Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Possessive Heiress Part 1

Possessive Heiress Part 1

0        Zendaya pushed the door with her foot. Then, she put Timothy's breakfast at the edge of the bed over the table tray. She reached his face, and he's sweating although the air conditioner is on. She went to the bathroom, take the basin and fill it with a little amount of water and soak a damp towel.     

        She then sat beside him and started wiping him, so he'll feel refresh.     

"Timmy," She whispered.     

        He opened his heavy eyelids and he groaned.     

"I felt like I've been hit by a truck." He mumbled. "How many raped me last night?" He asked.     

        Zendaya smacked his chest.     

"I am the only that raped you last night."     

        He chuckled.     

"Who are you thinking, about while we are doing it?" She asked.     

"You. I think there are twenty of you." He chuckled. Zendaya kissed his lips. "Babe, I had morning breath." He said trying to move his arms.     

"Do you want to brush your teeth?"     

"I can't move."     

        Zendaya helped him to sit up and then, she put away the basin and damp towel. She took the tablet and open the heavy curtains and Timothy squinted.     

"You need sunlight."     

"That smell famishing." He mumbled.     

"I cook soup for you." She took the mug first. "It's warm water with peppermint. So, you'll stop complaining about morning breath."     

        Timothy felt like his smile is plastered to his lips. It's the first time that she nursed him.     

"I love you, Zendaya."     

        She smiled and bent down.     

"I love you more. And I'm going to torture those two Emma's for touching you."     


        Andromeda might change her mind for vising Timothy for a while. She went to the facility and the agents are escorting the girl named Christina Gomez. She followed them and she went inside the room. She watched Martin Gomez on how he cried and hugged her from the monitors.     

"What's going on, Dad?" Christina asked.     

"You are fine…" He mumbled.     

"Where are we?" She asked.     

"We are safe." He promised.     

"What do you mean?"     

"I'm sorry, darling."     

        Andromeda pity the girl. She's been sold off by her father. Now, they have to clean up a few messed and keep them safe since Martin Gomez participated.      

She yawned and called her husband.     

"Hey, love." He greeted cheerfully.     

"Zachary, please check out possible politician that will run for the presidency for the next election."     

"Oh-kay. Do you want to run as a president?" He asked.     

"No, dummy. Ilya will be targeting another politician. Who's the person that is famous for now?" She asked.     


"Checked it all out and make sure that Ilya won't get his hands to them."     

"Election will be in the next six years," Zach told.     

"Yes, I know that. We need to compile famous politicians."     

"Okay, I will," Zach said. "Are you coming home now?"     

"No. I still need to deal with a few things."     


        Timothy slept for the next two hours while Zendaya is bussy taking notes on her online class. She shouldn't miss anything at all. Although she might miss the physical activity, she'll just re-take it. But not the discussions.     

        She took online exams for quizzes, next.     

        Timothy come out from the room and went to Zendaya's study room and she's studying hard and he needed to treat him special. He approached her.     

"Love," He mumbled. She looked up at him.     

"Hey, do you need anything?"     

"It's lunch." He said. "I'll order food. What do you want to eat?"     

"Order anything from the Empire Café." She said.     

"I will."     

        He went to the telephone and contact the café. He ordered Zendaya's usual favorites. He made some tea and deliver it to her. She thanks him and she take a break from the class.     



"Are you going to kill them?" He asked as he sipped on his tea.     

"Who? The two Emma?"     

        Timothy nodded.     

"No. I'm not going to kill them. I already talked to Christian and terminate the contract."     



"I love you." He winked at her and she scoffed.     

"You should be true to that."     


        Its Friday again. Laurence has left the Academy early to pick up his sister. Zendaya has been out of the academy for the whole week to take care of Timothy. So, he kind of missed her too. Anyway, Zendaya had done lots of things in a week. Like, making Emma number two out of business.     

        He didn't know what else Zendaya does. But from Demi, it's all over the news in their Clan. Zendaya is indeed possessive and, there will be the time that he will be as possessive as his cousin.     

