Tricking My Cold Lover



0Anton and Yanmei were riding the lift, heading down to the hotel lobby when she felt something was lacking. The night was still young, and they were already ending their date. She was not quite ready to go home just yet.     

Yammei turned to Anton with pleading eyes and said, "I want to go on a karaoke. I really miss Garry."     

Turning his gaze from Yanmei to the elevator door, he said, "I can send my private plane to pick-up your friend. Where does he live in the US? Under no circumstance am I going to go on karaoke."     

Yanmei pursed her lips and said, "Fine."     

Just as they arrived at the hotel lobby, Yanmei called up her assistant. "Hello Yeona, do you want to have karaoke toni - "     

Anton grabbed her phone, utterly displeased. He said, "Remember, no office romance!"     

Yanmei questioned in silence, 'Office romance?'     

He put Yanmei's phone against his ears and spoke, "No need to bother yourself, Yeona. I will take Yanmei for Karaoke. Goodbye."     

His sudden decision shocked her. She was about to react but he beat her to it, saying, "Don't ever tell my mother." He then walked ahead only to come back adding, "Not any soul! You should not tell anybody!"     

"Alright! Alright! Geez! What's the deal about going for karaoke. It's not like we are going to a gay b - "     

She managed to stop herself from speaking any further and merely following him behind as he walked steadily to the hotel's exit.     

Anton completely forgot whose phone he was holding. He simply put the device inside his jacket pocket, and Yanmei failed to notice the same.     

Getting inside the car, Yanmei was smiling from ear to ear, excited to have a karaoke challenge, but it worried her that Anton might not participate that much that she asked the driver, "Minsuh, how would you like to join us for karaoke?"     

Minsuh watched from the rearview mirror the reaction of his boss, who was throwing daggers with his eyes. Minsuh gulped before answering, "Ah, Miss Yanmei, no thank you. I don't know how to sing."     

Yanmei pouted her lips. She can only hope that Anton would contribute to singing, otherwise, it will be a boring karaoke night. Since they did not get to talk about his favorite music, she asked, "So Yeong, what type of music do you like? you must like heavy metal - "     

Anton: "No."     

Yanmei: "Seriously? Rock then?"     

Anton: "Some."     

Yanmei: "Red Hot Chili Peppers?"     

Anton: "Acceptable."     

Yanmei was thinking of more bands but Anton said, "You will find out later."     

Her eyes twinkled in excitement, amused that there may be a chance that he will sing. "I can't wait!"     

Anton brought Yanmei to a celebrity KTV bar, were only the elites and socialites can indulge. He booked the most expensive room which could accommodate twenty guests and ordered wine to further encourage themselves to sing.     

Yanmei happily chose her favorite Taylor Swift and Megan Trainor songs, queuing them as she found one song to another. She started singing in no time without holding back.     

Anton sat back from the coach, observing at first while occasionally handing Yanmei a glass of wine. He appreciated the vibrance of the girl in front of him. He noticed how it seemed to be infectious in many ways.     

He shook his head to the fact that other than his adoptive mother, Yanmei was the next person he came with to this very same place.     

The more she drank wine the more courage she had to sing difficult songs and even went for Katy Perry.     

"Oh my gosh, Yeong. I love this song! Dance with me!!!!" She screamed as she reached for Anton from the seat, pulling him over in the middle of the room.     

She started to sing to the song "Last Friday Night." As she sang, she pushed Anton from side to side, urging him to dance, but it would seem like he was not a dancing person. She gave up saying, "Whatever Yeong."     

Yanmei continued to sing until her mild drunkenness became apparent. She turned to Anton, pointing her finger at him, wondering if he was ever going to sing. "Aren't you just going to stand there?"     

While still standing beside Yanmei, doing simply nothing but looking at her from time to time, he answered, "my song is up next… This used to be my mother's favorite band."     

Her eyes grew wide as she eagerly waited. When the music finally played, Yanmei had the biggest smile on her face. She never imagined that the great Anton Yeong was a fan of Take That or at least, he knew the song because of his mother.     

While still in his deep voice, he sang "Back For Good." He did not sing to impress, just simply following the tune while slightly being monotonous.     

"Whatever I said, whatever I did     

I didn't mean it     

I just want you back for good"     

Yanmei remained by his side as he sang. She would sing with him on some lines or just study the enormity of his face.     

When he finished the song, he suddenly became silent, but after a few seconds, he said, "I - I always hated it when my mom sang this song in the car. Who - who would have thought, I'd end up remembering it word for word."     

Yanmei felt a sudden pain in her heart. She could tell he was referring to his biological mother. Although Anton refused to tell her everything about his real parents, she felt that deep inside, he was pained by his childhood past.     

With only concern on her eyes, she held on to his arm before grabbing his hand with hers. She said, "I'm sure your mom is happy you sang her song."     

In the huge Karaoke room, Yanmei and Anton only stood there, looking at each other for seconds. Yanmei realized it was the second time of the day that they were silenced by each other's stare.     

Yanmei opened her mouth, wanting to cut off the awkwardness when a Robbie Williams song came up on the screen. She heard him say, "We could sing this together."     

It took a moment for her to grasp his words and when she did, her lips curved into a smile. She took the second microphone and together, they sang in a duet to the song of "Somethin' Stupid."     

Somehow, she felt contented to see this side of Anton. Even if he purposely sang in flats, she never imagined that he had a soft side, hidden behind his poker face. They maintained the same rhythm until the near end, Yanmei turned her attention only at him.     

"The time is right, your perfume fills my head     

The stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue     

And then I go and spoil it all     

By saying somethin' stupid like, I love you"     

"I love you"     

"I love you"     

At the end of the lyrics, Anton and Yanmei were back to looking at each other once again. Yanmei's heart raced, recognizing that their faces merely inches away.     

"Yanmei," called Anton.     

"Yes?" Yanmei softly answered, her gaze glued at his light brown eyes and his lips. She felt her throat dry and her palms sweat while waiting for his response.     

"Don't - ever tell anyone - I sang these stupid songs or I will fire you outright tomorrow. You hear me?" Anton warmed while being gentle yet firm with his voice.     

Yanmei immediately looked down and said, "Oh... my mistake." She immediately turned away and poured herself another wine.     

"What mistake?" She heard him ask.     

After gulping the entire glass, she said, "Nothing. Nothing at all. I want to go home, Yeong."     

When Yanmei arrived at her apartment building, she bid goodbye to Yeong, waving her hand at the car as it drove away. Even if the car had already disappeared, she remained watching the road.     

"Ms. Xia," called the security. "You better get inside now, it's very cold."     

She nodded but just as she entered the door, she paused again and asked the security, "Do you know if gays remain gays or do they sometimes become straight?"     

The security laughted and said, "I - I would not know Ms. Xia."     

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