Tricking My Cold Lover

The Practice

The Practice

0 Yanmei looked at his yearning eyes. Her hands clenched on the skirt of her dress before she made a decision. "Okay… Two blocks."     

She watched as Anton's eyes slightly tightening, but just when she thought he was disappointed with her decision, he said, "Two blocks is fine."     

Although he agreed just to walk her two blocks instead of four, he drove increasingly slow. He cared not for the horns that called for his attention. Iseul and Chun-Ho, who were following them behind, mimicked the same speed.      

A giggle escaped her lips. She covered her hand as she said, "this is worse than walking. You realize that?"     

"Hmmmm." His expression was unchanged.      

"You are cheating," she suggested.      

He did not answer immediately, but after reaching two blocks, he revealed, "I just… want to spend more time with you... Because... I really -" He breathed in before he added, "I really missed you."     

Yanmei's eyes grew wide. She studied him closely, thinking she heard it wrong. "Did you say - "     

"I missed you, Yanmei."     

She could not help but smile after he repeated his words, but not wanting to be seen, she turned to look at the window as he began to park the car.      

Anton got out and signaled for either Iseul or Chun-Ho to take the wheels. Yanmei stepped out of the vehicle herself and the two soon strolled down the sidewalk with him walking very, very slowly.     

Yanmei was often two steps ahead of him, so she turned with her brows raised.      

He cleared his throat before making an excuse, "I'm not used to wearing slim-fit jeans. It's squeezing my balls. I can barely walk."     

She shook her head and just progressed with the walk. When Anton caught up with her, he asked, "Yanmei, are you still mad because of Ji-yun?"     

Her gazed redirected to the pavement before answering, "Yeong, if you were in my shoes and I did not introduce you to any of my relatives, how would you react? I imagine everything around you would break… but it's not just about your cousin or your uncle… For one, it's the way you get angry at me with your in a grim mood even when it's not my fault."     

"So apparently, you were upset about your uncle or you were feeling guilty of not introducing me, but still, you gave me the cold shoulders."     

"Then if you hate it so much, doing favors for me, like a surprise, then... just don't do it."     

"I always tried to understand your behavior and don't get me wrong, I appreciate your efforts, but I just don't know if I can always - always stay patient with you - " She stopped feeling tears were ready to fall.      

She took several heavy breaths before she added, "Yeong. I was honestly hoping you'd figure it out yourself."     

Yanmei then took her normal pace in walking, not wanting to talk more about it. Moreover, she did not want to cry in front of Anton. She had told herself to carry up a strong facade in front of him.     

Anton, on the other hand, felt a lump in his throat. He was certain; he found himself barely breathing at the sight of Yanmei's teary eyes, but once again, he struggled to find the right words to say.      

He remained to walk slowly. Yanmei made it to the penthouse building but stood to wait for Anton, who was a few meters behind her.      

Finally reaching Yanmei, he heard her say goodnight, but Anton held her hand, not letting her get inside the building for a few seconds. He took a deep breath and gazed at the city lights before returning to Yanmei's slender face.      

"Sometimes - sometimes I don't know what I'm doing," he said. His mouth remained opened but instead of saying more, he pulled her into his arms, embracing her tight.     

Yanmei felt his entire body tightening against her's. She closed her eyes, trying to hold back, but his scent was something she awfully missed. She at least gave a light caress on his back.     

"I'm sorry again, Yanmei. I missed you every day." Anton was sincerely worried that Yanmei might give up on him, that he said, "Please be more patient with me. I - I'll work harder."     

His words left Yanmei confused. She loved Anton so much, but at this point, she has yet to see this happen. After understanding his promise, all she could say was, "Okay... I'd like to see that, Yeong."     

Anton held her even tighter and pecked on her forehead, but before he could say more, he felt droplets coming from the sky that he looked up.      

Yanmei was indirectly glancing at him when he said, "You better go inside. It's starting to rain."     

She nodded and loosened her hold around him. She gave him a weak smile before walking inside the building. When Chun-Ho and Iseul arrived, they gave a nod at their boss before going following Yanmei. They carried with them Y2 and her bouquet.     

