Tricking My Cold Lover

The New Seductress

The New Seductress

0Puffing her cheeks, Ara followed Yanmei for a walk towards the garden. She gulped as she said, "Hi, Aunt... Hmmm... What are we going to talk about?"     

"Let's find our way to the gazebo," said Yanmei, urging Ara to hurry up.      

Ara gulped as she looked back. Geun was slowly disappearing from her sight. She muttered, "Well, this is it."     

After settling on the seats by the gazebo, Yanmei probed, "So... how did this all happen? I mean, certainly, there is no need to pretend in the practice area."     

"Um... Well, Aunt... you see. It started during our trip to Busan," admitted Ara. "We just kept pretending until... it just felt strangely real - "     

A loud clap interrupted Ara's thoughts. Yanmei smacked her hands together and said, "I knew it! I knew it would happen! I knew it! Ha!"     

"When Geun acted all angry about you getting matched to the Shims' boy, I could feel the jealousy!" She added while pointing at Ara before grinning mischievously. "Actually, I was hoping it would happen sooner!"     

"Really, Aunt? Geun was jealous back then?" Ara said before chuckling herself.      

"Tell me all about the juicy details! Tell me!" Yanmei demanded while giving hand signals for Ara to throw everything at her.      

Ara then explained how she and Geun wound up kissing each other so many times during the trip, that they realized each other's yearning. At the end of her tale, she said, "It was just so much of a coincidence that there were so many circumstances that led us to... kiss."     

Out of the blue, Yanmei laughed hysterically! She was at it so hard; she was clutching against her stomach. With difficulty, she suggested, "I bet - I bet - that was my son's doing - "     

"You think, Aunt?!!" Ara asked with eyes widening. She then thought back to the entire trip and bit her lip. "It did seem strange how we badly needed to kiss all the time."     

Like she had an awakening, Ara heaved and said, "How dare him - "     

"But that's okay. At least, you got your feelings out of your chests!" Yanmei told and took a deep breath. "I had no doubt that Geun earnestly adored you."     

"Ara, listen to me and listen to me very carefully," said Yanmei. "I am counting on you to put my son in control."     

Having second thoughts of her own suggestion, Yanmei slightly corrected, "Of course, you have to let him be the man and make the manly decisions, but!" Waving her finger, she pointed out, you have to know never to let him treat you badly."     

With a sigh, Yanmei admitted, "Geun - he - he tends to be like his father - worst, because he had been accelerated too many times, he has a tendency to look down on others."     

"How do I control Geun, Aunt? He can be so hard to deal with sometimes?" Ara said while shaking her head.      

"The thing is, Ara. You already have a few qualities where Geun could not easily control you - like the fact that you can fight alongside him! And the fact that you can be frank with him and tell him your every thought!" She leaned over and added, "That alone to me suggests, you are going to be a better and bolder... future Mrs. Yeong."     

Yanmei's words made Ara's face burn. They were still at the start of their relationship, yet here was her Aunt and Geun's mother, suggesting she was the next Mrs. Yeong.      

"Let's begin," said Yanmei. "What does Geun like to do to you the most?"     

Just when she thought her flushing face was not enough, the question seems to suggest a more personal one. Ara ended up coughing and said, "You mean... what Geun likes doing with me - when we go out?"     

"No! What does Geun like to do to you?" Yanmei repeated. "Is it only limited to kissing?"     

Ara literally leaned back with her mouth wide open. She said, "Aunt? What - what are you suggesting?"     

"Well, if it's just kissing and petting, that should be fine," said Yanmei. "Just try not to go beyond first base, okay? You still need to finish school."     

Putting both hands on her ears, Ara said, "I can't believe I am hearing this from you, Aunt."     

"I'm just preparing you, Ara. My son is a man. He will have urges. Even if he is an iceberg, he still has a penis after all," said Yanmei. "But of course, I trust that he will respect you."     

"So going back to my question, what does he like to do to you?" Yanmei repeated.      

Ara had to shake her head repeatedly, unsure of how to answer her Aunt, but eventually, she said, "Um... Kiss and we try to hold back on other things so... that's it so far."     

"Okay, let's start with number one. If he ever mistreats you, treat him coldly. Ignore him and let him go after you! You got that?" Yanmei said.      

"Oh, I'll probably also kick him in the balls, Aunt," suggested Ara. "might even punch his face!"     

"Good! You really are a level up!" Remarked Yanmei.      

"Second, you can always count on me to help you knock some sense into him," added Yanmei.      

"Got that, Aunt. Although, I know that already," said Ara with a grin.      

"Lastly, if you needed to tame his anger or! You want to get something out of him!" Yanmei narrowed her eyes and said, "Just kiss him! Kiss him until he gives up! A man's weakness is the taste of his beloved."     

Yet again Ara coughed. She felt her heart racing before she said, "Um. Aunt - "     

"Just until where you can. Remember, don't go beyond first base," said Yanmei.      

"So next time when you have an argument and you want to win it, try it! Play seductively! Added Yanmei. "I'm telling you, you'll get what you want."     

"O-k-a-y, Aunt. I'll... keep that in mind!" Said Ara.      

"But of course, Ara. the only reason why it will work is that, like how my husband loves me, I'm pretty sure my son is head over heels for you. He probably does not say it," Yanmei casually revealed.      

"Then when you turn twenty-five. Let's have another girl talk. It will be a level up kind of last resort." She tightened her eyes as she said, "Something more mature people do."     

"Eh," said Ara before chuckling. "that must be how you became the higher-up, Aunt!"     


One weekday, Geun fetched Ara from school. They had agreed that he would every Thursday and Friday.      

When Ara hopped into Geun's car, she said, "Geun, Lulu invited me to a beach party. Can we go?"     

"No! I don't like the beach!" Geun said outright.      

"But, I really want to do an open sea swim. It's been a while! Plus, it's going to be a private resort," Ara reasoned.      

"The beaches are far - "     

Just like that, Ara cut off his words and crushed her mouth to Geun's. Despite the limited space, she found herself sitting on his lap and she hungrily kissed him, only to let go after nearly a minute. She bit her lip and said, "Please."     

She then slowly and teasingly nibbled on his lip while circling her fingers through his hair and face. After sensing him getting stirred beneath his pants, she softly whispered, "Please."     

With eyes narrowing, Geun added, "You are going to wear a full-body swimsuit!"     

"Yes!" Ara chuckled and said, "That's too much, but I'll wear a boyleg swimsuit."     

As she settled back on her seat, Geun asked, "by the way, since when did you become a seductress?"     

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