Tricking My Cold Lover

Married First?

Married First?

0"This is silly - Ahh. Stop this! Not like that! It tickles! Iseul!" Yeona exclaimed after Iseul traced kisses down her neck.      

It wasn't just kissing; he was also blowing hot air onto her skin. It utterly gave her goosebumps.      

Iseul shifted to Yeona's face. He pecked on her chin and cheek before saying, "Say it again, my Yeona."     

"How many times do." She smiled, receiving a kiss on her lips before she could resume her thoughts, "How many times do I have to say it?"     

Iseul used his arms to lift himself. He was practically on top of Yeona as they lay on her living room sofa, still in their office clothes on. He kissed her forehead before saying, "Until the sun goes down. I want to hear you say it many times."     

Right after taking their lunch, they went straight to Yeona's apartment. Iseul had asked Yeona to repeat the magic words more than he could count. Each time she said the words, it granted at least five pecks.     

Yeona grabbed on the collar of his shirt and leveled his face to her. She flushed before saying again, "Iseul. I love you."     

Iseul chuckled and rested his forehead on the side of Yeona's neck. He savored on her scent and said, "I like hearing it, Yeona. Thank you."     

He got up to cover her face with kisses again and again, until Yeona said, "What about me? Don't I get to hear you say that?"     

"Yeona? Do you have any doubts about how I feel about you?" Iseul sincerely asked after smacking on her cheek again.      

She fell silent and smiled, caressing on his angular face. She said, "No. Not a single doubt in my mind. Even if you don't tell me, I know you love me."     

Iseul 's face turned soft. He fell silent for a moment before he said, "But I do, Yeona. I really love you."     

He leaned over to cover Yeona's lips and this time, instead of small pecks, Yeona received a steamy kiss. His hand first caressed her cheek before he found her chin, urging her to open her mouth.      

Yeona quickly felt shivers down her spine. Her hands moved unconsciously, her fingers curling against his hair. Her legs wanted to move, but her skirt prevented her from doing so.      

When Iseul grabbed her breast from outside her blouse, she gasped, taking a breather, but resumed to their kiss. It was just a few days ago that Iseul had started massaging on her mounts, at that moment's heat, indulged in a hot kiss.      

She felt she was losing her senses. This was the first time she gave more than just a simple kiss to a man. In her previous relationship, she was very careful, especially since she was still too young.      

It was not the same with Iseul, however. A sexy man was on top of her, devouring her like he had not kissed her in days. Moreover, there was something about Iseul that made her feel comfortable.      

They have known each other since she worked in the company for five long years. She had unwittingly liked him for over a year. She just failed to acknowledge it, and that was her fault. Since they became officially a couple, Iseul was very reassuring.     

Inside her head, she was asking herself, 'What do I do? Am I ready for this?' She quickly answered herself back, saying, 'Yeona, you are already old enough to marry! You are ready for this!'     

Just when she was still contemplating, Yeona felt his bulge pressed on her abdomen that her hands made the decision for her. She reached in between their bodies and unbuckled her belt, surprising Iseul altogether.     

Iseul quickly raised himself, shocked at her actions. Not that he didn't want to. He was a man after all, but the fact that he never asked of this from Yeona, he did not expect her to take the initiative.      

As he looked down at her hands, he gasped. He turned back to her and said, "Yeona?"     

Yeona's eyes were dreamy. She bit her lip and explained, "Iseul, it's just that - when - when you kiss like this, I feel excited." She looked down and added, "Right there... and everywhere."     

Iseul hissed. Of course, he understood what Yeona meant. For days, in every make-out session they had, they were practically dry-humping against each other. It was a pain, but he didn't ask more from Yeona... Not yet.      

"Are - are you sure about it, Yeona?" Iseul asked, feeling his throat dry up.     

Yeona stared into his eyes for a second before she shyly said, "If I get pregnant, just promise me you'll marry me."     

It was a mere test to his sincerity, but Iseul sat up and said, "Yeona, why would you ask that? Of course, I'll marry you. If you are ready. I can marry you tomorrow."     

Yeona laughed at his words. She sighed and said, "I was just joking." She also sat up and moved next to him. She kissed on his cheek and said, "I just feel like I want you, Iseul. All of you."     

Her words were too inviting, but thinking back to her earlier implication, he said, "Maybe... maybe we should get married first? How about I meet your parents? We could start from there, Yeona."     

"Iseul, I was just joking about - "     

"Why would you kid about getting married? Of course, I want to marry you? Why would you imply and say you were just joking? You seem to be suggesting that marriage will only happen if you get pregnant. What if you won't get pregnant? Will that mean you won't marry me?" Iseul cut her off, explaining his side.      

After crossing his arms against his chest, he said, "I'll marry you first and get you pregnant. How about that?"     

Yeona laughed boisterously at his suggestion. She curled against her stomach and said, "Iseul - you are too much! Haha! But I love it."     

Looking at his narrowing eyes, she hugged her tight and asked, "Oh, how I wish I could bring back time. You would have been my boyfriend for a year now."     

She gave him teasing kisses on his neck and suggested they could resume. She caressed his chest with her hand and said, "Now... where were we?"     

Iseul stood up, puffing his cheeks, and said, "Don't - don't temp me yet, Yeona. I'll prove to you, can hold it together. I'll go buy a wedding ring first."     

Yeona, "???"     

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