Tricking My Cold Lover

A Great Dad Someday

A Great Dad Someday

0Together with Yeong Jae-won and Yeong Soon, Anton and Yanmei flew to Beijing with Ha-joon. This was to attend Andrea's surprise wedding. Lu Fang tried to convince Anton to leave three days before, but work caught up with him.      

He and his family instead left Korea two days before the wedding.     

While on the plane, Anton kept on complaining, "What kind of wedding is a surprise wedding, anyhow? These ideas of Lu Fang are impractical."     

"I think… It's sweet," said Yanmei while reading a travel magazine.     

"It's a hassle," he said.      

"True, for Lu Fang, but Andy is getting a beautiful surprise of marrying her husband without realizing it… So I think it's romantic." Yanmie repeated.      

Anton carefully studied her expression for a second. He could not grasp how it was any interesting, but he figured he will have to find out himself.     

It was because Lu Fang was busy with the wedding preparations that upon their arrival, they were met by… Gao Rou and his men. This irritated Anton in ways he could not comprehend, but it was because Gao Rou was the childhood friend of his brother-in-law that he could only keep his annoyance to himself.      

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Yeong, Anton and Yanmei," Gao Rou greeted. "As special guests of the Lus, they sent me to meet you."     

"Gao Rou, right?" Asked Yeong Soon. "Thank you. You did not have to trouble yourself."     

"Yes, I do. Lu Fang couldn't possibly just send a driver to meet you. I'll be taking you to the Peninsula Hotel. Arrangements for the wedding have already commenced," said Gao Rou.      

After getting settled at the hotel, Gao Rou invited everyone for lunch and it was there that Yeong Soon and Jae-won questioned him.      

Gao Rou's parents died when he was young, and that was the reason why he lived with the Lus. He had a modest background and Yeong Soon immediately praised him for how he had remained grounded and devoted to the Lu family.      

"Lu Fang is very lucky to have you as a brother," remarked Jae-won.      

Even Yanmei saw through his loyalty and said, "Yes, Gao Rou is very committed to the Lu Family. I saw it with my own eyes."     

Before leaving for Korea, Yanmei had first trained in Beijing as Lu Fang's stand-in president. It was there where she became acquainted with Gao Rou.      

"And… not only that, you are a strong, handsome man with a wonderful future ahead of you… Your wife will be a lucky woman!" Remarked Yeong Soon.      

Her words made Anton choke on his food while his hand clenched into a fist from below the table. Yanmei quickly handed him a glass of water, caressing his back at the same time.      

"So who is the lucky woman?" Yeong Soon asked eagerly. Anton's strange reaction did not stop her.      

Yanmei was quick to look down on her plate and focus on eating when Gao Rou said, "Mrs. Yeong, I'm afraid. I don't have a girlfriend yet."     

"My goodness, that can't be, right? Such a fine young man like you should already have a love-life! Don't you at least have a woman you like?" Asked Mommy Soon.      

"Mother, stop interrogating the man, please," said Anton as he was clearing his throat. "He has his own life!"     

Yeong Soon glared at her son and said, "What is wrong with you? I am just having a decent conversation with Gao Rou."     

Gao Rou wiped his mouth with a napkin before turning to Anton. He said, "It's fine, Yeong. I'm not bothered at all with your mother's questions."      

'Since when are we in a friendly relationship for you to call me Yeong.' Anton asked himself in silence.     

While Anton's eyes tightened, Gao Rou only gazed at Yeong Soon and said, "The girl I like already likes someone else and is in a relationship."     

"Oh, that is too bad," said Yeong Soon. She turned to Yanmei and Jae-won with a sad expression before having a lightbulb moment. "Maybe you just need to wait for a little, and this girl will realize you are far better!"     

Yanmei, "..."     

Anton's head was firing with emotions. He felt his blood rush up to his head. He slammed his fist against the table and said, "Mother! Since when is it a good idea to take someone's woman?!"     

"Anton? What nonsense are you talking about? If the girl is not well taken care of and loved, or appreciated by her man, she is bound to look for someone better! Every girl wants to be pampered like a queen, provided for with their heart's desires!" Said Yeong Soon.      

"Ah - it's okay, Mrs. Yeong, I'm sure she is happy." Gao Rou was quick to say. "I guess, I have not yet found the right one for me."     

