Tricking My Cold Lover

Temporary Goodbye

Temporary Goodbye

0Yanmie, ran as fast as she could. She watched as Anton slowly turned to her direction, and in a heartbeat, she buried her face into his chest and said, "I'm sorry."     

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake," she repeated with her arms wrapped around his waist. "I'll - I'll work harder. I'll work harder because I really love you."     

She felt his hands caressed her arms before it made its way to her face. He gradually made me look up to his serious face and said, "Yanmei, I did not regret being upset with you, but I grieved for... for almost hurting you."     

Shaking her head, tears fell from her eyes. She said, "I won't do it again. I'll listen to whatever Iseul or Chun-Ho tells me. I'll never take things lightly again."     

She hugged him repeatedly before pausing for a second. Reaching a realization, she said, "But Yeong, I can't promise I won't make you angry forever." With a firm grip, she held on to his arms before adding, "but I'll do my best to make-up for my shortcomings."     

Seeing him squint at her, she jumped and pulled herself up to his face. She pecked on his cheeks as many times as she could. It was only after receiving so many kisses that the side of his lips finally curved up.      

Anton used his sturdy arms to lift her even higher and carried her against his shoulder, walking steadily to his room.      

Yanmei yelped at being carried in such a manner, but the rush was quickly over when she landed on his bed. He was instantly all over her, covering her lips, his big hands finding her curves.      

The ferocity of their kisses let out sensual moans, and scant breaths escaped their lips, but the two suddenly stopped hearing the creaking sound of the door of Anton's room. They both turned to find Yeong Soon attempting to close it.      

"You two learn to close the door. Will you?" Said Yeong Soon before abruptly shutting it. There was no more use pretending not to see.     

Panting, Yanmei pulled her head back against the pillow. She then sensed Anton give kisses on her neck, biting and sucking intensely before finally stopping to lean on his side. She knew they were vamp marks again.      

Minutes passed and Anton held Yanmei's face and pecked her swollen lips before saying, "I can't also promise that I can always hold my temper... but I'm trying. I - I have never been this patient and lenient with someone in my entire life."     

Her eyes were wet again as she nodded again and again, "I understand - I understand. And if you get mad at me, I will try my best to appease you." With her hand on his face, she pecked on his lips. "I'll kiss you and kiss you until your anger melts away."     

While receiving endless kisses, his eyes nearly closed as he teasingly said, "Okay. You do that but just remember to find a private room."     

Their kissing turned passionate again that Yanmei's legs came in between his thighs. It was because Anton knew it was heating up that he pulled away. He said, "In getting Andy back... there are many uncertainties... I don't want you to have that feeling of giving yourself to someone who - who may not - "     

"No, Yeong, don't say that - "     

"I just want - I just want to be honest with you. I want you to realize the severity of the danger that we face right now... Listen to me," he said. "I will take you when I return and... I will look forward to it."     

"In every chance I get, I will call you." Anton was staring at Yanmei's eyes before adding, "Be a good girl. Iseul and Chun-Ho will still be with you plus four more… Just to be sure."     

"Two of them will hide in the shadows, following you in secret. Don't think it's bothersome because everything I do is for your own good."     

"Yes. I will. I promise. I'll follow everything you say," replied Yanmei. With her eyes closed, she hugged him tightly and said, "Yeong, please think of me. Please…. No matter how difficult your situation is in France, remember that I am waiting for you."     

The couple spent an hour snuggling with each other, kissing and caressing each other's faces, but when Anton received a call from his brother-in-law, Lu Fang, he knew he had to make preparations to leave.      

He first packed some of his clothes while getting an update from his men at the base. It was already in wee hours that he left the mansion, but just before doing so, he bid goodbye to his parents and to Yanmei.      

Yeong Soon and Yeong Jae-won watched an emotional parting between the couple.      

He pulled Yanmei into a sweet embrace while standing at the driveway. He pecked on her forehead several times before saying, "Yanmei, I'll see you. Not too soon, but when I see you. I promise to lock you in a room for a week… maybe even more."     

She chuckled as sniffed away her tears, nodding as she hugged him back. "Okay, I expect no less… You better be back safe and sound…Try not to scratch yourself."     


"I love you, Yeong," said Yanmei.      

Anton pressed his lips against her ears and pecked it before saying, "and I too. Take care of mom and dad for me, okay?"     

Yanmei did not know how long she was standing at the drive-way. It was dark outside, but the lights within the mansion and the neighborhood allowed her to see as the car slowly go farther and farther away until it disappeared from her sight.      

The only force that made her go back to the inside was knowing it was only a temporary goodbye.      

In the morning, the first thing she did was check her phone, but there was still no call. She realized Anton must still be in the air, headed for France.      

She went down to have breakfast with Anton's parents. When Jae-won left for the gun factories, Yeong Soon excused herself and came back after five minutes, bringing a box and handing it to Yanmei.      

"It's my advance birthday gift for you," she said with a smile. "Well, actually Anton told me to buy these for you."     

"What is it, Mommy Soon? And my birthday is not until two months," she said while forcing a smile.      

"It's something to keep you from worrying about Anton and divert your energy into learning something more useful to your relationship and… to this family," said Yeong Soon. She patted on Yanmei's shoulder and left, saying she needed to go to the bathroom.      

Yanmei pursed her lips before slowly opening the box, but the very second she took a glimpse of what was inside she exclaimed, "Oh, my goodness!"     

After a minute, however, she giggled, knowing it was indeed useful.     

Yeong Soon ordered for Yanmei a year's worth of back issues and one advance issue of Cosmopolitan.     

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