Tricking My Cold Lover

The Secret Rose

The Secret Rose

0While Yanmei was formulating a plan for Ha-joon and her cousin, Anton was with his siblings. They were at Li Wen's suite, covering her research about the recent subjects of Projects Zero, those that were rescued after Andrea.      

Already three years had passed since Andrea's recovery from her abduction. Project Zero had taken her along with many others like her. All of those who were made prisoners at the ship were offsprings of the organization's first test subjects.      

After the downfall of the revived Project Zero, all prisoners were retrieved, some put into therapy, some escaped, or repatriated back to their countries. Apparently, some had regrouped, creating a society of their own.      

"The Secret Rose. That is what their group is called. They are based in Hongkong. I've traced this information from the police's database in the country. For now, their team is composed only of eleven individuals. They tried to recruit as many but many refused," said Li Wen.     

She rolled her eyes before saying, "I can imagine why. Such a young organization and the authorities are already after them."     

Anton, Andrea, Li Wen, and Lu Fang were in the living room, hearing about this new group. Lu Fang and Andrea shared a laptop while Anton had his own. Even if they were right in front of each other, Li Wen preferred to show them her investigation through a secured network drive that only her siblings had access to.      

Li Wen went through mug shots of all the members that have joined and introduced them one by one. She said, "Many things are still unclear, but as far as my inquiry goes, I think the leader of the group is this man. Arman. I don't have many pictures of him, nor did I find videos of him from inside the vessel where Andrea was abducted back then. However, his profile was in the records."     

Since it was Li Wen who hacked into the ship's server, the same vessel that abducted Andrea three years ago, she kept a record of all data from Project Zero.     

"Arman is a skilled fighter and had been jumping from one assassin group to another before Project Zero took him. It is not a surprise that he would create a group of his own," said Li Wen.      

"They have a hacker and a good one at that." She looked at his siblings in the eye before she revealed, "A young girl. Antoinette. She was also taken together with Andrea back then."     

She sighed and said, "She is only twenty-three but already shows great potential. Unfortunately, she was recruited and influenced by this new organization. Such a waste of good talent."     

Li Wen went on, introducing the other members before she finally showed the photo of the same woman who approached Anton back in Hongkong. She said, "Then there is Maya."     

"That is her," said Anton. "She was the one who came to me."     

"Well, she used to be a police officer before getting herself involved in an assassin group in Italy. Like Arman, she is also a skilled fighter," explained Li Wen.      

"So what are they doing right now?" Andrea asked. "How does this affect us?"     

"So far, they are doing nothing to you except wanting to recruit you. They have already approached Yeong and actually, they tried to catch your attention, Andy," said Li Wen. She turned to Lu Fang and said, "Their hacker tried to penetrate your company, Lu Fang. There were traces of Antoinette's signature since last week in Lu-Wei Enterprises' server."     

Li Wen laughed and said, "But of course, no one is better than me. I am the greatest, the most brilliant of all hackers. She never stood a chance of breaking my firewall."     

"Hmmmm..." said Anton. "Too bad you don't have muscles like me and Andy."     

"Huh! No matter how many muscles are in your body, if you don't have any brains -"     

"Well, obviously I have a brain," Anton cut off his sister.      

"Haha! Enough, you two!" Andrea turned to Li Wen and said, "Wen, you know how he is. He needs praising."     

"Of course! My little brother needs hailing," said Li Wen.      

Anton's eyes narrowed at being called, 'Little.'     

"Yeong, you are the greatest, but even the greatest need a wise adviser and here I am," said Li Wen. "We - all three of us are just equally outstanding people."     

"So... where does that leave me?" Lu Fang asked with a grimace on his face. Li Wen and Andrea ended up giggling at his words.      

"Babe! Of course! A goddess like me married an adonis! You are also a remarkable person like us," assured Andrea, hugging her husband by the arm. She leaned against Lu Fang's arm and said, "I love my husband so much."     

Lu Fang suddenly forgot that he was left out. He smirked before whispering to Andrea's ear. Both ended up chuckling with Andrea biting her lip.     

"Are we about done here? Because I think I'm feeling tired and... want to sleep," said Andrea, pretending to yawn. "I'm so sleepy."     

"I doubt that the two of you are off to getting any sleep," said Li Wen, with eyes glaring at her sister who was practically flirting with her own husband right in front of them. She added, "I know you too well."     

"I - I don't know what you are talking about, Wen," denied Andrea.      

Shaking her head, Li Wen said, "Anyway, going back to what I was saying. They may still try to convince both of you to join their group. Currently, they are taking mercenary jobs. It's not really doing them any good, just making themselves an outlaw."     

Lu Fang sighed and said, "We should send them a warning not to come after us - I mean Andy and Yeong. I presume they don't know about you, Wen. Especially since they tried to hack into my company."     

"Right. Should they attempt to penetrate your office again, I'll send them a warning they won't forget," said Li Wen. "I've already set up a trap to find their exact location."     

Anton put a hand on his chin and said, "This better be their only purpose. They better not cause us trouble. They better not have caused us any harm. If they make a wrong move towards us, they are going down."     

"I'm with you on this, Yeong. I really want to get that Project Zero stamp off my name. I just want to have a normal life now," said Andrea. She yawned again and said, "I'm so sleepy."     

Li Wen rolled her eyes and said, "We are done. I'll let you know if I learn anything new."     

Out of the blue, Andrea's tired look disappeared. She now had a thrilled expression on her face. She said, "Let's go, babe! Let's go back to our room!"     

Lu Fang was equally eager to get up. He put back their laptop in the bag and said, "See you tomorrow, Yeong, Wen! We are going to sleep."     

"Pfft! Haha!" Laughed Andrea.      

"Andy! I thought you were sleepy?!" Questioned Anton with eyes nearly closed, clearly doubting the words of his sister.     

"Right! I am so sleepy! I'm excited to sleep!" Andrea turned to her husband and said, "Babe, carry me in your strong muscled arms and bring me to bed... I am so sleepy."     

"Well, let me also go back to my husband," said Li Wen, excusing herself.      

"At least you are not being obvious," remarked Anton, comparing Li Wen to Andrea.      

"Oh? By the way, I gave Yanmei earlier a special edition of COSMO. One she wasn't able to get because she was very busy with Nari. She is... probably reading it by now," said Li Wen before a smirk appeared on her face.      

Anton's eyes widened. He hissed before saying, "I - I think I'm sleepy too. Goodnight, Wen."     

Seeing her brother briskly walk to the door, carrying his laptop, Li Wen chuckled and said, "Now, who is being obvious?"     

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