Fortunately, Gao Rou ended the conversation there, but Anton was not spared by Yeong's Soon's occasional remarks about family, Gao Rou, and having children. Even Yanmei expressed her thoughts, especially seeing children at the hotel lobby.      

The next day, everyone was getting ready for their attire while the event organizers were cramping to set-up the venue. Andrea and Lu Fang's wedding was expected to happen the following morning. Thus all preparations needed to be completed a night before.      

In the afternoon, Andrea was already at the hotel. Ultimately, all guests were instructed by Lu Fang not to show themselves in the common areas of the hotel. This was to avoid Andrea from seeing them.     

They were literally imprisoned inside their hotel suites, just to maintain the wedding as a surprise for the bride.      

It was because Yeong Soon was thrilled to learn that Andrea's twins were at the hotel that she requested Lu Fang to bring the twins to their suites in the evening.      

Yanmei, Anton, and his parents were gathered up in a family suite, waiting for their dinner to arrive when Gao Rou rang their doorbell, bringing along the twins and their caretakers.      

Someone gritted his teeth. He thought, 'Fucking Lu Fang is purposely sending Gao Rou over!'     

Anton watched in envy as Gao Rou was being surrounded by women, all thanks to his sister's twins. His mother, the caregivers, even Yanmei went to Gao Rou's side to care for his nephew and niece.      

It did not help that his own mother was sending praises to Gao Rou.      

"Oh my dear, Gao Rou, not only are you a dutiful boy but obviously, you'll also be a good father! Tell me who this girl you like, I will speak to her myself," remarked Yeong Soon. Her words immediately made Yanmei step back, merely carrying the baby girl, Brie, in her arms.      

Yanmei brought Andrea's daughter to Anton's side and said, "Isn't she pretty? She has your look, being your sister's daughter."      

Anton was sitting on a couch, crossing his legs and arms from earlier seeing Gao Rou. Yanmei said to him, "Do you want to hold her?"     

He studied the little girl's twinkling eyes, her cute face, and how she ate her finger. For a second he felt the baby calling to him on purpose.      

Surrendering to his woman's plea, he looked sideways and said, "I - I guess I should try."     

His decision pleased Yanmei that she placed the little girl on his lap, before resting herself on to his right.     

While holding the baby, Brie, Andrea's daughter, began to blabber. "Gugu… bababa! Wahaha! Dadada!"      

"Did you hear that?" Yanmei excitedly asked. She chuckled and said, "She said, you are an excellent uncle! And you'll be a great dad someday!"     

Yanmei remained giggling before wrapping her arms around his neck.      

Brie blabbered some more after laughing with Yanmei like she was part of the conversation. "Dadada! Yayayaya! Daaadaadaa!"     

Anton's eyes narrowed. He cleared his throat before saying, "Did you hear that?"     

"What?" Yanmei asked.      

"She said we are a suitable match and no other man can compare to me! Strong and powerful - a man that can protect you in any danger," he said with his voice slightly raised.      

Yanmei laughed thoroughly and grabbed the little girl's hand. She said, "Did you say that baby?"     

Brie spouted some more unknown words and Anton said, "She said that I will be…" Anton breathed in heavily before adding, "be a very protective father someday."     

Yanmei pursed her lips and leaned to him for a kiss on the cheek. "I'm sure you will, Yeong. More than just protective, but a loving dad. I don't doubt it one bit."     

Anton smirked and put one arm around Yanmei while maintaining to hold the little girl in his lap with his other arm. He said, "My arms are so strong, I can carry two babies at ones."     

Yanmei burst out laughing, unable to control how his words tickled her to the core.      

"And I am so rich, I can afford an entire community of children," he added, but those lines made Yanmei frown.      

"That isn't funny," she said with a grimace.     

"I was just saying," he said. "You know what I mean."     

Out of nowhere, Brie, the baby girl, slapped Anton's face, and she laughed at her own actions, seeing the glowering face of her uncle.      

Anton's eyes tightened some more, but instead of fear, Brie giggled at his face. "Dadadadada! Yayayaya!"     

Swiftly turning to Yanmei, Anton said, "She said I am far better looking than her father."     

Without taking notice, Anton and Yanmei enjoyed little Brie's company that they practically took care of her before they started taking their dinner.     

Their sweet exchanged was well recognized by Yeong Soon that she walked towards her Jae-won and said, "See that? I hear wedding bells soon and grandchildren!"     

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