and right fists!" He commanded.      

"Hiya! Hiya!" She yelled as she was throwing punches, left and right, perfectly hitting the mitts. Anton kept asking her to repeat the same process until he was satisfied.      

After her hand blows, Anton checked on her elbow thrust. From one direction to another, he let her strike at him with her elbows. At first he said, "What was that? Were you dancing or defending your life?"     

Yanmei could feel the pressure. Her face was utterly red with his inducement that each and every time he berated on her effort, she tried harder on her second attempt.      

When he asked her to practice on her kicks, she said, "Yeong can you try saying, good job. Keep at it… You know better words of encouragement?"     

Anton's brows drew together before he said, "Sometimes, you live so much in a better world, you think those books about motivation works all the time. Well, in the real world, people are not always that nice. Besides, my ways of letting you take it a step higher are obviously very effective."     

"Come one," he said before putting his much mitts together with force. "Show me how well you can be… to be the next Mrs. Yeong."     

She instantly flushed. While he may not have given flowery words of encouragement, the invitation to be Mrs. Yeong sure made a major impact on her. She did not realize Anton's unique way of encouraging.     

Switching to kick mitts, he ordered, "Now, kick!"     

Without hesitation, Yanmei gave her hardest kick the first time. "Hiya!"     

She quickly followed it with a strike using her knee. "Hiya!"     

With an approving grin, he said, "Other leg!"     

After practicing on her kick for several minutes, Anton finally said, "That… was acceptable."     

She rolled her eyes, considering it was her best effort yet, but she already expected that Anton had lofty standards. As she took heavy breaths, she said, "Thanks, Yeong. Glad you were satisfied."     

"Now, how are you with grabbing and lifting?" Anton asked with his hands around his waist.      

"No!" She protested. "How could I ever lift you? You are so big! Everything about you is big!"     

His eyes narrowed at her, recalling how she often remarking about his manhood. He said, "If you can lift me, you can pretty much lift anyone."     

Seeing that he was drop-dead serious, she had no choice but to give it a try. In every step, Anton gave her instructions, "Wrap your arms around my leg and lift me up with your shoulders."     

"Ehhhh! Ehhhh! Ehhh!" She tried to lift him three times, but the best she could do was move him inches away from his original stand. She let go protesting, "You are too heavy and you are not even trying to make yourself lighter!"     

Anton then took a step back and studied her physic. He said, "You need to strengthen your legs more."     

"Could any girl actually lift you? Please don't tell me Mommy Soon could?" She asked with her eyes wide open.      

"Andy could, but only for a few seconds," he said. "Like I said, it's a matter of positioning and building muscles… Make sure to remind your trainer about what I said."     

"Now, let's just focus on your attacks," said Anton. He put up his fist to his face and said, "Attack me with your best punches and kicks."     

When he saw Yanmei hesitate, he said, "If you manage to hit me in the face, we can stay on the island for four nights instead of two."     

Yanmei really wanted the visit to the beach, all the more, going on a private island. Thus, she said, "I'll make sure to hit your face, Yeong - But just so you know, I love you and I would never mean to hurt you."     

"Hmmm… We'll see about that," he said. "Begin!"     

Yanmei came at him, throwing punches left and right. She screamed for the most part as she exerted effort on each thrust. "Hiya! Hiya!"     

Even if Anton did not fight back, he was evading her advances and perfectly blocking them with his hands. Yanmei decided to start throwing in some sidekicks, combining them with a sudden punch, but he was too fast for her inexperienced self.      

"Ugggh! Yeong! Can we just stay for four to five nights! You are such a difficult target!" She complained. She was sweating all over and she could feel her legs already in pain.      

"Be creative, Yanmei… Be creative," he replied.      

Yanmei let out a heavy sigh. She recalled how she had previously hurt Anton in Indonesia and although she hated to resort in such means; he did say… she should be… creative.      

She then bit her lip and went at it, throwing punches again at him. At some point she threw simultaneous punches, that she saw an opening as he moved back. She held her breath before raising her leg at the right spot.     

"Hiya!" She kicked his growing area.      

While she did not hit as hard as she could, Anton naturally had to duck and cover himself. As he was doing this, Yanmei managed to throw a fist to his face. "Hiya!"     

Anton felt only very little pain that he recovered quickly. He held Yanmei by the arm and lifted her over his shoulders, saying, "You cheated!"     

"But, you said I should be creative! Yeong!"      

He did not answer as he brought her to the side of the gym for a rest. After putting her down, she said, "I got to hit your face, so are we going for four days?"     

"No! your punch barely hurt me and I could say the same thing with your kick," he said before checking on his scrotum.      

Remembering how this was the second time she kicked his balls, he said, "If you keep kicking my balls. We won't have a child of our own!"     

Yanmei was earlier sneering, but hearing him mention about having kids, she felt her face blush. Despite their sweaty bodies, she moved closer to him and hugged him from behind. She pecked on his back and said, "Sorry. I'm sorry. Next time… I will guard your balls with my life."     

As she said the last line, Anton felt suddenly stimulated. He squinted and said, "Hmmmm… Maybe if you massage it and get it back to proper health, we can stay on the private island for four days."     

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