Tricking My Cold Lover

How It All Started

How It All Started

0"So tell me, Lian. How did this start between you and Ha-joon?" Andrae asked. She was purposely trying to distract Lian from running off to calling Ha-joon back or perhaps seeing him right away.      

She could tell Lian was itching to reach for her phone. Andrea insisted that the plan should remain. Lain should not show up for their coffee meeting.     

"Ah, it hasn't even begun for him. Haha!" Xia Lian said. "So there is no between us - just for me."     

Yanmei laughed with her. She turned to Andrea and said, "That's my cousin for you."     

"Let's see... Well, it all started at Yanmei's dinner rehearsal. A day before the wedding," said Xia Lian. She began to narrate everything that transpired and how she ended up liking Ha-joon.     

More than two years ago, back to Yanmei's wedding on the cruise.      

A day before the wedding, all those who were part of the entourage practiced on their march. Xia Lian was Yanmei's bride's maid, and Ha-joon was Anton's best man. However, on that afternoon of their practice, Ha-joon did not show-up. Apparently, he was busy checking the security of the boat.      

It was only in the latter part of the rehearsal dinner that Ha-joon turned up. Lian already had a little drink and the first thing she said after being introduced to Ha-joon was, "You didn't practice! We should practice on our walk so we don't humiliate the bride and groom tomorrow!"     

The two were standing in front of Yanmei when she said this. Yanmei giggled and said, "Yes, that's right. Ha-joon, since you did not show up. You should practice with my cousin."     

It was out of obligation for the future Mrs. that Ha-joon accompanied Xia Lian to another side of the restaurant, where they literally walked in a straight line with her hand around Ha-joon's arm. They repeated this walk five times.      

As they practiced, they got to know each other. Lian especially was very inquisitive about Ha-joon. She asked about his life and how he came to serve Anton. It was based on his story that she developed sympathy for Ha-joon's tough life.      

Back then, she told him, "Ha-joon, you are a very admirable person. You inspire me to do better. Given what you have been through and still make a good name for yourself, I'd say you have what it takes to be better."     

Ha-joon was touched by her words but he honestly answered, "Everything - All that I have now, I owe it to the boss - to Yeong. I - I am not any great without him."     

It was with the way he said it, the way he looked up to Anton and how he acknowledged the help he received over the years that immediately sparked Lian's interest in him. Aside from that, she thought Ha-joon was just too darn sexy.      

He had well-shaped jaw-lines and the way the features on his face move every time he spoke, generously emitted his masculinity. Often times, as Ha-joon spoke, her eyes glanced at his cheekbones or his adam's apple.      

She was often left gulping by the hot vibe he was giving her. It was not made on purpose, but to Lian, Ha-joon was just sexy.      

It was on that night that they exchanged numbers. Lian said, "Let's help wake each other for tomorrow. Okay?"     

"Ah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow," said Ha-joon.      

The next day, right before sunrise, Ha-joon called her ten times. Everyone was getting ready, but Lian was nowhere to be seen.     

He had to go to her cabin and knock on the door vigorously. When Xia Lian opened the door, she thought he was just a sight for sore eyes.      

He was freshly bathed, and his muscles were protruding against his undershirt. She did not know how long she stared at him, but she took the moment to feast on that very few seconds before Ha-joon brought her back to her senses.      

"Miss Lian, please. You need to get ready," said Ha-joon. "Do you want me to help you prepare coffee?"     

Ha-joon waited for Lian that early morning. He fixed her a cup of coffee before they proceeded to the cabins assigned as the changing areas for the entourage.      

During the entire wedding celebration, Lian could no longer help but glance at Ha-joon from time to time.      

It was the beginning of an admiration that lasted for over two years, but what further ignited the flame was their first unexpected kiss on the night of Anton and Yanmei's wedding.      

Lain got drunk with her cousins in celebrating the couple's wedding, and it was because of that that she had the courage to look for Ha-joon.     

When she found her, she clung to him and let him follow her around with her cousins.      

Some of Lian's cousins could tell that she had developed a liking for Ha-joon that they left them alone. Ha-joon was left with no choice but help to her room when the after-party was finally over.      

It was because Lian could not carry her weight as they walked to her room that Ha-joon carried her, princess style. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to a series of drunken confession.      

"Wow, you are just so lean." Traced her fingers against his neck and said, "I can feel your muscles."     

She pressed her face against his neck and said, "You smell so great."     

she hugged him tightly and said, "You feel so great."     

"I think I like you... Do you like me, Ha-joon?" Lian asked with her eyes barely open.      

Ha-joon had never been in such a situation before. Neither did he allow himself in the past to get close to a woman that way. He tried to ignore her, given the fact that she was already drunk.     

Nonetheless, he felt it; the arousal in between his thighs. He was only a man, after all. Her touches, the way she breathed against his neck, sent shivers down his spine.      

When they made it to Lian's cabin, he acted to put her down, telling her, "We are already here. You can rest now."     

As soon as Lian's feet touch the floor, she tip-toed and gave Ha-joon a surprise kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tightly,      

For a moment, Ha-joon lost his reason. With Lian intensely covering his mouth, he kissed back, holding on to her waist and the back of her neck. It was only after a minute that he pulled away, realizing the girl he was kissing was drunk.      

"Lian, I'm - I'm sorry - you are just drunk. Why don't you go ahead and rest," he said. "I am really sorry."     

"No, don't be sorry. I wanted to kiss you." She tried to kiss him back again but he stopped her.      

"Hmmm... Will you... at least accompany me tonight? At least watch me sleep?" Xia Lain asked before falling asleep, helplessly in Ha-joon's arms.      

The next day, she woke up by herself. She did not know if Ha-joon accompanied her or not. He never acknowledged, nor did he tell her what time he left her side.      

However, despite waking up alone, Lian concluded that since Ha-joon kissed back, chances are... he liked her too.      

For the rest of the cruise, they saw each other occasionally, but for the most part, they were on the phone with Ha-joon taking her calls.     

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