Tricking My Cold Lover

Yanmei's Indiference

Yanmei's Indiference

0Yanmei never opened the door until the next day. She was starving. She did not have dinner last night, and it was already eight in the morning.     

Anton was still sleeping in the living room so she grabbed the chance to find something to eat. She searched for the food they requested the other day, but she found them in the trash. Even the plates were in the trash, and the dining area of their hotel suite was a mess.      

She shook her head and told herself, 'glad he did not break the door.'     

She suddenly heard footsteps coming towards her. She was about to run back to the bedroom, but Anton was already there.      

"You are up," he said.      

"I was hungry," said Yanmie.      

"I've canceled the flight since you did not open the door."     

She just nodded and slowly walked back to the bedroom without saying more and without looking at him.     

"Yanmei I -"     

"I don't want to talk about it." She cut off his words, knowing he was about to make another explanation.     

Anton was concerned about Yanmei's growling tummy and since he was also famished, he suggested, "Let's have breakfast downstairs. The buffet is still open and we won't have to wait that long."     

As she entered the room, she contemplated whether to go, but her hands were too cold and trembling out of hunger that she decided to come along. She freshened up and changed clothes before walking outside the bedroom.     

Surprisingly, Anton was being patient. He did not complain about Yanmei's clothes.     

Instead of covering herself, like how Anton had wanted her to, she wore a dress that flaunted her slender legs and neck. She even tied her hair to one side on purpose.     

Walking out of the room, she still said no words, but just strode towards the door.      

After fetching Ha-joon from his hotel suite, they all made their way to the main restaurant. Yanmei remained silent the entire time and made sure not to walk along-side with Anton. She was always ahead of the two.      

She went straight to the buffet to get food for herself and sat on the next empty table that she could find. She cared not where Anton and Ha-joon were.      

Anton's fingers sunk into his palms as he experienced Yanmei's indifference. She was not only ignoring him, but she also chose to sit on another table without even looking back at them.     

He got up to get food before joining Yanmei, and Ha-joon did the same.      

They all ate in silence. Just when they were half-way done, Yeong Shiwoo and his family came to the restaurant. Anton quickly saw his uncle and suggested for them to finish their meals faster.      

To Anton's dismay, Shiwoo and his family sat on the round table next to theirs. This immediately caught Yanmei's eye.      

Without hesitation, she turned to quickly study Shiwoo, his wife, and his daughter. After this, she went back to eating her breakfast.      

"Anton, good morning," said Shiwoo. "And this must be Yanmei, your girlfriend."     

Anton did not answer, nor did Yanmei. Ha-joon felt the most awkward, but seeing his boss just remain silent, he also said no word.     

Shiwoo was taken aback by Anton's actions. It was obvious he and Yanmei were having a dispute. Recalling how he and Anton ended up having an argument last night, he can only imagine his daughter's visit caused the couple their quarrel.     

"Brother Anton, why aren't you answering to dad?" Said Ji-yun. "Is it because of that woman?"     

Hearing the girl's voice annoyed Yanmei. More importantly, she seemed to suggest she was at fault for Anton's lack of response. She put down her fork and drank her juice before getting up.      

She walked out of the restaurant without another word, leaving Anton and Ha-joon scrambling to catch up with her.      

Seeing how it all turned out, Shiwoo was convinced that his suspicion was correct.     

While Shiwoo felt disrespected, he was also sorry for Anton. Technically, it was his fault that the couple were left with a conflict. He thought to visit them in their room and hopefully settle their differences.      

After Yanmei made it to their room, she went straight to the bedroom, wanting to get some sleep. Anton followed her and sat on the opposite side of the bed.     

He asked, "Yanmei can we - "     

"I don't want to talk about it, Mr. Yeong, and please consider letting me go to China. Thank you."     

"Yanmei, you know other couples argue because of far worse matters like cheating, drugs, beating… whereas I - "     

"I don't want to talk about it. I want to sleep and when I wake up, I hope that you will let me return home. I want to quit working for you indefinitely," she said while resting on one side.      

The entire time, she had her back facing Anton.      

Anton had been holding his temper down. The truth was, he had been upset since their breakfast; when Yanmei decided to sit in her own table. A part of him wanted to get angry, but he held himself back, knowing it was his fault.     

He let her be for the time being.      

After a few hours, Yanmei woke up, feeling tired. Last night, she barely good a decent sleep, thus her reason to rest some more. She stepped out of the bedroom and found Shiwoo, sitting on the living room sofa with Anton.      

She took a deep breath and quickly turned back.      

"Yanmei, is it? Can I - can I possibly speak with you?" Shiwoo said.      

It was because he asked politely that Yanmei turned to say, "I'm sorry. I have no relation with Anton to merit a chance to speak with you… Excuse me."     

She walked back again only to stop at Shiwoo's words. He said, "Two times - two times, I stood in front of my daughter's hospital bed, in her near-death state."     

"Yanmei, you can't possibly blame me for wanting my daughter to have a reason to live and to keep fighting for her life. It was last year that we were in the hospital every month… every month!"     

"Aside from her chemotherapy, she caught severe pneumonia as part of the complications of her treatment. We - we practically lived in the hospital."     

"Every chance of enthusiasm, happiness, or idealism that we could influence our child with, we were willing to do anything because she is our only daughter and we love her… You may not fully understand what I am suffering - and I hope you don't - that your child with Anton will not have the same predicament as ours… because the pain of possibly losing your child is unimaginable."     

"Anton, Jae-won and Soon knows our miseries and… they feel for us. This was the only reason why Anton was swayed to my suggestion… of not inviting you to our meeting."     

"If anything, I was more to blame in your conflict… Thank you for listening to me, Yanmei." He turned to Anton and apologized again before leaving the hotel room.      

Seeing the door closed, she turned to Anton and said, "Nice speech. Can I go back to China now?"     

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