Tricking My Cold Lover

The Mysterious Woman

The Mysterious Woman

0After their delightful bath, the couple took their rest for the night. However, in the wee hours, Anton was awoken by a call on his mobile. It was Ha-joon.     

Anton struggled to reach for his phone and after seeing who it was, he answered, "Ha-joon. Why call me at this hour? This better be important."     

"Boss, we've finally found the rest of Farhad Salib's men who remained hiding in Korea. They are back to the city, masked behind fake names. I was able to run them through facial recognition and confirmed their true identities," said Ha-joon.     

After Anton brought Farhad down in Afghanistan, he and Li Wen knew the drug lord activated the rest of his five men in Korea.     

It was because these men went offline and fled to other cities during the first few months that Li Wen did not find them. They had completely cut themselves off from using mobile, internet, or any electronic devices that could give them a name.      

"They most likely are targeting the Mrs. since she is the easier mark. One man tried to get a job from Seo-jun and Garry at the boutique earlier today. They probably did not think we had people looking after Garry as well... The Mrs.' relationship with Garry must be known to them already."     

"Are you sure they are the last of his forces?" Anton clarified, massaging his temples as he got up from the bed.     

"Yes, boss. As far as Farhad's connections are concerned," answered Ha-joon. "Your sister confirms this as well."     

Anton turned to his sleeping wife before saying, "Let's not give them any chance to fight back. Bring them down before sunrise."     

"Yes, Yeong."     

Ha-joon acted according to Anton's directive. He formed a group of four men to execute five Afghans who were after Yanmei. One other of his men was already monitoring the Afghans from outside their apartment.     

In an old house, within the city's most impoverished area, five men re-consider their plans. They were nowhere close to getting their revenge. They were gathered in the living room, smoking while discussing their methods.      

"How can we ever kidnap that woman when she is always surrounded by her bodyguard!" One man pointed out, yelling in frustration.      

"We have to be patient. Sooner, they will get tired of constantly being on guard."     

"We don't have a lot of money left - "     

"We still have opium left. We can just sell them. As soon as we can get our revenge - "     

The Afghan's words were cut but a bullet to his head. He was shot by a silenced gun and the rest of his colleagues scrambled to take a hiding.      

More shots were fired, storming against the living room space of the modest house. Windows were clearly broken and the sounds of bullets pricking against the walls were evidently heard. Those who had reached their firearms shot back, but their attempts quickly died after more rounds came their way.     

Soon enough, men from Ha-joon's side entered the house by force, surveying the result of their attack.      

"Ha-joon," said one man. "There's three here. All dead."     

Ha-joon walked to the kitchen, still holding up a gun. He easily found one man trying to hide behind a pile of packages. The Afghan was already bleeding excessively. Ha-joon ended his life.      

The rest of Ha-joon's men checked the entire area, including the back until one of them came back, "Ha-joon, I think one man managed to flee. I saw traces of blood at the back."     

Until sunrise, Ha-joon and his men went in search of the missing man. Unfortunately, they lost track of him.      

Ha-joon reported to Anton with bad news, calling him on the phone, "Yeong. One got away."     

"How? I sent you to do the job and I expect it done well!" Anton asked, clearly showing his disappointment.     

"Sorry, Yeong. We stormed in there after firing several rounds. We did not expect one to survive, but he is bleeding Yeong. He won't last long. For all we know, he is probably dead in a ditch somewhere," Ha-joon said.      

"I won't feel at ease, Ha-joon. My wife is pregnant," said Anton. "Find that man, dead or alive."     

Days passed, and nothing happened. Ha-joon still did not find the missing man. Nor was there an attack against Yanmei any one of Anton's family.      

Yanmei remained inside the mansion in the days that followed, but since she was due to have her monthly check-out, she had to come out of the house. Iseul and Chun-Ho went with her with Minsuh, driving them.      

Anton said he would follow.      

Minsuh used the bullet-proofed car to the hospital. Iseul and Chun-Ho were constantly on guard. They arrived at the hospital safe and sound.      

Just like what Anton promised, he came with her on her check-up, only to return to the office after all the procedure was done.      

All three men who were guarding Yanmei followed the same precaution on the way home. Everything seemed to be safe until Iseul noticed a speeding sports car coming from behind them in the crowded streets.      

"Mrs. stay, in the center," ordered Chun-Ho. He was seated at the front and he quickly went to the back to secure Yanmei.      

"It's coming very fast. I'm speeding up," said Minsuh.      

Simultaneously, Iseul was on the phone, calling nearby law enforcement to check on the speeding car behind them.      

"Mrs. are you strapped," Chun-Ho checked on Yanmei.      

"Yes, I'm strapped," she said, and while she tried to keep herself calm, she felt her heart flutter.      

"Aaahhh!" Yanmei screamed, putting her head down with her hands over her belly. The sports car made its way to their vehicle, bumping from behind.      

They confirmed the car was indeed after them. In broad daylight on a busy highway, the man behind the sports car took a desperate attempt to harm Yanmei despite the road having other vehicles around.      

While the other cars took a halt, trying to avoid the mad man attacking Yanmei's car, Minsuh had no choice but to proceed.      

Iseul prepared to fire, opening the window from his side, but before he could open the car, Chun-Ho stopped him. "No! No! We risked an open shot to the Mrs!"     

"His car is just too fast guys!" Complained Minsuh. Moreover, there were other cars on the street. He was navigating the road with difficulty.      

Yanmei kept screaming as the car continued to charge against their vehicle. Eventually, the driver of the sports car opened his window and fired a gun at them.      

Iseul decided there was no other opponent other than the one inside the car. As they rushed to the road, they asked Yanmei to duck down and Chun-Ho practically covered Yanmei as Iseul tried to shoot back.      

Meanwhile, Minsuh was in a dilemma. Two trailer trucks were up ahead, stuck in traffic. He had no escape routes. Minsuh was forced to make a stop.      

"Aaahhh!" Yanmei screamed again as the sports car literally hurtled from behind them.      

Whoever was behind the sports car meant not to stop. It backed up, ready to crash against the Maybach.      

To protect Yanmei, Iseul decided to get off the car, rolling off to the road. He prepared to shoot as he was down at the pavement, but just at that very moment, he saw a mysterious woman with long hair and tight, black, leather clothing, driving a motorbike. She killed the man who was driving the sports car with her handgun.      

The woman wore a helmet over her head and her face was nowhere close to being seen. She took one look at Iseul before fleeing the scene.      

Iseul was still catching his breath at what had happened when Chun-Ho opened the door and said, "We need to return to the hospital! Now! Mrs. is bleeding!"     

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