Tricking My Cold Lover

Who's Woo?

Who's Woo?

0For the rest of the day, Anton was at least relieved that Yanmei did not lock the door. After he was finished with his conference calls, he finally took a proper bath and got changed into decent casual wear.      

Yanmei, on the other hand, had been busy packing her things and was always on the phone.      

Even if she was holding her device, she did not answer calls from Yeong Soon. She knew too well, Anton's mother would defend her son. Despite Anton telling her to answer Mommy Soon's calls, she just ignored him.      

She did not miss reminding him, however, of her request, "Can you please tell me if you will let me go to China?"      

"Are you going to leave your work? Just like that?" Anton asked. "Don't you think you should be able to set aside personal matters when it comes to work? How many employees who live paycheck after paycheck are depending on you? Is it that easy to abandon them?"     

She did not answer and just resumed playing with her phone.      

Anton finished working on his laptop late in the evening, and Yanmei was already in bed. He was not sure if she was asleep. Yanmei was merely lying on one side, facing the curtained windows in complete silence.      

He took the other side of the bed and lay on his back for a few minutes, thinking about the past few days. One day, they were on vacation in Bali and everything went haywire in a blink of an eye. He was angry at the entire situation. Moreover, he could not fully grasp why Yanmei was taking it this far.      

'I already admitted to my mistake. I already explained the entire situation. What else should I do?' He asked himself.      

He turned to watch Yanmei's back for nearly half an hour before deciding on approaching her. He hugged her from behind and landed his face on her cheek. He whispered, "Yanmei, are you going to leave me?"     

With his arm going under her waist, he managed to hold her tightly, pressing her against his body. "Yanmei, I thought you would stay by my side… Do you really want to leave me?"     

"Yanmei, I'm not good at this… Make me understand. I - I can't lose you - I won't lose you," he said. He pecked on her cheek, hoping she was really awake.      

Before he turned back to his side of the bed he said, "I'm sorry. I really am."     

Yanmei had her eyes closed while listening to him. She did not give him any hint that she was awake, but a tear fell down on one of her cheeks. She quickly brushed it off by slightly turning her head to the pillow, while still pretending to sleep.      

However, despite hearing him sincerely give an apology for the first time without the influence of wine, she said no word. She felt like she needed to have time alone… Alone away from him.      

The next day, Anton told her they were returning to Korea. She was disappointed, but what he said surprised her.      

"If you want to leave, give thirty-day notice. That will give me enough time to replace you… but I hope you'll change your mind."     

"When we arrive, you can stay in your penthouse. It's already ready, but - but I insist that Chun-Ho and Iseul still guard you… Just to be sure… Remember, don't be reckless. Always have them by your side."     

Still, she did not answer. It was because she was powerless over two strong men such as him and Ha-joon that she could not ran-off to the airport. There was also a matter of safety, being labeled as Anton's girlfriend, and there may still be enemies out there, lurking around.     

In the plane, they stayed in different rows. After arriving in Korea, they were both quiet in the car. She was sent to her penthouse suite where Iseul and Chun-Ho were already waiting.      

When Anton noticed they were already nearby the penthouse building, he reached for her hand and held it tight. She tried to let go, but Anton refused. The second the car pulled over, he said, "Yanmei, I hope you'll forgive me soon."     

She turned to open the door, but Anton pulled her closer and hugged her tight. He pressed his lips against her ear and said, "I - I love you… You know that right?"     

She got off the car hastily. It was Iseul who took her luggage and Chun-Ho followed her to her apartment floor, but as she walked. Tears fell down her cheeks. She muttered, "He couldn't pick a better time to say it outright? What was so hard in saying it in the first place?!"     

In the next few days, Anton was true to his word. He gave Yanmei her space as she requested. He did not go to see her. However, he made sure she had her regular meals, from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Isuel or Chun-Ho was always there at her disposal.     

Lastly, every evening, he'd try to call her, but oftentimes, she did not answer.      

For a week, he worked at the gun factories, dealing with contracts from North American governments. The gun factories were behind production. With him and Ha-joon away for so long, there was not enough leadership to speed up their manufacturing.      

Only on the weekend did Anton think of calling a relationship expert and seek for advice. He called Lu Fang.      

"Yeong, what's up?" Said Lu Fang on the other line.      

"How is my sister?" He asked.      

Lu Fang: "We just got back the other night. She had a very good reaction to the twins. She cried outright."     

Anton: "Hmmm… Good… "     

Anton kept sighing repeatedly that Lu Fang sensed there was more to his call.      

Lu Fang: "Anything wrong, Yeong?"     

Anton: "Before I ask, you have to promise me Li Wen and Andy won't know of this conversation."     

Lu Fang: "Ahh... Sure, Bro. You have my word."     

Anton: "Let me ask you, Lu Fang… What was the worst argument you had with my sister and how did you resolve it?"     

Lu Fang: "Are you having a fight with Yanmei?"     

Anton: "No."     

Lu Fang: "Okay, then you don't really need my advice - "     

Anton: "Fuck you, Lu Fang. Are you going to help me or what?"     

Anton could hear Lu Fang chuckling, but eventually, he said, "Let's see… Argument... The truth is we barely fight - "     

Anton: "What?! How is it that you barely fight?!"     

Lu Fang: "Yeong, chill… because I am a lover… I treat your sister like a queen because she is my queen... Every day, she receives love from me… and I never fail to let her know how special she is to me… But your sister? My wife? Is the fighter in our relationship."     

"Look, I guess before Andy was taken, most of our arguments revolved around who should wash the twins or clean the dirty diapers on weekends. If she gets mad at me, I just persistently woo her!"     

Anton: "What? Who's woo?"     

Lu Fang: "Curse you, Yeong!"     

After a second of silence, Lu Fang added, "I suppose. You don't use the word very often. Yeong, remember, if you do right by her all the time, you don't even have to think about resolving problems between the two of you. Instead of Yeong versus Yanmei, it will be the two of you against the world."     

"So... let's begin with introducing you to Mr. Woo."     

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