Tricking My Cold Lover

Learning The Business

Learning The Business

0While inside a hillside villa, in the middle of a forest-like mountain resort, Anton had woken up early after retiring from a night of pleasure. He got up to open the curtains, letting the sun, light up their room.      

He gazed at the sleeping woman, still resting on their huge bed, and smirked in approval of her performance. However, his mischievous smile was quickly wiped away after recalling his repeated confession.      

He shook his head realizing he had been found out by his woman. He returned to his side to wake her.     

"Good Morning," he greeted while pecking into Yanmei's cheeks.     

While still sluggish, she stretched out her hand and turned only to smile at him. Her eyes remained close. She met his lips and kissed back. "Good Morning... I'm still sleepy…. and my entire body is sore. huhu."     

"You were great yesterday," he said before kissing more into her lips. "Because I was satisfied, I'll give you one day to rest."     

"A day? How about two days," she complained in her bedroom voice. "I'm really tired."     

He did not answer. Instead, he reached for his phone after it rang. When he saw it was his brother-in-law, he answered, "Lu Fang, Are you going home?"     

Lu Fang had gone to pick up Andrea from the UK after his last conquest against the organizers of Project Zero.      

"I see. How is Andy? Bring her to see the children. It will knock some sense into her. We will visit you after I settle matters in the company," he said on the phone.     

After putting the phone down, he turned to Yanmei and said, "Andy is still not able to remember her family."     

Yanmei's eyes tightened, recalling how Li Wen had updated her about Andrea's condition. She had woken up a few weeks ago, but they found out, Andrea had lost her memories, at least her recent ones. She looked up to him and asked, "Not even her babies?"     

He shook his head and said, "Not even her twins, but it's good that we found her sooner. She still recalls us, her siblings, her foster father - "     

"Will she remember me?" Yanmei asked with concern on her face.     

"I - I think so, but not your recent encounters. Maybe before she met Lu Fang," said Anton. He went back to sit on the bed next to her. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to his embrace. "Project Zero, they made Andy forget her recent memories - probably with an intention to make her forget her entire life so they could use her for their own benefits."     

"That's horrible, Yeong. Thank goodness, you at least found her before it got worse."     

"That's why Lu Fang and I had to end every single one of them. Everything was to protect the future children of Lu Fang and Andy - including ours," he added.     

Yanmei bit her lip, reluctant to clarify his statement. It seemed to suggest that they would have children of their own soon. Eventually, she said, "To protect our family?"     

"Hmmmm…" He said. "Yes, when we have kids of our own."     

"In any case, we will visit Andy so we can help her recover her memories. At least, now she is accepting of the fact that she has a family. They will be returning to Beijing in a few days," said Anton before sighing over his sister's predicament.     

Acknowledging the danger of being with Anton, she hugged him tightly and said, "Yeong, I want to learn how to fight properly - be stronger. I want to be the woman whom you could be proud of."     

Anton first pondered on her words while remaining to embrace his woman. He turned to Yanmei and saw the sincerity in her eyes.     

"Okay. At least now you have learned a thing or two about self-defense. I will teach you martial arts from the very beginning. Including how to use a weapon, from guns to knives," said Anton. "We will begin once we get back."     

She nodded with a smile, her eyes glued to his ruggedly handsome face.     

"And it won't just be the fighting that you have to pick up on, you have to learn the business as well," he added.      

"Yes, I will... I'll be your student and your lover," he said before giggling.     

Just when Yanmei thought it was over, he added, "Hmmm... and of course, you have to learn how to keep me happy consistently… in bed."     

As she rolled her eyes, her face turned red, knowing exactly that he meant. She smacked on his arm and asked, "When did you learn to be this shameless?"     

He turned to favor the scent of her skin, kissing on her neck, and said, "Because you kept seducing me... like what you are doing right now."     

Yanmei, "..."     

In the next two days, Yanmei and Anton remained in their villa, just merely lounging while Anton started teaching her about the business, beginning with the gun factory.      

