Tricking My Cold Lover



0Yanmei's face was bright red as she rested on Anton's firm chest. She was caught off guard at his sudden confession that she relished the moment, clutching against his coat and closing her eyes.      

She could feel his yearning and she could not deny her own longing either. The best way she could express it was to remain in his embrace.      

They both stood in the same state for seconds, letting go only after Junsu came to the conference room.      

"Mr. Yeong - I'm sorry to interrupt. Your second meeting is already in the parking lot, but I'll bring them elsewhere - "     

"You do - what you have to do, Junsu. One hour - lock the door," said Anton while slowly letting go of Yanmei.      

"Yes, Mr. Yeong," acknowledged Junsu.      

'One hour?' Yanmei's eyes grew wide at the time he demanded.      

As soon as Junsu closed the conference door, Anton turned to Yanmei's flushed face and said, "I see you got the flowers I sent yesterday… Does that mean you forgive me?"     

Yanmei posted in her IG account, the bouquet he sent. They were beautiful tulips, shipped all the way from the Netherlands. She obviously appreciated them and proudly put it up on her social media account. She already expected he would see it. There were no secrets she could keep from him.     

In the past two days, she also pondered on their relationship, and while she felt hurt; she was equally longing for him. Before coming in that day, she had already concluded to have a sincere talk with Anton, regardless of the outcome.      

She pursed her lips before saying, "I'd like for us to talk things out first."     

"I hope we can already put this behind us because, Yanmei… languishing doesn't suit me… I feel… extraneously anomalous," he continued as a way to make her understand his predicament, his voice well-toned, making sure he did not cross the line.      

Yanmei was trying to tame her expression, not wanting to give away her innermost thoughts just yet. She said, "We should just talk about it after work."      

"No, I can't wait," he said whispered.     

"But… your meeting. It must be important," she reminded him of the very important people waiting for him.     

Anton stepped forward, leaning Yanmei against the wall as he slowly intoned each word, "Important? Yanmei, I've never been dejected in business my entire life. They can wait for all I care, they will still be running after my partnership even after decades of being brushed aside by me."     

"You, on the other hand." He placed his elbow against the wall as his other hand cup her cheek. "You have officially turned me upside down in just a period of two weeks. It's like… You've put a spell on me."     

Her brows furrowed as she heard his words. Her mouth first twitched before saying, "You seem a little persistent today."     

He took her hand and placed it on his chest and carefully, he said, "You sense that? It's beating an average of ninety-three to ninety-six per second - nearly above average. Not to mention arrhythmia over the lack of sleep, just thinking about you amidst all my burdens."     

"Please," he pleaded. "This is all making me… crazy."     

Yanmei felt his sincerity, not just in words but also in his expression. Moreover, the dark circles around his eyes gave it away. She also learned from Chun-Ho how he barely had sleep these days.     

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes once more. She then pursed her lips and nodded. "Okay, I forgive you - but - but I have terms, and I want to talk about it first."     

Anton let out a heavy sigh. He rested his head on her forehead for a second before massaging his temples. He said, "Yes, to talk, but later. For now," he held up her chin and added, "Your lips need moisturizing."      

"What?" Yanmei raised her hand up to say, "There's always lip balm."     

With his eyes tightening, he said, "Natural method is still the best."     

The obvious hunger was overflowing from his eyes that Yanmei knew it was bound to happen. She teased saying, "Hmmm… say it again." She raised her brows and reminded what she meant, "You know… what you said earlier?"     

His eyes tightened and as if getting ready for the biggest battle he said, "je t'aime ."     

"What?!" She objected.      

"It's French!" He clarified.      

"I so know that -"     

"Yanmei, actions speak louder than words - "     

Her lips were instantly sealed with a kiss and despite Yanmei wanting him to repeat the words again, all her objections melted to his taste as she opened her mouth for him, allowing him to deepen their kiss.      

Yanmei felt Anton's kiss was very bold and intense. Not a second of teasing. He instantly went for the real deal while holding her by the neck.      

After minutes of making out, Anton finally said, "Okay, talk - while kissing."     

