Tricking My Cold Lover

Geun Will Succeed

Geun Will Succeed

0"What do you think they are doing now?" Byeol asked her husband as they were having dinner.      

"Maybe, enjoying their meals? Or having an argument," Chun-Ho suggested. "I just hope that Geun will awaken Ara's eyes."     

That was the day that Geun took Ara out on a forced date. Chun-Ho and Byeol supposedly tricked Ara into believing that Geun needed help with work, and she needed to dress like a lady to attend a special dinner invitation of a client.      

Instead, Ara was only meeting Geun at the Four Seasons Hotel.      

Byeol glanced at her phone and said, "It's already seven in the evening and she hasn't sent anything. I wonder how everything is going."     

"I told him to take as much time as he could," told Chun-Ho. He leaned back and analyzed the whole situation. "But maybe we are expecting too much."     

"We can't really expect Geun to win Ara's heart in an instant - I guess," said Chun-Ho. "Perhaps it will take time."     

"Yeah, it will be baby steps," answered Byeol while nodding her head. "We just need to be patient. That's all."     

"It will probably take three more dates - or five - or ten," suggested Chun-Ho. "I don't care how long, but Geun has to change Ara's mind!"     

"Exactly! Only Geun can do this," acknowledged Byeol.      

They resumed their meals, but after finishing their food, Byeol expressed her worries again.      

"What if they are in a fight! Gosh! What if Geun kisses Ara and she would panic and throw a punch at him!" Byeol sneered as she thought of the possibilities.      

"They have been kissing out of their pretend relationship - "     

"But under those circumstances, Ara was forced to oblige," reminded Byeol. "We better check on them."     

Chun-Ho agreed, and he instantly gave Geun a call. It took minutes for Geun to answer, and when he did, they heard screams from both sides.      

"What do you mean, you like me?! Are you crazy, Geun!" They heard Ara scream. "I don't like you! I like girls!"     

"Uncle, now is not a good time. Can we call you back later?" Geun asked, and Chun-Ho granted him the time.      

"Take your time, Geun! Tell me when you've calmed her down... Try kissing her," said Chun-Ho while sneering.      

"Ah, okay, Uncle. I'll try kissing her," responded Geun before he screamed, "Ouch! Ara! What the fuck!"     

"Uncle! I have to go! Ara is punching me!" Geun answered.      

"Ah, Okay, Geun! Do your best my godson and future son-in-law!" It was Chun-Ho's way of encouraging Geun right before putting the phone down.      

He then awkwardly looked at the fearful expression of his wife and heard her say, "I knew this would not work."      

Raising her hands, Byeol said, "They will just argue!"     

Byeol acted to cry and said, "Maybe we should just accept that maybe Ara is really a lesbian."     

"No, wifey! That won't happen! My godson will work hard! I don't care how long it takes for Geun to win Ara's heart, but I know that he will do as he promised," Chun-Ho swore. He walked up to his wife and hugged her from behind.      

"I know this is my fault," he admitted. "Maybe, I should have just treated Ara more like a girl instead of being exposed to the base."     

"You are absolutely right! It is your fault! And when we noticed how Geun and Ara seemed to like each other, you kept instilling in her mind that it was not the case and that they were only friends!" Byeol berated.      

"I'm sorry, wifey." Chun-Ho repeatedly kissed his wife's cheeks and said, "Don't worry. Geun will succeed! I know he will."     

The next few hours of waiting were utterly unsettling for Byeol and Chun-Ho. They could not bring themselves to sleep, just lounging in the living room and watching TV. Sometimes, they would just stare at their phones, waiting for an update from Geun.      

At exactly eleven in the evening, they heard their doorbell rang and both of them rushed in panic in the direction of the door.      

The moment they opened it, they saw Geun and Ara standing there, a meter apart from each other.      

Chun-Ho and Byeol panted, just watching the two. They were unsure how it turned out, seeing them just staring back.      

"Mom, Dad. Did you set me up on a date with Geun?" Ara asked while crossing her arms against her chest.      

Her words resulted in Chun-Ho to swallow down his own spew. He said, "Ah, yes, Ara. I'm sorry, baby."     

"We were so worried that you thought you liked girls instead of someone like Geun, so we thought, that being on a date with Geun will eventually awaken your feelings for him?" Byeol reasoned while shrugging. "Please don't hate us."     

Just when they thought that Ara was upset, the next thing she did was hug both her parents. She said, "Thank you, Mom and Dad! If it were not for you, I would not have realized my feelings for Geun."     

"What?!" Both Chun-Ho and Byeol reacted, retracting from Ara's hold.      

"Uncle, I am happy to announce that I have succeeded. Ara is now my girlfriend and we are officially together," Geun casually said.      

"Are you - are you serious?" Chun-Ho asked, feeling a lump in his throat. "That was quick."     

"What can I say, Uncle. I am very efficient," said Geun before painting a smirk on his face.      

"Yes! After we argued about it, we ended up... kissing and then everything else followed," said Ara before hugging Geun.      

After all, the suggestion of kissing came from her father. Ara thought it was acceptable to reveal that they had made out that night.      

Ara looked up and pecked on Geun's cheeks, before adding, "I realized how much I like Geun after all.. and it's all thanks to you, guys!"     

Chun-Ho wanted it to happen, but seeing it unfold so quickly before him, his fatherly instincts kicked in. He said, "Hold on a second, guys. Don't you think you are rushing into this!"     

"Chun-Ho!" Screamed Byeol. "Didn't you just acknowledge Geun to be your future son-in-law?"     

"I wasn't expecting it to be so fast! Maybe ten dates - "     

"Inside now!" Byeol ordered.      

"Fine!" Narrowing his eyes at Geun, Chun-Ho said, "Get in boy, let's talk about the rules to date my daughter."     

While Chun-Ho and Byeol turned their backs on Geun and Ara, the latter triumphantly grinned at their success.      

Geun wrapped his arm around Ara's shoulders and whispered, "Great acting." He pecked on her cheek and added, "Starting today, we don't need to hide nor act."     

Ara grinned at him and whispered back, "You need to tell your parents."     

With narrowing eyes, Geun said, "R-i-g-h-t. Mom is easy, but Dad..." He hissed as a conclusion to Ara's words.     

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