Tricking My Cold Lover

Fishing and Camping

Fishing and Camping

0"What is this?" Complained Yanmei. They were officially on their first night out, following her list of ideal dates.      

"You did say you'd like to go fishing, didn't you? Well, here it is. I even booked the entire place for you to enjoy," Answered Anton with his arms folded across his chest.     

Yanmei looked at the fishes in front of her and said, "They are in a pool! Ready for anyone to take!"     

"Where else would they be? We're in the middle of the city? Another option is by the Han River, which is very inconvenient," he reasoned. "You could fall off the river."     

Seeing her glare, he threw his head back and said, "What? You don't find this challenging enough? Try to catch one by yourself if you can."     

Anton instead booked a seafood restaurant, housing an enormous pool, and huge tanks where customers can order live seafood for their meals. It was already six in the evening, and Yanmei was starving. Now, she still had to catch her dinner.      

Seeing more of her dismay, Anton said, "Look, when I'm done catching up with JKW backlogs, we will go to a private island with mom and dad. From there we can go deep-sea fishing."     

Her eyes lit up, hearing another vacation was on the way. She pursed her lips, asking, "Where?"     

"You will find out soon," he said before twitching his mouth. "Now, I hope you made enough muscles because I want red spanner and halibut for dinner. You will need strength."     

She turned with her mouth forming into a circle. She asked, "You aren't fishing?"     

He squinted and said, "I - don't like to get wet, but don't worry. I already prepared clothes for you. I'll be here… cheering for you."     

Yanmei watched as the restaurant staff prepared a chair for Anton while she was being guided by how to catch the fish. The pool was seemingly three feet above the ground, inside the restaurant itself. There was a waiting area where most customers would catch the fish before dining in another area.      

Before she could start, she asked, "Which one is a - a halibut?"     

"The dark brown fish that looks flat, miss," said the attendant, pointing to one. "That one is a halibut."     

Yanmei threw in her bait and in just seconds, she caught one halibut. "I got one! Yeong!"      

She excitedly announced to Anton, turning to his direction while she was at it. However, after lifting up the fishing rod, the fish got away.      

She went at it several times, attempting to catch a fish again, but each time she pulled up her fishing rod, the fish always got away from the hook. Most times she went screaming as the fish jumped back, splashing her with water.      

"This is not right. There is a conspiracy between the restaurant owner and the fish!" She said in anger, making the restaurant staff laugh at her words.      

When she heard her stomach growling, she turned to him and appealed, "Can you please catch the fish for me, Yeong?"     

"Hmmm," he said. "How much more when we go to the open sea."     

"Excuse, me! Fish in captivity are more evasive to the bait!" She defended herself.      

He took off his coat and walked towards her. He pecked on her cheeks before he said, "Watch and learn."     

Taking out two of his army knives, he placed them at the edge of the pool, where the fishes freely swam. He took the bucket of bait and poured all of them to the water.      

Yanmei's eyes grew wide seeing all the fishes go after the bait. Anton quickly grabbed one knife and thrust one into the water. He instantly caught one fish. He threw the other knife and got his preferred red snapper.      

He took out another set of knives, and after blades went flying, he caught a halibut. Only then did he stop throwing his knives.      

"Well, that was quick," commented Yanmei. She clapped her hands and cheered him on, looking at about five fishes bleeding in the pool of water.      

"What did I tell you?" Said Anton.      

The restaurant also applauded Anton for his powerful thrust and when noises died down, Yanmei asked, "So, how do we take out the fishes that you caught?"     

They were literally at the bottom of the pool. There was no way to reach out for it unless they would walk into it.     

Anton caressed his chin and glanced at her. He turned to the staff near them and said, "I suppose. We'll need to drain the water."     

She chuckled and said, "If I had known you would end up recommending that I would have just ordered for dinner rather than catching fishes."     

Fortunately, the restaurant secured the fishes out using a net, and the couple had a feast of fishes plus a few more shellfishes for dinner. This, they happily shared with Minsuh who came along with them, being their driver for the night.     

Only after finishing their meal did Anton, reveal they were going camping, which was also part of her list.     

Yanmei was taken aback. It was already nine in the evening and getting into the nearest campsite would be impossible. She asked, "Are we going tomorrow?"     

"No, tonight," he said.      

"How?" She asked with a frown, obviously in doubt.     

"Yanmei, I am not Anton Yeong for nothing… Trust me… I have my ways," said Anton before turning to Minsuh and asking him to prepare the car.     

"Wow." Yanmei said. "So I get to fish and camp in one day!"     

Anton nodded and said, "This is all to fulfill your every dream date… and I am a very efficient person."     

"Very efficient indeed," she said in excitement. "But what about my clothes?"     

"I already packed our clothes, don't worry," he said while drinking down his wine. He then extended his hand at her while standing up. "Let's go."     

Following their dinner date, Minsuh drove them to the location of their campsite. Seeing that they were at the Four Season's Hotel, Yanmei's excitement turned into a grimace. She asked, "Why are we at a hotel? I thought we are going on camping?"     

He hummed and put an arm around her. He said, "Trust me… We are going camping."     

'Who is this guy fooling?' She thought as she followed him outside the vehicle. 'How can you go camping in a five-star hotel?!'     

They first bid goodbye to Minsuh before getting inside the property.     

Still, she did not want to have an argument with Anton that she followed him as they made their way to the hotel's presidential suite. Before entering, Anton first let her stay outside the room. He said, "I need to check something. Just give me a second."     

He went in and out of the suite in seconds. Looking satisfied, he said, "Let's go… on our camping."     

She scorned in secret, but she went into the room and Anton followed behind her, carrying the small bag with their clothes. Anton only dimmed the lights, allowing her to walk towards the living room. She immediately noticed attracted lights coming from the space.      

Her jaws dropped at the sight of the entire living room converted into an indoor camp.      

From the balcony, she could see the city lights and the stars. The curtains were kept to the sides to give that star-gazing feel. Moreover, luminous stars and moons hung from the ceiling. It would seem to her that the galaxy was within her reach.     

On one side of the wall was a pile of rocks and woods. Beneath the stack were red-orange and yellow lights, simulating a bonfire. With how each of the colors was glowing alternately, it looked so dramatic and real to her.      

Beside it was a picnic table, and wooden outdoor benches. Then, in front of the supposed bonfire was a tent illuminated with series lights. She pursed her lips and turned to Anton with her eyes were twinkling with satisfaction. "Yeong, it's beautiful."     

She walked briskly to study the tent. Inside, she saw the mattress down on the floor full of pillows.      

"Wow! This is so nice!" She could not help but appreciate the set-up.      

"Of course," he said. "The best part is there is still air condition. No worrying about crawlies coming to our bed at night and no worrying about the weather either."     

Yanmei walked towards Anton and wrapped her arms around his neck. She said, "You are the best."     

"I don't know about that… but I just don't want a mosquito to even bite you," said Anton before leaning over to kiss on her lips. "Are you happy?"     

Despite the camping turning out to be indoor, she was pleased with the set-up. It was in fact a convenient way to camp, minus the fresh air.      

She pecked back on his lips and touched his already growing hair down to his face and said, "I am happy. I am very happy. Yeong, I love you so much."     

He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her again before saying, "I love you too."     

"Now, let's take a bath and get on with the best part about camping," he said with his eyes tightening at her.      

"What's the best part?" She asked, giggling.      

"We can… howl all night and… no one could hear us," he said before scooping her in his strong arms and taking her to the bedroom.      

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