Tricking My Cold Lover

Strenuous Task

Strenuous Task

0"Sir, we have traced where the emails are coming from, but strangely these were sent from children's computer - teens in high school to be exact. We naturally interviewed the parents, but they have no knowledge of how their kids could be involved in your business. I think the children's laptops were hacked," reported Iseul early in the morning.      

Sitting in front of his office desk, Anton leaned back, asking over the phone, "Have you checked if the police found any leads?"     

"Negative, sir. Their only lead so far, were the prints on the baseball bat," responded Iseul.     

"For now, hack on the computers of the children and see if there is anything more that we can find," said Anton.      

Anton was baffled as to who could be his hidden enemy. Last night, all of his men, including himself, went back to the base and hacked into all the companies and prominent families they had previously put down, but there was no indication that they were acting against them. They would dare not, considering what he was capable of.      

He can only imagine this must be a new nemesis; someone who knew not what he was capable of.     

Just as he had put down the phone, his PR Manager, Mr. Park, came into his office, updating him of the company's current trust rating.      

"Mr. Yeong, base on the reports given to me by our operations managers, it would seem like some clients are having second thoughts in renewing their contracts with us. They wanted to know if there is any truth to the story. I would like to ask for your permission, sir... that we hold a press conference to address the matter," said Mr. Park.      

Anton accepted but before he could give his verbal agreement, Mr. Park added, "I think it would be best that the announcement or the release of statement would… come from you, Mr. Yeong... They want to hear from you."     

After giving it much thought and after sharing this predicament with Yanmei, he agreed to the press conference. Yanmei also believed that being the CEO, it was his responsibility to assure his business partners and employees that he had no involvement in Haneul's attack.      

The following day, JKW Investments called for the press conference. Anton Yeong faced the media for the first time. He announced that he was not the same person who put Sun Haneul to the hospital. He was reading through a script that his PR manager and Yanmei prepared for him.     

It was yet the most difficult script he ever read in his entire life. He thought playing sympathetic with the press was a very strenuous task.      

Anton never had to give reason to anyone, but because of the recent decline of their stocks and trust rating going down, he forced it upon himself.      

Standing in front of the media, the gathering was held in the lobby of JKW Investments. His statement was meant to go live across all TV networks, especially within the Lionheart Entertainment and Media Incorporated.      

"To my business partners, my employees, to the press, and to the community." Anton massaged his temples as he was about to read the next few lines. "I stand before you with my fullest... sincerity and honesty, swearing that I had no involvement in Sun Haneul's tragic assault."     

The media from the other networks was in uproar hearing his lines. They naturally doubted his words, especially after a video of him punching Haneul in front of his office building.      

From behind the podium, Anton clenched his hand into a fist. He directed his gaze to his men who quickly made themselves visible and only then did the crowd realized their place.      

"It's true, Haneul, and I had our disagreements… I do not deny the video." His eyes then narrowed before adding outside his scrip. "I warned him not to come close to my girlfriend and let this be a warning to all of you. Keep your noses out of my business… especially my personal life."     

Yanmei who was standing from behind him, could not help but shake her head. She thought, 'He just could not help but add more to the lines.'     

"While that video clearly showed I had hurt Haneul, you knew not the full story of it. He was approaching my girlfriend with much intensity. Despite the warning being given by my men. He persisted. Nevertheless, that was the last that I had seen Haneul," said Anton.     

He then pointed to a screen behind him and said, "These are photos of me having dinner with my girlfriend at the For Seasons Hotel on the night of the attack. You may coordinate with the hotel, should you doubt my words."     

"Each of you will be given a copy of our surveillance from the office, showing that my girlfriend and I left this building at ten in the evening. It also contains surveillance from the Kwans Luxury Residence of our arrival passed eleven in the evening."     

"To Haneul's family, Mr. and Mrs. Sun, and to everyone else. I am a very prideful man, but - I." He gulped and took a deep breath before adding, "But I am here in front of you now, genuinely expressing my sympathy towards what you are going through."     

