Tricking My Cold Lover

The Lemon Cake

The Lemon Cake

0Two months passed following their vacation in the Maldives.      

Yanmei and Anton returned to her busy schedule. Yanmei doubled her time, working, finding a new couple to match, and training her body. After months of rigorously training her body in martial arts, she had been practicing diligently on her shooting skills.      

In the past, Anton sometimes brought her to the south factory's firing range. These past two months, however, she willingly went with Iseula and Chun-Ho almost every day.      

She learned the basics, from assembling and dismantling various guns to learning different types of ammo as well as loading a magazine. Ultimately, she grasped the basics of marksmanship, in the best way she could.      

She still had much to learn, but this time around, she had more time to practice.      

One weekend, the couple was at the south gun factory when Yanmei shot a near bullseye, one to the chest. She clapped her hands, jumping while turning to her husband. "Mine! I did it! It's a good shot!"     

She hugged Anton and asked for a kiss. He did so and said, "Since you are doing a good job. I have a surprise for you."     

Anton turned to Chun-Ho, and he came forward carrying a black pistol case. Chun-Ho opened it and presented it to Yanmei.      

"Your very first handgun," said Anton. "Be - very - very careful."     

Yanmei's eyes grew wide. She put her hands on her face and exclaimed, "Its - its purple!"     

"Yes, it's purple. We can customize the gun accordingly, just like my golden gun," said Anton. "Let me see you load the gun. You have twenty seconds."     

As soon as Chun-Ho put the gun on a nearby table, Yanmei promptly loaded the magazine with bullets. As soon as she assembled the handgun, she put it on safety.      

Anton was pleased that he said, "Very good. You are truly my wife."     

Yanmei smiled and hugged Anton again, while still holding the gun. "Thank you, mine. Thank you. I love it."     

"From now on, you can practice with this gun. This way, you can get used to using it and control your hold over it. Go ahead, practice a few rounds before we leave," said Anton.      

It was after an hour that Yanmei and Anton returned to the city, stopping by the Four Season's Hotel, getting Chan-Mi her favorite treat.     

Selecting from various desserts from inside the property's cafe, Yanmei was struggling. She said, "Chan-Mi likes chocolate, mine, but I feel like wanting the lemon cake - Hmmmm... sour and sweet."     

Anton frowned, just the other day, she was snacking on fresh cherries and strawberries. He realized his wife was craving for fruits that had a sour taste. He said, "Let's get a slice of the lemon, be careful how much you eat though. You've been eating strange lately."     

She nodded repeatedly while pursing her lips. They bought an entire chocolate cake and just one slice of the lemon cake.      

Before they left, Yanmei was staring at a woman, drinking a mango shake. She stopped for a second and said, "Mine, I really want a mango shake."     

He ended up buying one to take away.      

During dinner, Chan-Mi was eating in between her parents in a highchair. Her plate was filled with muffins, peas, and apple-sauce. Nari, on the other hand, sat next to Yanmei and her caregiver, being fed with porridge.      

"Daddy, feed me peas," said Chan-Mi.      

"Okay, baby. How many peas do you want?" Anton asked, picking up his daughter's fork and gradually picking up the peas.      

"Five!" She happily asked.      

"Daddy, I'm baby. Nari is baby too?" Chan-Mi asked after she chewed down her peas.      

"Yes, Chan-Mi, you are still a baby," said Anton.      

"I'm big girl!" Announced Chan-Mi.      

The couple smiled at Chan-Mi calling herself a big girl. Even Yeong Soon heard. She said, "Chan-Mi, baby, you need to eat a lot so you can grow big!"     

"Eat?" The little girl clarified.      

"Yes, Chan-Mi. You need to eat more," said Yanmei. "And sleep more."     

When desserts were served, Chan-Mi got a small slice of chocolate cake. She finished it quickly while Yanmei went to the comfort room.      

Upon Yanmei's return, she saw that not only was the chocolate cake finished but also her lemon cake. She cried outright and said, "Who ate my cake?"     

"Chan-Mi did. I think she went too far with eating a lot suggestion," said Anton, feeding his littler girl the last piece of the cake.      

"But, why would you give my cake? It was mine? We bought a whole chocolate cake," Yanmei asked with a frown, and it did not take long for her to be teary-eyed about it. "You only bought me one slice!"     

"Mine? It's just a cake. You would always give up anything for Chan-Mi," said Anton. His brows furrowed, and he shrugged upon her actions.      

Yanmei walked away, looking for Iseul outside the mansion. Anton was left dumbfounded. Rarely did Yanmei acted childishly, and now she was doing so over a slice of lemon cake.      

"What's wrong with Yanmei?" Jae-won asked.      

"Anton you! What did you do to Yanmei?!" Yeong Soon was quick to judge.      

"I did not do anything, mother! She was upset that I gave her cake to Chan-Mi!" Anton explained.      

Yeong Soon was quickly enlightened. She suggested, "Is - Yanmei pregnant, Anton?"     

"Hmmm... She has been eating a lot of fruits," the caregiver pointed out.      

"Yes, she has," added Jae-won.      

"You know, son. A pregnant woman is so protective over her food," said Yeong Soon.      

He sighed and said, "Of course, how could I have missed the signs."     

Anton rushed to find his wife. She was having an argument with Chun-Ho and Iseul as she insisted to leave for the night, wanting to get another slice of lemon cake.      

"We will just go to the Four Seasons and get a cake! Why are you stopping me! Where is my gun? I want my gun!" Yanmei said furiously.      

Just as Chun-Ho and Iseul were panicking, Anton came up behind his wife and put an arm around her waist. He said, "Let's go to the Four Seasons. Let's eat an entire cake."     

Yanmei's mood quickly changed. She pouted her lips and asked, "A whole cake?"     

"Yes, let's have a date, eating sour lemon cake." It was only after Anton urged for an evening date that Yanmei calmed down.      

They returned to the Four Seasons and addressed Yanmei's craving. Yanmei was happy again because she ate two slices of cake.      

The next day, Anton took her by surprise, bringing her to the hospital first thing in the morning. She turned to Anton and asked, "Mine, I'm not yet crazy. I just wanted badly that lemon cake."     

Anton scoffed, massaging his forehead. "I know, mine, but you may be pregnant so let's get you checked."     

Reality hit Yanmei. They had been too busy that she overlooked missing her period completely.      

They lingered at the doctor's clinic for only half an hour. They came out with the scan results in Yanmei's hand. Her face was flushing inside the car.      

Iseul and Chun-Ho, who were sitting in the front, noticed the lady boss' happy temperament. Soon enough, they heard her say, "Guys congratulations! You are going to be uncles again!"     

She showed them the ultrasound and added, "We are pregnant!"     

"Wow! Congrats, boss!" Praised Iseul.      

"I hope it is going to be a boy. I'm becoming too good at braiding Chan-Mi's hair," revealed Chun-Ho before the two bodyguards were sent laughing.      

Chan-Mi was a very loquacious and demanding little girl, and because she was the first princess, they were often left following to her will, including watching Disney Princess movies with her during downtimes.      

Anton merely grinned and pulled Yanmei closer to his arms. He did not want to say it out loud anymore. He could only pray that the world would continue to be kind to him now with the new doctor on board.     

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