Tricking My Cold Lover



0With his eyes fully extended, Xia Zihao was in a state of shock. He was unaccepting of what Anton said that he asked, "You - you were the one?"     

"Yes. It was me," said Anton.     

While Yanmei's father and Anton were understanding each other, Yi Liling and Yi Meixu were utterly confused.     

"Father, what is going on?" Asked, Yi Meixu.     

"I - AM! The old rich man you have been referring to!" Announced Anton. "and you all have defamed my name, which could affect my business in the long run! Thus, you must face the consequences!"     

Anton fixed himself and his jacket before waving his gun in the air and putting it back on the table. He said, "Therefore, I am asking 999,000,000.00 Million Dollars for moral damages!"     

All their faces paled, especially Yi Liling. She said, "You - You and Yanmei - "     

"Yes," said Anton, not confirming anything specific.     

More than regret, a wave of jealousy crept into Meixu's heart. She thought, 'How come Yanmei still had it better?'     

"You can't do this to us! I refuse to sell you my share! You have no idea who you are dealing with!" Declared Xia Zihao. "I am a Xia, we are related to the owners of the biggest company in China! We, the Xia's will crush you and throw you back where you belong!"     

The corner of Anton's lips curved up. He almost laughed at his threat, but eventually, he said, "I would like to see you try."     

"And you, Yi Meixu. I am happy to show your husband your claims of being SINGLE. That way, your wish can be made true," said Anton as he shifted to glare at her.     

It was Yi Meixu's turn to feel weary. Just when she thought it was all that she had to be concern about, Anton pulled out another document and threw it in her face.     

"Ahh!" She stood up in anger and questioned Anton's actions, "How dare you?!"     

For a moment, she forgot that Anton held a gun. When Anton's eyes were fixed on the gun at the table, it was only then when Meixu realized the situation she was in.     

Her lips trembled, and she slowly took a seat to take a look at the document thrown at her. "No… No… No, please… Please don't tell my husband!"     

"Tell what?" Yi Liling and Yi Meixu turned to find Bi Han at the door, being escorted by one of Anton's men.     

Yi Liling quickly took the document in her daughter's hand. After learning what it was, she quickly tore it in pieces and declared to Anton, "You are here to destroy the beautiful relationship of my daughter and her husband! How dare you?!"     

Bai Han immediately walked to the table and came to aid his wife. "Xuxu, are you okay? What is going on?" He turned to Anton and said, "Who are you? And what are you doing with my wife?"     

Anton shook his head. He said, "It's really more on what your wife is doing to you." He directed his gaze back to the mother and daughter and brought out another copy of the previously handed document, this time passing it over to Bai Han.     

"What is that?" Feared Yi Meixu. She quickly grabbed the document and after seeing its contents, she also shredded the document into pieces.     

Bai Han was taken aback by Meixu's sudden reaction. He turned to Anton, about to ask what it was, but one bodyguard handed him another copy of the same document.     

"No!" Yelled Meixu. She tried to reach for the paper, but Bai Han held it up before stepping away from him to study what was written on it.     

While all this was happening, Xia Zihao kept asking what was going on, but he was completely ignored by the mother and daughter, merely focused on the new document presented.     

There were two pieces of paper in Bai Han's hand, stapled together. One paternity test against him and the other, against his 5th-degree cousin, Bai Jing, where he scored only 71% while his cousin scored 99.9%.     

He immediately crumpled the paper and turned to his wife, asking, "What is the meaning of this, Xuxu?! Why did you even have a paternity test on my cousin?"     

"It's simple… She was unsure who the father was, idiot!" Remarked Anton. "So you see, it was never Yanmei's fault that she lost the child. For all we know, she purposely got rid of the child after learning you were not the father."     

Xia Zihao sensed his world crumbled. All the while, Meixu made him believe she became depress because of Yanmei's actions and apparently, she may have gotten rid of her old child. Now, his relationship with Bais may be in danger.     

Yi Meixu was already crying at that point, holding on to Bai Han's arms, kneeling. "Don't believe him. I am your wife. This is a fake document!"     

"Yes, son," said Yi Liling. "Don't believe him. He is making this up to ruin your relationship! This man is interested in Meixu. That's why he brought us here!"     

Bai Han looked Anton in the eye and he heard him say, "You simply need to check on the hospital records." He then handed a flash drive to him and added, "That is the surveillance camera at the Guangzhou Medical Hospital where you can see the time and date both your wife and her mother went to have the paternity test."     

"Liar! Liar!" Yelled Yi Meixu, her face already flooded in tears.     

"Oh, and I forgot to mention. That flash drive also has a video of Yi Meixu entering a hotel room together with your cousin," said Anton before winking at Bai Han. "Go ahead and take your ugly wife away from my sight. Flaunting herself. She does not realize how much of an eyes sore she is."     

Meixu was dragged out of the hotel ballroom by her husband and only Xia Zihao and his mistress remain to face Anton.     

Yi Liling turned to her lover, but she received a slap on her face, instantly swelling her face.     

"You and your daughter plotted this? And now what will become of us if the Bais deserts us?!" Argued Yanmei's father.     

"Deal with her at home! We still have our contracts and the demand letter at hand to address," Anton said calmly, pointing the gun at the document.     

"No! I will not agree to the transaction if it will not be worth what you promised! You tricked me! I will fight you! I will ask my cousin's help! You forget, you are not in your territory, Anton Yeong!"     

He pulled his mistress by the hand and left the Four Seasons Hotel in anger that day. The moment he arrived at his home, he contacted Xia Tao but he was denied help.     

He also called Xia Ting, but he was told, "Why would we help you? The moment you abandoned a Xia, you have chosen to be on your own. This may very well be your karma after abandoning Yanmei and her mother."     

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