Tricking My Cold Lover

You're Mine

You're Mine

0Still tucked in Anton's embrace, Yanmei hugged him back. Hearing him say he desired her was music to her ears. She wondered to herself, 'Did that mean that he loved me?'     

After savoring his scent and feeling his lean body, Yanmei looked up to him and said, "Will you stay over, please?"     

Anton ran his fingers through his hair before scratching his head. He said, "Are you tempting me?"     

She flushed and said, "Yeong - I. I still don't know if I am ready for that, but I'd really want to hold you, hug you. I really miss you a lot."     

He closed his eyes and lean his head back before finally deciding," Okay. Let's go to my place instead."     

Yanmei's eyes lit up. She had a feeling Anton lived in the same building, but he never confirmed it. She would finally see his own place, but then a thought ran through her mind, 'Would that mean I would be devoured?'     

Her excitement changed into nervousness. She told herself in silence, 'Yanmei, like what does it matter, staying in the same bed here or his apartment means the same thing.'     

It was because her yearning for him mattered the most that she agreed. She said, "Yeong, you won't force me - "     

"No. Not until you are ready," he said while leaning back to the kitchen counter and crossing his arms on his chest. "So, are you coming?"     

She nodded reluctantly before going to her room and getting some clothes to get changed into. Anton told her to bring clothes for tomorrow morning and just put on something to cover herself as they move to his penthouse.     

However, before searching for her drawers, she checked the time and saw that it was nearly seven in the morning in New York. She called her best friend, Garry, and tried to get his advice.     

"Hello, bestie, are you killing me waking me up so early on a weekend," Garry complained, after having answered on her third call.     

"I badly need your help," said Yanmei. "Do you remember about the guy I like? Well, I did not tell you, but we are together now - "     

Garry: "What? Shit! Bitch! You did not tell me! Okay, I'm awake now. Give me all the juicy details."     

Yanmei: "I can't not now. He is waiting outside for me. We are going to his place."     

Garry: "Oh, my god!!!! Are you going to give up your V?"     

Yanmei: "No! I can't - I - I'm not ready. It scares me - "     

Garry: "Tell me something. Is his big?"     

Yanmei: "Hell, I don't know- Well I kinda felt it two weeks ago. It seemed big. We were kissing and - "     

Garry: "Oh, my god!!! Tell me, are his hands big?"     

Yanmei was confused with the question. She frowned before answering, "Yes?"     

Garry: "Oh, my gosh! That means he is totally big!"     

With her best friend's conclusion, Yanmei suddenly felt her heart beating faster. She put a hand on her chest, before shaking her head. She said, "Garry! Let's not get out of topic here! We are not going to talk about his size! I need hour advice."     

Garry: "What do you need help?"     

Yanmei: "He just admitted he wanted to take me, but I don't know if I am ready for it."     

Garry: "I understand you, girl. You never dated while we were studying, but trust me when I say, it feels so good! Although I don't know how girls would feel, from my other girlfriends, they say it is so good, you keep asking for more."     

Yanmei gulped at Garry's optimism, but what he said next eradicated his earlier encouragement. He added, "but I heard if it's so big and if it's your first, then sometimes it hurts."     

Yanmei: "It - it hurts?"     

Garry: "Some of my other girlfriends said it hurts while others did not feel pain. I guess it depends. Maybe the size matters."     

Sure, Yanmei has heard about this before but she never really paid attention to these stories. It was something she was never interested in.     

Yanmei: "Oh, no. I think he's is really big. What do I do?"     

Garry: "Bestie, before anything else. Have you decided that this is the man for you?     

Yanmei: "I - I don't know but, but I've never liked someone before and I like him so much."     

Garry: "Then, don't force yourself to do it. Just go on regular dates, watch movies, go on dinners. Get to know each other and if it really reaches a point where you are on a very heated make-out session, then just help him!"     

Yanmei: "Help him?"     

Garry: "Yes, girl. I've told you about this many times. You know my lovemaking stories. Give him a handjob or dry hump. I don't see you ever doing it with your mouth so stick with that."     

Yanmei's eyes grew wide. Shocked at her friend's suggestion.     

"Yanmei, what's taking you so long? Are you coming?" It was Anton knocking at the door.     

"Ooohh… I could hear his voice. Sounds so manly. He definitely has it big," teased Garry.     

"Oh, please…. I better go, he is coming inside," She said before putting down the phone.     

Anton eventually found himself inside her room and she said, "I'm sorry. Garry called. I'm just going to grab some clothes. Give me a minute."     

He nodded and sat on her bed as he watched her go in and out of her walk-in closet. After just five minutes, she came back with a small bag and said with a smile, "Let's go."     

After locking her apartment door, the two walked slowly until they went past the elevators. Yanmei looked up to him and wondered where they were going. She said, "Where are we headed?"     

"I already said. To my place," his only response.     

Then, reality hit her. She glared at him, saying, "You live on the same floor!"     

"Shhh… Don't scream - "     

"I had an idea you lived in the same building and I waited for you to tell me but - the same floor!" She could not help but show her disappointment.     

Anton put an arm around her and said, "Okay. Enough, I meant to tell you soon anyway. I - I was just worried you'd crawl on my bed because I will definitely take you."     

"Great. From a woman-hater to a maniac. Some guy my boyfriend turned out to be - "     

"Hey! Let me tell you something. Every man has desires. Presented with the right woman, there is no controlling one's brother down there. You just happened to be the right woman for me!" Anton then turned Yanmei to face him and said, "Don't ever let another man bring you to a private place alone. Even if he tells you, he has no intentions, never believe him. You understood?"     

When Anton said she was the right woman for him, she could not help but smile inwardly. Still, she had her apprehensions. "So I should not believe you -"     

"It's different with me because you are mine... I don't need to hurry," said Anton before turning her to face the hallway and urging her to remain walking.     

Eventually, they made it to his penthouse. He gave her a quick tour before taking her to his bedroom.     

As expected, Yanmei thought his room was very manly, shaded with black, white and gray. His bed was the same size as the one he got for her own apartment.     

"Do you want to wash?" He asked.     

She shook her head and said, "I'm done washing."     

Without another word, he made his way to his closet and took out a sweatshirt and pajamas. He said, "wear this to bed."     

"What? this is too much!" She tried to object. Yanmei was used to sleeping on comfortable clothes.     

"Yanmei, with your sleeping clothes, I can definitely see your ass and your cleavage. Now, wear this. I'll just take a shower."     

While Anton was in the shower, she placed her bag inside his closet and got changed into his clothes. She folded the tip of his pajamas and the same with the sleeves, raising it on a comfortable level, then, she waited for Anton.     

Anton came out of the shower already wearing his pajamas and a tank top undershirt. He gazed at her approvingly before saying, "Let's sleep."     

He went to the other side of the bed and invited her to join him. Yanmei crawled to the bed and lay beside him.     

Anton put an arm around her waist and pulled her even closer to him. He pecked on her lips and on her forehead before saying, "Goodnight."     

Yanmei smiled and wrapped an arm around him before responding, "Goodnight, Yeong."     

They did not make out that night, but Yanmei was happy to sleep in his arms, hugging him tightly. It was enough to make her feel loved and secured. Wearing his clothes was even a bonus.     

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