Tricking My Cold Lover

It's Me! It's Nari!

It's Me! It's Nari!

0From the office of his restaurant, Ramon Russo was in deep thought thinking about last night's encounter. He wound up not having any sleep at all, as the name Nari kept popping into his head. He kept questioning how it was a bit of a fluke.      

'Nari. Nari,' the name continued repeating in his head.      

Just when he was drowned with these thoughts, he heard a knock on the door. When his office door opened, one of his staff said, "Sir, someone is here to see you."     

Ramon checked the time and saw it was still nine in the morning. He frowned and said, "Who?"     

"Mr. Clark? Mr. Justin Clark? He - he has company as well. They all want to see you," said the lady.      

"Let them in," said Ramon. He got up, wanting to welcome Justin, but his door opened again before he had the chance to step out.      

Justin walked in with Nari and, apparently, two more people came with them.      

Anton and Geun came with Nari that day, wanting to see this Ramon for themselves.      

They all entered Ramon's office, making him feel intimidated by two, undoubtedly influential men.      

It took him aback. Rarely did he come across other prominent people, much more, individuals who emitted a more domineering aura.      

For over a year, Ramon has become a successful businessman in the US, following in his father's footsteps. While his father had other restaurants in Europe, the US territory was his own sweat and blood!     

Only after a year of achieving so much did his father, Massimo Russo, transferred all the restaurants under his name. He was now officially the sole owner of all thirteen restaurants in all of Europe and the US.      

Asia was their next target for expansion.      

Despite Ramon's success, his father discouraged him from socializing, suggesting that it was better to focus on expanding the business. He had men to take care of most paperwork.      

Ramon was made into the secret tycoon of his own businesses.     

The Clarks, especially Justin, was the first person whom he considered a good friend after establishing a good footing in the US. It was Justin's influence that led him to start meeting other businessmen like Alfred Lu, Nari's cousin.      

"The fuck! It really is you, Luiz!" Remarked the Geun.      

"Hmmmm," said Anton Yeong.      

"Dad, I told you!" Nari said, holding on to her father's arm. "I told you he was Luiz!"     

"Ramon, I am sorry. It's just that I had a talk with them last night and the Yeongs here - they. They wanted to speak to you, but don't worry. They are good people, a cousin of Alfred, the same person who aided you in expanding here in China," told Justin.      

Justin walked closer to Ramon and said, "Look. They have a request, something that could erase their doubts or confirm it."     

All of them were standing inside Ramon's office, just looking at each other awkwardly.      

Hearing Justin's words, Ramon said while pointing at the sofa, "Okay, sure. Please, take a seat."     

"We won't take long," said Anton. "I am Nari's father. The same man who made sure you lived when you were still an infant.=, Luiz."     

"With all due respect, sir, I  -I really am not - "     

"Let me finish!" Said Anton. "You claim to be someone else, but we think you are my grandchildren's father."     

"If you are Luiz, then you have a lot more to gain than lose. For the Luiz that we know has two daughters waiting for him to come home. The Luiz that we know has a mother and father, yearning for his return, back in Korea. The Luiz that we know is crazy about my daughter, Nari."     

Anton narrowed his eyes at Ramon and said, "Rarely am I wrong, boy, for I am Anton Yeong. Look me up yourself. I am not one to kid around."     

"We only have one request from you," said Anton. "Have a DNA test with my granddaughters. If you are not Luiz, then we will not bother you, but if you match my granddaughter's paternity test, we will need to sit down on how you - Luiz became Ramon Russo."     

"Funny how more than two years ago, I was looking into Massimo's eyes, asking him if he had something to do with Luiz going missing. He looked me straight in the eye and said he absolutely did not know," revealed Anton.      

Yes, Anton also had Massimo Russo followed back then, but he lost track of him after a year. Moreover, Massimo's words seemed true. He even offered for all his homes to be searched by Hanxi's men! They never found Luiz.     

On top of that, the famous chef even aided in the search for Luiz, having his men go through Florence and pry. Back then, Anton realized that Massimo may have earnestly considered Luiz as his son.      

Now, seeing this man who looked like Luiz become the son of Massimo, he regretted not putting a leash around the old man, Massimo.      

Base on his investigation, Massimo's son disappeared during his teens and the boy did have some resemblance with Luiz.      

What were the odds? Did Massimo find his son after many years? The coincidence was just too convenient.      

"You - you know my father?" Ramon asked with a frown.      

"Of course. I accused him to be responsible for you, Luiz being missing," said Anton. "But that is not what's important right now."     

Ramon was as all as tall Anton. As they stood facing each other, their eyes remained glued. Anton said, "A DNA test will end this. Have one with my granddaughters, and only then will we know for sure."     

"If you don't, I will fly to the US and remind Massimo who is Anton Yeong!" Anton warned. He then turned to his daughter and said, "Let's go, Nari."     

"No, no wait, dad! Wait." Nari approached Ramon and handed him a flash drive. She said, "These are videos of our calls while you were studying. I don't have all of them, but the recent ones are there when our daughters were already born."     

Holding his hand, Nari said, "You have to see it, please."     

Ramon remained bemused for seconds, but looking into Nari's eyes, he knew he could not say no. He accepted the flash drive and said, "Okay. I will check it."     

Nari left with Geun and her father, leaving only Justin to talk to Ramon one last time.      

"Ramon, consider the DNA test. It's like I said, it will help them stop with their claims - of you being Luiz... if you are not Luiz," said Justin while putting a hand on Ramon's shoulders. "Alfred will be the one to follow-up with you on this, Ramon. I'll be returning tonight to the US."     

When his visitors left, Ramon was left alone again to think about Nari and the man whom she claimed to be. He did not know why, but he ended up watching the videos on the flash drive, and could not help but recognize the familiarity of the man.      

The Asian girl named Nari was right. He did seem to talk like Luiz. He looked so much like him.      

The sight of the babies also made him smile, and it gave a tightening feeling around his heart.      

From his seat, he put a hand on his chest and said, "What is this feeling?"     

Ramon essentially remained in his room, just thinking about the recent turn of events in his life. He did not join the meal preparations that day, allowing his chefs to do the work.      

Aside from the pang on his chest, he determined that Nari being Nari was just too much of a coincidence. While he lingered in his office, he also made phone calls to his contacts in the US, those that he considered loyal to him. He ordered an investigation of a woman named Nari.      

While he was having phone calls left and right, he heard another knock on his door. It opened without his approval and he saw the same woman he mean to have his men investigated.      

A woman with dark hair came in and it startled him. "Surprise, Ramon! I decided to come to see you. I could not wait for another month!"      

"What is it? You look like you have seen a ghost!" The woman chuckled how Ramon's reaction and said, "Ramon, it's me! It's Nari?! The love of your life!"     

Ramon took a deep breath and asked, "Are you really? You know... I've always wondered why you have an Asian name. Isn't Nari, a Korean name for lily?"     

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