Tricking My Cold Lover

Made For Action

Made For Action

0Despite spending a tiring day in the mountains the day before, Geun was already up the next morning. He was energized after a good exercise that he followed it with a jog in Salvi's neighborhood. He returned to the mansion, just in time to see Spinello heading down the stairs.      

"Geun, have breakfast with your siblings, I need to be somewhere else," said Spinello.      

"Where are you headed, Uncle?" Geun asked.      

"I'm going to town as I have an important meeting," Salvi's father told.      

Geun watched as Spinello took steps to the living room when he called for him, "Uncle, can I come with you? I think they are all going to doze off for a few hours more. I'd rather go to town with you."     

"Um," Spinello checked the time and said, "Should be fine, Geun. Go ahead. I'll wait for you in the car."     

Spinello went to a hotel in town and had coffee with a couple. Geun saw how he greeted them as they took a seat from the hotel lobby. He, on the other hand, went around town to take pictures and make a little shopping.      

Geun only returned to the hotel after two hours, right after receiving a call from Spinello that his appointment was already done.      

When he met Spinello at the lobby, he was massaging his temples and was sitting alone. It made Geun concern that he asked, "What's wrong, Uncle?"     

"Ah, those two that I met earlier were my wife's cousins. Since she died, they have been asking to buy a property given to my wife by her father," told Spinello. "They had stopped when I left for Korea."     

"I was very surprised when they asked to see me today. To my dismay, they are still asking to buy the same property." Spinello sighed and told, "My wife loved that old house in the province. She would never sell it."     

"I told them I would not sell, but they became furious instead. I don't know what it is that is on that house, but they are very interested in it. I ended up tightening the security there for years," narrated Spinello.      

"Anyway, Geun. It's fine. At least, I made it clear to them that I will never sell them the house," told Spinello. "Let's head back."     

Spinello's driver and security came to the driveway, bringing a black Maserati to the front of the hotel. As they were heading back, Geun immediately thought to get a hands-on the wheel. He asked, "Uncle, can I drive? I've always wanted to drive a Maserati."     

Spinello laughed, and he said, "You know Maseratis are also in Korea."     

"I'll complete my collection, one day, uncle," told Geun. So far, he had a BMW and a Mercedes, those that he bought out of his own salary from the gun factory. Right now, he was earnestly contemplating to buy a Maserati. "When I officially become the CEO of the company, I'll make sure I have both a Ferrari and a Porche of my very own. "     

"Dad had a two-door sports car in the past, but as our family grew bigger, he disposed of them," added Geun in regret.      

"I believe you, son. I believe you," confirmed Spinello. "And I can't blame your father. Right now, only Salvi uses those chic sports cars. Small sports cars can sometimes be so inconvenient when you need more space, but very inviting when you want to attract a girl."     

Spinello gave him a wink before asking, "Is there someone you want to impress?"     

Geun just shook his head and said, "No uncle. She isn't into fancy cars."     

"Oh, a nice girl then," told Spinello. As he hopped into the car, he asked, "Someone I know?"     

Geun turned into a frown. He then caressed his chin before he took back his words, "I - I think I made a mistake uncle. I'm not sure what I was spouting earlier. I'm not - I'm not into girls."     

Spinello just laughed and settled in the back, while Geun suggested for the driver and security to take the passenger seat.      

Geun took the wheels and with the instruction of the driver, he made it out of the busy streets of Italy, on the way to the neighborhood of the Bianchi's mansion.      

Just as they exited the main road, Geun immediately noticed a motorbike catching up with them. He realized he had seen the same a while back, but only confirmed it at that moment.      

"I think we are being followed," Geun suggested.     

The security immediately checked the mirrors and warned Spinello, "Sir, I see the one riding at the back, reaching for something from his chest. We best be careful. Can you put on the bulletproof vest underneath your seat?"     

"Sir Geun, let me drive - "     

"No, I'll drive. Trust me, I can evade them, just in case our suspicion is right," told Geun while looking at the rearview mirror.     

Eventually, they observed how the motorbike sped, trying to catch up with them.      

Seeing there were only two cars ahead of them on the road, Geun stepped on the gas, blazing in between vehicles.      

It clearly alerted those in the motorbike that they also followed behind.      

"Sir, keep down," instructed the security.      

Spinello was slouching at the back, feeling his heart race.      

Geun on the other hand focused on the road, but eventually, they heard gunshots being fired in their direction, especially targeting the back seat of the car. Spinello's security took out his weapon and fired back from the front seat, but he could not make a hit.     

Moreover, their speeding motion was too difficult to lock on the target.      

Out of nowhere, Geun took a halt, swiveling the car in the middle of the road, right after seeing it was clear to make an impact with the motorbike.     

The speeding bike wound up gliding on the pavement with the other rider rolling on the other side of the road.      

"Give me the gun!" Ordered Geun. "Give it to me! I can shoot with my eyes close!"     

The security unwittingly handed the weapon to Geun and right after the car stopped rotating, he opened the window and fired.      

BANG! BANG! The driver received two shots to the arm and shoulder.      

Geun stepped out of the car and ran to where the shooter rolled off to. He saw that the same man wearing a helmet fire at him, but Geun was fast to dive into the pavement.      

BANG! Geun fired once, and the shooter was hit to the chest as he was fleeing the scene.      

As two cars came to see what happened, Geun saw how some were most likely reporting to the police. Geun returned to the car, seeing Spinello's security in a panic.      

Spinello got hit in the thigh. It was a shot that came through the back of the car.      

"You call an ambulance, I'll take care of stopping the bleeding," told Geun. "Uncle, everything is okay. You don't have any major injuries."     

While Geun assured Spinello, his eyes scanned Salvi's father for any other wounds. Only after tearing a piece of his coat and tying it against Spinello's thigh did he officially checked Spinello's body.      

Geun worried about Spinello's condition, seeing him panting. Given his age, he knew that Spinello could easily get a heart attack out of nerves. He immediately gave Spinello a caress on the back and said, "Uncle, calm down. You still have grandkids to see."     

Spinello finally took several breaths and said, "Right. Right. A good - a good motivation there, boy. Thank goodness you were with me, Geun."     

Geun nodded and said, "I'm made for action, uncle."     

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