Tricking My Cold Lover

The Vampire

The Vampire

0When Yanmei woke up the next day, Anton was already taking a shower. She thought back about last night and could not help but blush at how they had progressed.     

However, recalling his answer towards the "love" question, she frowned. 'What did he mean to ask him back when I am sure? What if I fall deeper in love with him and he says no?'     

'Or?' She thought. 'He is already in love with me?'     

"Go ahead, Yanmei. Convince yourself," she muttered while staring at the ceiling.     

When Anton came out, wrapped in a towel waist down, he said, "Take a shower. I'll drop you off at the office. I'll be introducing to the Gwans Li Wen's security system and will be back to the office before noon."     

As Yanmei got up, Anton turned to his closet, choosing his attire for the day. He removed his towel and placed it on the bed, flaunting his well-shaped behind.     

"Yeong! I'm still here! You could have waited until I get to the bathroom!" Exclaimed Yanmei as she ran to the restroom. She slammed shut the bathroom door as soon as she made it.     

Anton shook her head and complained, "Has she forgotten she had already seen everything?"     

Yanmei was standing behind the door, taking heavy breaths. She felt her face warm-up, and she knew it meant she had turned red. She checked herself in the mirror, but instead of finding her flushed face, she saw hickeys on her neck.     

"Oh, my goodness. Anton is a vampire," she mumbled to herself.     

Yanmei took off her sleeping dress and saw more. She knew there would be, but did not expect it to be this many. She found four very obvious kiss marks on her neck. Nevermind those that were scattered on her chest, at least she could cover them.     

After she got showered and dressed, she tried to cover it up with her make up, but it was because she was not fond of heavy cosmetics that she did not have enough color blends to hide it completely.     

In the end, she asked Anton if she can borrow a scar from Yeong Soon.     

Yeong Jae-won had left early to visit the gun factories. Although Anton had taken over the management of the business, the father and son had both agreed he would act as Anton's check and balance.     

After heading down, Yanmei awkwardly walked to the kitchen for breakfast. Yeong Soon was already waiting for them, having coffee.     

"Good morning, Yanmei," said Yeong Soon. "Good morning, son."     

"Mommy Soon, good morning." Yanmei pecked her on the cheek before taking a seat next to Anton.     

"Oh, this is such a good day!" Announced Yeong Soon. "Dear, I hope those hickeys made its way down there!"     

Yanmei bowed her head, embarrassed. She unconsciously rubbed her neck with her hand and she ended up removing part of the make-up. All the more, Anton's vamp bites became visible.     

Mommy Soon laughed gleefully. She knew it would just be a matter of time before she can have her precious grandchild coming. "It's okay, Yanmei. I already prepared a scarf for you."     

Forcing a smile, she thanked Mommy Soon.     

After breakfast, Anton brought Yanmei to the office while he made his way to the penthouse building. He needed to settle the agreement between him and the Gwans. At the same time, he wanted to check on the progress of Iseul and Chun-Ho's investigation.     

Arriving at The Gwan Luxury Residence, he first sought his men who were on standby at their apartments.     

"Sir, we found out that Grace had installed hidden cameras across each of your doors," Iseul pointed out to the corners where the cameras were earlier placed.     

Anton frowned recalling the re-decorations Grace had imposed almost two weeks ago. It would seem like she had long planned this scheme.     

"Also, Mr. Yeong, Grace admitted to having received help form Baek Min-Jun's assistant. Hence, Kevin came into the picture and she was able to purchase these expensive cameras," said Iseul.     

"From Grace's bag, we recovered an injectable drug that was meant to trigger a heart attack. Grace said that Min-jun's assistant told her it was only a mild sedative. She said it was meant for you, in case you were not swayed by her."     

"Get his assistant. Maybe she does all the dirty work," instructed Anton.     

During Aton's meeting with the Gwans, he forced upon them to give 30% of the building's revenue. This will cover the new security system as well as the maintenance of the security staff where all the guards will be coming from his side. When they were all in agreement on the conditions, he called for more of his men to take over the building's safety.     

It would only take two more days for them to complete the installation of new door locks and cameras. He and Yanmei would return in no time.     

Before heading back to the office, Anton received a message from Yanmei saying, "Yeong, Christopher Kwan is here, but it's okay. I am attending to his inquiries regarding the contract."     

He sneered, recalling how the son of the Kwans had many affairs. He hurriedly found his car and sped through the road.     

That day, Yanmei wore a long-sleeved floral dress with a scarf on her neck. She looked bright and pleasant with her dress, matching well her glowing face.     

She was in a conference room discussing with Christopher the benefits of the contract. It was because he was not around during her presentation at the Kwan Land Corporation that he requested to have a moment with Yanmei.     

"This is good. No wonder dad agreed right away," said Christopher. He gave his most seductive smile at Yanmei and said, "How long have you been working here Ms. Xia?"     

"About seven months now," said Yanmei as she wiped the sweat on her forehead. She then felt strangely warm.     

She looked up at the centralized air-conditioning and wondered if there was a problem.     

"You also noticed? It is getting warm," said Christopher. "You should just remove your scarf. It will help you breathe a little better."     

Christopher Kwan learned from his staff that Xia Yanmei was a beautiful, slender and witty woman. Even his father gave admiring words that he decided to take a look for himself. Discussing the contract was only the secondary purpose.     

Yanmei first checked on the conference room thermostat and tried to adjust the temperature, but it did not work. The temperature remained at 29 degrees celsius. There was a problem at the central control itself. She asked the staff nearby, and they also confirmed that the airconditioning was not cold enough.     

It was because Yanmei was already contemplating on unbuttoning the top of her dress that she figured it was easier to take off her scarf. She placed it on the table and said, "I'm sorry about this. I'll check with maintenance what is going on - "     

"No need. We are done here anyway," said Christopher. "You know, I haven't been back here in Korea since last year. Many things have changed, I was wondering if you can accompany me to find a good restaurant for lunch?"     

Yanmei's accommodating smile faded. "Um. I'm sorry - "     

"Oh, my goodness. Looks like you had the best night of your life! I -" He said while nodding and looking straight at her neck, "I can tell."     

"Oh, God. I'm so sorry. I'm so ashamed," said Yanmei. She then flushed before explaining, "My boyfriend turned vampire-like last night."     

Christopher shook his head and gave a smirk. "Well, with a woman like you, any man would turn into a vampire. Who is your boyfriend anyway? Some lucky man he is."     

Yanmei saw through his flirtatious ways that she said outright, "It's Anton…Anton Yeong. We are together."     

Christopher suddenly felt his body temperature rise to 38 degrees. Without delay, he got up and said, "I think I better go. I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. Thank you for your time."     

Christopher Kwan left without properly bidding goodbye to Yanmei. He heard that the great Anton Yeong was in a relationship, but he did not expect he would see her today, much more, try to get a lunch date with her.     

He hurriedly left, fearing to offend Anton Yeong, but just as he found his car, he was grabbed by the neck and slammed onto the side of his vehicle.     

Anton Yeong had a hand around his neck, his other hand, holding on to his coat. He said, "I don't ever want to see you in the same building as my woman. You understand me?"     

"I swear Anton, I did not know she was your girlfriend - Ahhh! Fuck!"     

Anton had punched him on the face. He knew his reason for coming over had to be woman related. It just happened to be his woman that Christopher had eyed on.     

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