Tricking My Cold Lover

What Could Go Wrong?

What Could Go Wrong?

0Another day passed.     

While Salvi commissioned a four-bedroom house, a mile from the old house for Aldo and the rest of the caretakers, he and Chan-Mi, along with Geun, stayed in a hotel, conveniently located near the police station.     

Geun came out of his room, planning to choose for himself; a decent coffee at the hotel's coffee shop. He saw his sister come out of her room and was being cautious as she took her steps towards Salvi's suite.      

"Where are you going, noona?" Geun asked, narrowing his eyes at his sister.      

"Oh! Geun! Don't scare me like that?!" Exclaimed Chan-Mi. She then cleared her throat and revealed, "I just really want to comfort Salvi. He - he isn't feeling any better with all this."     

Seeing the sneer on his face, she offered, "If you should take Ara out on a date without permission from Uncle Chun-Ho, I promise not to tell?"     

"What the f," Geun could not help but curse at his sister's suggestion. "Do not put words into my mouth and do not make assumptions about me and Ara. She is my sentinel and nothing more."     

Pointing a finger at Chan-Mi, he added, "Don't ever make Ara uncomfortable around me, noona! This is a warning."     

"Go ahead and stay with Salvi, but I expect the favor to be returned one day," he told before scanning the area. He asked, "Where is a Gael?"     

They were referring to Salvi's security, but Chan-Mi just shrugged and said, "Maybe he took a leak. Relax, we are in the hotel. They have their own security. What could go wrong?"     

Geun just sighed and went on his way.      

After seeing her brother leave, Chan-Mi knocked on Salvi's room, "Salvi. It's me. I want to come in."     

Salvi did not answer. Thus, she fished for her phone from inside her bag and called him. Still, Salvi did not answer.      

"What is he up to now?" She muttered, before calling out his name again, "Salvi?"     

Pressing her ears against the hotel door, she frowned. She swore she could hear a commotion from inside the room. "Salvi? What's going on there?"     

The next thing she heard was a thud it made her heart race.      

BANG! A gunshot followed, and that ultimately made Chan-Mi act accordingly.      

"Hiya! Hiya!" Kicking against the hotel door.      


Unfortunately, Chan-Mi heard more shots, and one came through the door, missing her by three inches. That ultimately frightened her that she leaned back on the side of the wooden door.      

"Salvi?! Are you alright?" She asked, feeling utterly nervous.     

Her hands panicked as she dialed Geun's number and when her brother picked up, she made it brief and simple for him to grasp, "Geun, Salvi's room! Shoots fired! Come now!"     

Taking heavy breaths, Chan-Mi thought to break down the door again. How she wished she was as strong as Geun, but despite her slender legs, she gave it another go. "Hiya! Hiya!"     

"Tell her to stop! Tell her!" Chan-Mi heard a man's voice, clearly referring to Salvi.      

"Chan-Mi! Chan-Mi, stay back!" Salvi screamed and Chan-Mi could make out how they were walking in the direction of the door.      

It did not take long for the door to open, and Chan-Mi saw how a man in the same hotel's uniform was holding a gun to Salvi's head. He also had an arm around his neck, keeping Salvi close to him.      

The man seemed to be in his mid or late forties. His face had a bruise, suggesting Salvi must have attempted to give him a beating.      

It was also clear to Chan-Mi that the man may have acted to be part of the hotel's staff, catching Salvi by surprise.      

Salvi was wounded in his thigh, immensely bleeding.      

"Do you have another room! Do - you - have another room?" Probed the man, looking at Chan-Mi. She nodded unwittingly.      

"Hurry! Let's go to your room before people come to find us!" Ordered the man.      

There were guests who saw them from the other end of the hallway but fled at the sight of the armed man.      

Chan-Mi ended up reaching for her key card and hastily opened her suite.     

"Get inside! Now!" Commanded the strange man.      

"Uncle Ramon! Stop this! I will give you whatever you want now!" Told Salvi while panting.      

"You should have thought about that earlier! We did not have to come to this!" Told Ramon while pushing Salvi to the entrance Chan-Mi's room.      

Pretending to be hotel staff, Ramon earlier acted to replenish the water from inside the security's hotel room, but in truth, he wound up making the security ingest a powerful sedative.      

They were taking turns, standing guard in front of Salvi's room, and the rest of the party, but the one who stood guard felt dizzy. Ramon was readily there to offer aid and settled Gael in the room.      

He tied up both security before going for Salvi's room.      

Ramon demanded money from Salvi and asked that charges to Lucia be dropped. While Salvi could give him the money, he showed reluctance about the charges towards Lucia.      

They wound up having an argument, and Salvi grabbed the chance to take the weapon from him by attacking Ramon.      

However, no matter how good Salvi had become when defending himself, he was no match to a man with a gun.      

When they fully entered Chan-Mi's room, Ramon immediately demanded, "Send me the money! Now!"     

He thrust Salvi down against the bed, leaving him groaning in pain.      

"Now! Salvi! Now!" Ramon repeated, firmly gripping at the gun at him.      

"Chan-Mi, help me make the transfer," said Salvi. He knew his woman well. Chan-Mi was not going to let this go without a fight, and he feared if Chan-Mi would get hurt because of him. "Chan-Mi, help me."     

Chan-Mi sat next to Salvi. She opened her phone and acted to open her mobile banking. As soon as she logged in to her account, she showed the phone to Ramon and said, "I - I just need your account number. You can type it in. Better you than me so there are no mistakes."     

"Two Million Dollars is a lot of money," she pointed out, walking very slowly in his direction.      

Ramon snatched Chan-Mi's phone from her hand and started entering his account number, but before he could continue the process, his other hand, the same that held the gun, was abruptly held by Chan-Mi.      

It happened so fast; he did not have the time to process everything.      

"Hiya!" After grabbing Ramon's arm, Chan-Mi immediately snapped it against her shoulder blades. She meant nothing more than to break his arm.      

A loud groan could evidently be heard, and despite Ramon's efforts to retrieve his arm, Chan-Mi held it tight and twisted his wrist, making him let go of the gun.      

Despite Chan-Mi's success in letting Ramon drop his weapon, however, he managed to thrust his fist against her back. It made Chan-Mi fall to the floor, facing Salvi.      

She still did not counter then. Her first goal was to reach for the gun, but when she found it, Ramon instinctively moved to kick it with his feet.      

While Chan-Mi was trying to secure the weapon, even with a wounded leg, Salvi rebounded, moving deliberately and giving punches in Ramon's body.      

Ramon ended up stepping back, nearly falling on the floor himself. He grasped a tall lamp and hastily thrust it in Salvi's direction and with his wounded leg; he slid to the floor and hit his head on a wooden table. Salvi fell unconscious outright.      

"Salvi!" Chan-Mi screamed and just as she did, her hotel door swung open and Geun came in blazing in the direction of Ramon.      

It only took only a minute for Geun to subdue Ramon. He too became unconscious following Geun's powerful punches, his face easily became disfigured.      

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