Anton hopped into his car and thought for a moment about Yanmei's words. He remembered Lu Fang telling him he had a bad temper. He already knew this to be true, only that it never was a problem with his men. His tyrant self was supposed to keep his brothers reminded of who was their leader.     

Since he was young, he learned to be ruthless. His biological parent's taught him, that more than just the skill, perception creates a great defense against rivals and he carried it with him even until he was adopted by Jae-won.      

He used to tell himself that relationships were troublesome, but getting involved with Yanmei, his view began to change. Then, after seeing his woman act as she was serious to leave his side, he sensed a greater fear, more than losing his empire.     

After minutes of pondering, he shook his head before turning on the engine, mumbling while he was at it, "Fuck, I need help."     

He put his phone on speaker as he drove, calling Lu Fang.      

Lu Fang: "Yeong, how was it?"     

Anton: "Hmmmm. She spoke to me. Let me bring her home."     

Lu Fang: "Good. That's a good start."     

Anton: "I think she'll give me a chance to prove myself."     

Lu Fang: "Good, there is your chance."     

Anton: "She pointed out my anger issues."     

Lu Fang: "Yeong, I think… We all have pointed that out."     

Anton was silent for a moment until Lu Fang said, "Bro, you can do it. If anything upsets you, especially when you are with Yanmei, take heavy breaths and think… think before you decide on acting."     

"Hmmm," answered Anton.      

Lu Fang: "When I asked you if you really value your relationship with her, you said yes, more than anything. So just remember, before you do anything think about what she might feel, and if you are unsure of how to proceed, talk to her about it."     

Oh, how Anton hoped he could put a post-it in his head and have a visual reminder, but the best he could do was make a mental note. He said, "I'll work on that."     

Lu Fang: "Have your assistant remind you. Give him a raise and make it part of his job.... And by the way, how are we with the I love you?"     

Anton: "I have already told her that."     

Lu Fang: "When? How many times?"     

He was silent again before he admitted, "Thrice."     

"Hmmm… I supposed it's a workable number," said Lu Fang.     

Just when he thought it was mediocre, Anton added, "Once, she was asleep, second, I was a little intoxicated, third… I whispered to her ear last week."     

"You mean, not today?" Lu Fang asked in surprise and hearing no answer, he added, "Owkaay... We'll have to work on that... Well, then - "     

"Wait!" Anton stopped him, sensing he was about to end the call. "Aren't you going to practice with me?"     

"Bro, I'm sorry but I don't want to keep Andy waiting. She still has not recovered, and she'd very much like it if I get home early," said Lu Fang.     

"Besides, you can't possibly expect me to practice on I love you. We spent two hours of fucking "I miss you" and "I'm sorry" - just getting you comfortable with the words! I can't possibly imagine how much time we will spend on I love you! Ask Ha-jon. Bye, Yeong."     

"Damit!" Anton was shaking his head after the call got disconnected. He instead sped through the road, hoping to reach his destination faster.      

Four hours after, inside Anton's underground base.     

Anton and Ha-joon were sitting in front of a round table, getting ready for the drill.      

"Boss, Yeong. I am very uncomfortable with this. Why didn't you call Mrs. Yeong instead?" Said Ha-joon.     

Anton squinted before answering, "My mother can't keep a secret."     

Ha-joon shook his head while looking at his script on a small piece of paper. His role was to respond to his boss.     

"Okay, Yeong... Ready? One, two, three, go," said Ha-joon, but despite the go signal, nothing happened. Anton said nothing.     

Five seconds passed and Ha-joon said, "Boss, I love you too."     

"Fuck you, Ha-joon! I haven't even said anything yet!" Cursed Anton.      

"Boss, it's really very simple to get used to it. I love you. I love you more. I love you so. Of course, these words should not be abused and only said to the one you really love… But it's really simple - or not! Maybe not that simple! It's so hard to say!"     

Ha-joon raised his hands above his shoulders as Anton took out a knife from his belt, pointing it at him.      

"Now, be serious with the practice - "     

"Boss Yeong, with all due respect, I am very serious. How about I point the knife at you for motivation? Haha!" He quickly shut his mouth after Anton's expression turned devilish. "I was - just joking, Boss. I'd never do that! I love you."     


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