While discussing over pastries and tea, Anton narrated, "The gun factory was passed down from grandfather. He - he already passed away two years ago. Father has a younger brother, Yeong Shiwoo, but he chose not to take part in the business. So he sold all his shares to father. Instead, he runs a hospitality business here in Indonesia."     

"Oh, so they live here in the country? Are we going to visit them after our stay here?" Yanmei asked. She recalls Yeong Soon mention Jae-won's brother, but she did not expect they lived outside of Korea. It was no wonder she had never seen them.     

"No. I don't intend to," he said outright.     

"Why?" She asked with her brows drawn together.     

"I'd… rather not. They are having a time of isolation now, I believe. Their only daughter is on remission from cancer," said Anton. "We don't want to add to their troubles."     

Yanmei notice he was being evasive about his uncle, Yeong Jae-won's brother, so she let it be and just said, "Such a waste that he did not keep his share of the business - "     

"It was his decision. He did not like the arms business from the start," Anton explained, cutting off Yanmei's thought.     

Realizing Anton had only mentioned the gun factory, she asked, "Is JKW only your fathers?"      

"Yes, only dad's very own business. He started it from scratch when he was in his mid-twenties, investing in other corporations. Some merely being a shareholder while for some, taking an active role in the decision making," Anton said. "It's the same cooperation we have with Lu Fang and the Lionheart Entertainment. I'm sure you already know this."     

"Yes, I know JKW Investments well. Once in a while, I help Junsu with his work," she assured him before sipping on her cup.      

"Good girl, then I'll start moving you from one entity to another," he said. "You and Yeona. I want you to have the same assistant all throughout… and I don't want you seeing Haneul."     

"Wait, is this really all about me learning the business or you wanting me to get away from Haneul?" She had to ask, hearing him mention it.      

Anton narrowed his eyes at her before he said, "Both… I don't know what Haneul's motives are, investing in a condominium when it is clearly not in his family's expertise, but he has annoyed me since highschool. At first, he wanted to be friends with me, but I never had time for that. Furthermore, he was too delicate, like those K-pop singers."     

"Unless he becomes my loyal subjects like Ha-joon, Iseul, and Chun-Ho, he won't be making friends with me. So I gave him a black-eye one day, and that ended his pursuit over befriending me."     

Yanmei sneered and said, "Sheesh. No wonder he said you were vicious."     

"Yanmei, with someone as irritating as Haneul, you have to be vicious. It's the only way to get the message across. I expect you will treat him appropriately the next… right where it hurts him the most. Otherwise, he will continue to pester you... You understand me?"     

Giving a weak smile, she said, "Okay. I understand."     

Seeing her fell silent after his reminder he called her over, "Come here."     

Yanmei lazily got up and walked to his direction. He urged her to sit on his lap and she giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting on him.     

Anton caressed her cheek and put a strand of her hair at the back of her ear. He said, "Yanmei, the truth is you don't need to work so hard to stand by my side, but I want you to have that confidence in you so that you'll never doubt yourself."     

"When you avoided me after almost being taken, I did not want that to happen again," he added. "Of course, if you help me that means, you'll always be with me most of the time."     

"I like that idea," she said. "I can go to the gun factory with you?"     

He nodded with a grin and said, "Yes, that is an added motivation. We can have a hot sex surrounded by gunpowder... or lie on a bed of bullets."     

She laughed boisterously before saying, "Not funny, Yeong... Not even romantic, but I'd really like that... Being with you through all your endeavors."     

Yanmei pecked on his cheeks before meeting his lips. They both indulged in a heated kiss until she felt his hardness against her behind. She heard him plead, "Yanmei, can we?"     

"No, it's rest time for me. Mine still hurts!" She protested.      

While locking his arms around her waist, he said, "Yes, but... Your mouth isn't sore, is it?"      

She gulped realizing, there was no escaping this man.     

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