Anton looked down, wanting to grit his teeth, but he managed to pull through. He said, "The best that I can help with is to find justice for Haneul."     

"To whoever is purposely putting the blame on me. Don't think you can get away with this. Because I, Anton Yeong… will find out the truth, one way or another!" After seconds of being silent, he said, "You are welcome."     

Yanmei and Mr. Park, "???"     

'You're welcome?' Yanmei muttered to herself.     

He could never get himself to thank them. To Anton's point of view, he was doing them a favor, taking the initiative of finding Haneul's attacker.     

"Mr. Yeong!" One reporter called just before Anton was about to walk away. He stood up to make his presence known to everyone. "Do you really expect us to believe you? Everyone knows how much influence you have in this city! I bet my life for it, I would lose my job tomorrow for speaking up."     

The reporter looked at everyone's frightened eyes before turning back to Anton. He added, "If there is a chance that you are guilty… It's about time that someone speaks up against your misdeeds! Everyone here knows your capacity. Your rivals suddenly have gone missing or choosing to leave the city! I am willing to bet that you made a mistake on not cleaning up after Sun Haneul's attack!"     

Anton walked back to the podium and asked, "What is your name?"     

"My name is So Eon Jung and I am a noble reporter of the Korean Daily for almost ten years now!" The proudly said.      

Having held his temperament for minutes, he could no longer keep calm at the reporter's accusations. "I don't have time to play games, So Eon Jung. It's true… tomorrow, you will lose your job but as for me? Making mistakes? I'm afraid. I hardly make mistakes."     

Anton's eyes quickly tightened at the reporter before he added, "As for you... Don't regret the mistake of crossing me today."     

When Anton Yeong left, So Eon Jung was quick to ask for sentiments from his co-reporters in the other print and media company, hoping to stir problems. While some gave him consoling words, many ignored him. The people's regard for Anton Yeong remained in their logic.      

After meeting the media, Anton went back straight to his office, pulling Yanmei by the hand. As soon as he shut the doors behind him, he said, "Being subdued. I hope I was... at least close to it."     

Yanmei pursed her lips and said, "Well… you could do better." She leaned forward and put her arms around his neck. She smiled and said, "But… Knowing you. You did a good job of restraining yourself."     

She tipped toed to reach his lips and pecked on him. "I'm so proud of you."     

"Hmmm…" He said before quickly picking up Yanmei by his arms.      

"Yeong! What are you doing?" She asked as he carried her to his desk.      

Resting her on top of his desk, he kissed her lips and said, "I want some… tension reliever."     

Yanmei flushed before saying, "What sort of… anxiety reliever are you looking for?"     

When Anton touched under her skirt, she concluded her assumptions were right. She said, "In your office? No. Let's just wait till we get home. You have cameras here!"     

With eyes tightening, he said, "I can turn off the cameras. Besides, you had just seduced me, kissing me out of nowhere. You don't have any awareness of how easily you turn me on!"     

Anton did not give Yanmei another chance to object. He first locked his doors and turned off the cameras inside his office. He had remote access to all surveillances from his computer and even from his laptop.      

They kissed passionately for minutes before Anton's hands slowly reached in between her thighs. He stimulated her peach with his fingers and only after feeling moisture; he took out his stick.      

"Oh, God… I'm not even naked and it's already so big," she remarked.      

"Why are you always complaining? Would you rather it becomes smaller?" He meant to tease but in his face reflected the most serious expression.      

Yanmei pouted her lips and said, "No, no. Big if fine - Aaaah… God. Hmmm."     

For the first time, the couple made love on the CEO's desk, still with their clothes on. Both Anton and Yanmei were not only occupied with work but were also affected by Haneul's assault that it had been over a week since they last did it.     

Fortunately, Anton found standing in front of the media, too strenuous, that he needed some passion from his woman.      

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