Tricking My Cold Lover

Studying for Exams

Studying for Exams

0"I'm coming. I'm coming!" Yanmei was yelling while rushing to get out of the bathroom, hearing her phone ring.     

It had been days since Anton left and they had not talked since. She often missed his calls, which were very limited from the start. Nevertheless, she always received a text from him.      

She also made it a point to check with his sister, Li Wen regarding the progress of their pursuit. If she did not hear from him, at least, she would learn from Li Wen that he was safe.     

When she checked her phone, she confirmed her suspicion. Quickly answering it, she called for him, "Yeong! Yeong!" She was gasping as she answered the call. "I'm sorry I missed your call the other night. I was working late at the office for a new client presentation - "     

"It's okay. Yanmei. How are you?" Anton asked, his voice was serious as usual.      

"I'm doing fine. I've been a good girl. I swear," she said while sitting down on the bed.      

"Good… Yanmei, we are going to start implementing our plans to get Andy back. I won't be using my personal phone for a while. It's a precaution we need to take. Just in case, I lose my phone as we go along, it is best that our devices cannot be traced back to you or anyone in our family."     

"I might be out of reach for the next few days," Anton revealed the bad news. "As soon as we retrieve Andy, we - we still have to make sure they suffer the consequences of taking my sister and… attempting to hurt you."     

"You mean to say - "     

"Yes, my men have confirmed that whoever tried to take you that day had something to do with the same organization that took, Andy. This was the result of their investigation," he said, cutting off Yanmei's trail of thought.     

After landing in France, Anton and his brother-in-law had re-grouped and with his sister on a videoconference with them, they were able to grasp the entirety of enemies' strength, including their influences within the country.     

Just as they suspect, they were dealing with the descendants of Project Zero's original organizers, not just one, but several families were involved. They were aiming to bring back the research but taking the original test subjects, if not their children.      

Taking back her sister would not be the ultimate solution to the problem. He and Lu Fang agreed that if the same families still lived to want the same power, they will continue to be a threat to them. Thus, they both agreed that the fight would not end after rescuing Andrea.      

They needed to cut the roots where the greed of their rivals was deeply planted and that included taking down their families. They have to cut their resources, their wealth and connections. As necessary, they have to make them pay with their own lives.      

The plan was meant to ensure that their families; Anton's, Andrea's and Li Wen's, could live on a normal life. The threat had to be dealt with from the very start.      

Returning his thoughts to Yanmei, he said, "So remember to keep yourself safe. Don't make me worry."     

"I understand… I won't make you worry. I promise…Yeong, please stay safe," she said with a frown on her face. "I miss you so much."     

"I haven't been gone that long - "     

"But I miss you," she repeated. "The room feels so empty without you here… When I close my eyes, I dream of you and when I wake up from my sleep, all I think about is you!"     

"You are not going ludicrous, are you?" He asked. His words were meant to be a joke, but he was never good at it, to begin with.     

Her smile turned into a frown. She was expressing her love, and he calls her crazy. She gave a heavy sigh and said, "I even miss your sarcasm and your callous words, but don't worry... You aren't Yeong if you are not being yourself."     

"Is it so boring without me?" He teased. "Why don't you bring Y2 with you wherever you go."     

She smiled, turning to the teddy bears. "I don't want them getting dirty... What about you, do you miss me?"     

Anton was silent for a second but eventually, he said, "You have crossed my mind… More than I can remember… Anyway… I heard you are skipping your dinner."     

Yanmei had a towel wrapped around her body. Her hair was still dripping of water when she ran out of the bathroom. She first walked to her closet to get another towel while answering, "No, I'm not skipping meals. I'm just taking protein shakes in the evening."     

"But you have self-defense practice from time to time, plus working late. The protein shake will not be sufficient for your body needs," Anton reminded. If anyone should give her solid advice, it should be him. He was very good at maintaining his body.     

He said, "Don't believe whatever it says on diet books. You eat sufficient protein. Just stay away from gluten and sugar."     


"Why in the world are you trying to lose weight? You are already slim." He asked, worried about the fact that she was starving herself.     

Yanmei pouted her lips. Her face turned crimson red before she revealed, "I - I just read somewhere in Cosmo about - about different positions and figured its best if you can - you can carry me in any way - but anyway - just silly, really."     

Anton was silent again, but she soon heard him clear his throat and said, "You don't have to worry. I'm strong enough to lift you any way I want, carry you anywhere… even - in mid-air."     

Yanmei suddenly felt a strange sensation in her abdomen. All the more when he said, "You know what you could do? Is tone your stomach and your - your ass. They are just too soft when I squeeze them."     

She covered her face, utterly ashamed, but also giggled at his suggestion. "hmmm… okay."     

"Have you read all the magazines?" He asked.      

"No, not yet. Just two of them."     

"Well… just keep at it so you won't feel my absence… My expectations are already so high," he said in a way to tease her, and Yanmei could honestly feel a smile on his face.     

Yanmei was blushing endlessly, but there was no turning back. She had already promised to give herself to him. Missing him all this time made it even worse.      

Bidding goodbye, Yanmei reminded him how much she loved him.     

Anton still could not say the words, but he said, "Yanmei… The day I find it in me to say it back to you… You won't be allowed to escape from me... Goodnight."     

Yanmei was smiling from ear to ear with what he said. Even if he had not said it out loud, she felt the meaning of it. She knew him after all and smooth lines were not his forte… but over the little time they had spent together; he had been becoming more expressive than the last.     

While Anton was oceans away, working on retrieving his sister, Yanmei did her best to become the better partner for him. She lengthened her training hours, learning self-defense.     

She also worked out at the mansion gym during her free time, hoping to strengthen her stamina and get some abs on her stomach. Plus, make her ass form a firm round shape. Everything was to please her man for the day of his return.     

The rest of her available time, she kept reading the magazines.      

One weekend, after taking a shower, she took another back issue and started to read some interesting tips. Flipping through the pages, an article caught her eye.      

Sexy Ways to Tease Him     

"Ooohhhh. Nice."     

While you are out in a restaurant or out for coffee, caress up his leg as high as you can get away with. If you're feeling super-daring, lightly stroke his member over his pants.     

After reading the first suggestion, her mouth twitched. She was not sure if she was that naughty, but, she took a highlighter and put a check-mark on it.      

Men are aroused by visual stimuli, so a nonverbal come-on can make him hungry. Toy with him by bending slowly to pick up something in a short skirt or blow-drying your hair in jeans and a bra. Act like you don't know he's watching, it'll arouse the hell out of him.     

"I think I can do this." A grin appeared on her face, knowing she could wing it. She put a sizeable checkmark on the suggestion and even took a post-it to mark the page.      

For the suggestions that were unfathomable, she just gave a sneer or ended up shaking her head.     

The next thing she read made her gasp, but ultimately, she thought it was a good idea. She bit her lip and said to herself, "I may need to practice on this."      

If you are on top, stop the action, then crawl down his body until reaching the end of the bed. Give him a "Want it? Then come and get it!" grin. Then prepare to be pounced on.      

She continued on with the magazine, learning a thing or two. Leaving sticky notes while she was at it like she was back in school, studying for exams.     

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