        He soon reached the Elite Academy and he parked his car. Her bodyguards are close and she's discussing something with her close friends. His sister seemed to adjust well. There's news to her that Esme kicked the blonde guy that is hooking up on her for trying to kiss her.     

        It will be considered harassment and the next day, his father talked to the boy's parents and the boy is really embarrassed about it. Esme doesn't like the boy.     

        Esme smiled and put her guitar down. She ran to him and hugged him. He kissed her top head as usual.     

"Kale said that he's going to join us," Esme told as she looked up at him. Laurence pushed her gently holding her shoulders.     

"Where is he?" He asked. She only shrugged. "Okay, gather your things. We are leaving."     

        She nodded and watched as Esme said goodbye from them taking her things. Laurence pulled out his phone as one of the bodyguards took her guitar and her bag. Laurence opened the trunk of his car. The bodyguard put her guitar there and her bag.     


        Timothy reserved a table in one of the romantic restaurants in the city. He smiled on the host and told them about his reservation. It's a good spot away from the window. He pulled a chair for her and she sat down gracefully.     

"I think, I should get worried about the food that you are going to choose." Timothy teased and she laughed.     

"Is this an expensive restaurant?" She chuckled.     

"Don't worry, we'll leave before we pay." He whispered and she laughed at him.     

        The waiter came and they ordered one of the finest champagnes.     

"I'll treat you next time," Zendaya said.     

"No way." Tim shook his head. "You nurse me for the whole week, and I won't let you pay anything for every date." He reached her hand and kissed it.     

        Zendaya is too in love with Timothy, but somehow, she knows that there are bitches who are watching them, and she turned to those two Emma who is probably snickering or something.     

"How is it possible to have those two bitches are in the same restaurant?"     

"What bitches?" He asked and looked around and spotted the two. "Oh, crap! Aren't they the girls who nearly raped me?" He asked. Zendaya nodded her head.     

"I'm going to kill them." She gritted her teeth.     

"Love, calm down." He chuckled. "It's not like, I am into them." He said.     

"I am not insecure towards those hangs." She said aloud so the two could hear it. Timothy nodded. "I am just concerned that they tried to rape you."     

        The two seemed to scoff and Timothy just loves how she become this possessive.     

"I can file harassment for that," Zendy said with a smirk.     

"Oh, baby, you are making me aroused." Timothy murmured.     

        Zendaya stood and she approached the two. She bent down and placed her palm on the table.     

"I have been in very stressful days because of the two of you. How dare you show up around me!" She gritted her teeth to Emma number One. "I pity the two of you that you can't keep a man's cock to your bed. I guess you need to work for a strip club to learn how to keep a man's cock, so you'll stop stealing my man." She said it slow, dangerous, and precise. "Eat your dinner carefully before the two of you choke to death."     

        She went back to Timothy. Timothy pulled the chair for her and make her comfortable. He bent down to her ear and kissed her cheeks.     

"Baby, don't ruin your mood, okay? Our night has just started."     


        Kale is already in front of the restaurant, and then he waited for Laurence. Soon, Laurence arrived and parked his car. He approached them, and he opened the door for Esme. Esme smiled at him and hugged him.     

        Kale kissed her temple, and they went inside. But what they didn't expect is Zendaya making a show on how possessive she is. She threatened the girls, and Esme covered her mouth in amusement.     

"Wow," Laurence mumbled.     

"Who are those two?" Esme asked Laurence.     

"They are Emma. The one is Timothy's ex-fiancée, and the other one is their Business Partner in the Empire Café." Laurence explained shortly.     

"It's like heat in there." Laurence put his arms over her shoulder and take her to the reserved seat.     

        Kale pulled a seat for Esme, and they sat down and ordered their food.     

Esme looked at how Timothy cares for Zendaya. Tim cared for her a lot, and she wanted that. She wanted someone to treat her like that.     

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