She only had a second to react, widening her eyes at his suggestion before he dived back into her lips. In the next breather, she said, "You can't keep everything to yourself - "     

They kissed again.      

"Okay," he said. "I'll work on that."     

They went at it again, smooching and panting.      

"That's not - optional!" She insisted.      

"Okay. Okay," said Anton. He touched her already swollen lips and said, "You are free to remind me when I forget."     

She bit her lip and nodded, "Okay - "     

This time, they kissed gently, simply brushing at each other lips or nibbling as they gasped.      

"Trust me," she said. "Trust me to wear something decent - proper women's clothes, Yeong. No one will take me away. Your men are constantly following me around - "     

Anton leaned back, unsure of what to expect from her request.      

"Skirts no higher than two inches above the knee," Yanmei clarified.      

He squinted and said, "How about, below the knee."     

"Maybe," she said. "I should just be a nun - "     

"Fine! Fine." He said in surrender.     

She placed her hands around his neck and reminded, "Like I said, trust me. I'm not intentionally flaunting myself to other men. It's just uncomfortable wearing jeans or turtle necks, worst, jackets! Seriously, Yeong. Besides, if I am out, I'm always with you."     

He scratched his head and said, "I am a very possessive man."     

"I know that." Seeing he was bothered with it, she said, "Let's compromise. I'll tell you if I feel uncomfortable and let's meet halfway."     

"Okay… Okay… We can have your casual dresses customized, one that will meet both our expectations," he said.      

At that point, Yanmei laughed. She said, "You know what? Sometimes you are adorable."     


"Anyway, the clothes are the least important. What I really want the most is for you to trust me… wholeheartedly," she said, slowing down towards the end.     

"Trust me that I can keep your secrets, that you can share your worries with me and decide along with you - that I won't ever appreciate other men because I - I really... only love you."     

She started to cry before she added, "And lastly, I'll try my best to understand when you are in a bad mood, or when you are angry, but try your hardest to control them - and don't give me an attitude for no reason!"     

Yanmei watched as Anton wiped the tear on her face, nodding seriously. She said, "Is that clear? Are we good with that?"     

"You did say, try my hardest, right?" He raised a finger to clarify while raising his scarred brow.      

She rolled her eyes and answered, "Yes, I said so. I also realized that before deciding to love you, I already know this about you… but it doesn't mean I have to accept it for life - "     

"I know - I know that," he said. He pulled her closer for another hug. "Thank you, Yanmei."     

Returning the embrace, she said, "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for even thinking I could leave you, but it just really hurt. I felt so betrayed."     

They remained silent for a minute, holding each other. When Anton checked the time, he cleared his throat and said, "We still have ten minutes."     

The couple made out for a few more minutes and only after letting go did Anton say, "Can I just say… You gave me a scare, but - It's worth it."      

He pecked on her lips again with both his hands, holding her face before he announced, "Because… I sincerely love you."     

A smile then portrayed on Yanmei's slender face, before she kissed back. "I love it. Say it again."     

"Hmmmm…. You might not cherish it as much," he reasoned.      

When Junsu came back knocking on the conference room, Anton and Yanmei had already fixed themselves in preparation for Anton's next meeting. Yanmei returned to her office, but it was only at lunch did she realize that she had left her phone at the conference room.     

She went back to get in, only to find the room still being used. When she asked around, Yanmei learned that Anton was still having another meeting with the apparel entity. This was other than the client meeting she had expected from earlier.      

Yanmei concluded, she could just excuse herself to get her mobile, especially since she was expecting a very important call from a client.      

She leaned closer to the door and could swear; she heard Anton shouting. She first knocked on the door and upon opening it, she saw Anton was holding a folder up in the air, his face utterly frowning.      

Anton was frustrated over the progress of his third meeting, disappointed at the manager's presentation when Yanmei caught him about to throw the proposal away. He immediately gulped, recalling their earlier agreement.     

Everyone's eyes panned from Anton to Yanmei, then they heard the boss say, "The sun - the sun is a little too bright in this conference room. Can - someone please close all the blinds."     

"I forgot my phone. Let's have lunch together, okay?" She said smiling.     

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