Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Restrained Part 2

Restrained Part 2

0        In the morning, she drove to Zachary's house with one bodyguard following her. It takes a long drive to their driveway to the main house. Zachary is playing with the dogs and feeding them probably waiting for her and she is excited to start their project. Maybe doing this would make her forget of Noah.     

        Her father said that Noah will be dealing with some kind of project in which he is needed. So, months away from him would make everything better. He restrained himself and he doesn't want her in the first place though he's horny because she strips in front of him.     

        Zachary smiled and he jogged toward her car and opened it for her.     


        She got out and took her briefcase. Zachary grinned.     

"Shall we start?"     

"Of course," She nodded.     

"Your Aunt already prepare refreshments. She's very busy with everything in the company."     

"And that makes you unemployed?" Bea joked. Zachary shook his head.     

"Hey, I am creating. Okay?" He grinned.     

"Okay." Bea chuckled. They went to the living room and she frowned seeing Timothy coming out from the other wing of the house with a tablet and papers.     

"Hi, Tim!"     

"Hey, Bea!" Tim waved at her.     

        They went to the kitchen and Tim poured lemonade to the glasses and put a slice of lemon and ice at the three glasses.     

"So, what are you doing here, Tim?" Bea asked.     

"I am upgrading the suits." Tim winked at her.     

"Oh, this is why Zendaya wanted to break up with you. Right?" Bea asked and Zachary laughed at what she said.     

"Hey, I love Zen-Zen. I am doing this for her."     

        Bea shrugged.     

"I hope all men are like you," Bea said. Timothy laughed.     

"Bea, you have Noah, right?" Tim asked.     

"Yeah, you have Noah." Zach agreed.     

"We broke up early before we even become together." Bea smiled at them and sipped on her lemonade.     

"That boy is going to lose big," Zach said.     

"I know, right?" Bea said. "But don't tell this to dad or mom." She warned Zach. Zach zipped his mouth.     


        Jacob is smiling as the deal was closed. They just closed a deal and it's time to celebrate. They reached the bar that they own, and girls came to them to celebrate with them. Their bodyguards remain close and they eat and drink and talk about the next step.     

"You think I should visit the Philippines?" Jacob asked the man.     

"No. Not yet."     

"I already changed my face and they wouldn't know me."     

"I know. But we need to take it slow. We'll go after those heirs and heiresses first." The man said and he caressed the woman beside him.     


        Andromeda has been working her ass off just to know the man behind the drone attack. They couldn't find Jacob Ike and it's been six years since the attack. She pushed the papers and laughed.     

"These assholes plotted it well." She murmured.     

She went through all the files of the Eagle Empire and spotted one. Some of them are already living their life on other things and there is this specific one who has been banished in their family because of incest matters.     

"Ilya Lebedov." She mumbled. According to the informant, Grisha banished him because he had an affair with men and with the heiress Ivana. But, somehow, Grisha did well from banishing him because he took over the Empire at this moment.     

        Now she knew who she is dealing with. Seeing the photo of Ilya Lebedov makes everything clear at this moment. He is the one. The familiar face shape and lips from her vision. Then, probably Bea could recognize her.     

        She took the photo and went downstairs outside. She took a golf cart and drove it to the site where Zachary will be building the laboratory for his daughter. She soon arrived there, and she hopped out from the cart and approached them.     

"Honey, where are your slippers?" Zachary asked.     

"I don't have time for that." She patted his chest and showed Bea the photo of Ilya Lebedov.     

"So, you recognize this guy?" Andy asked. Bea took the photo and creased her brows.     

"He looks familiar." She said.     

"But you never saw this guy personally before?" Andy asked and Bea nodded her head which means he's the guy from the vision.     

"Did you just pick that up randomly?" Zach asked.     

"Yes. And I am right." Andy said.     

"You are a genius, love!" Zach spread his arms and clapped his hands.     

"I know. You guys better have the materials tomorrow. We will be moving this weekend. So, this project could be finished secretly without the triplet's knowing about it." Andy said.     

"Sure." Bea nodded. "And Tim is living here?"     

"Yup. At least when he doesn't have much to do in the café. He'll go here to work for the suit." Andy said as she crossed her arms.     

"And how about Wynter?" She asked again.     

"Wynter is fine." Andy waved her off. "I'll pick her up later."     

"You sure, love?" Zach asked.     

"Yeah. She loves me more than you." Andy said with a winked and Zachary rolled his eyes. And that's true.     


        Andel is finally going to investigate through Ilya Lebedov. So, he went through social media and scanned that face, and just in a few minutes, there are lots of updates about him, in the club. Ilya Lebedov is sitting with a man. Unfamiliar one and a woman in his arms.     

        He scanned the woman first and there's a lot of update on her social media. Her, lying in a glamorous bed and with the unfamiliar man in blonde hair. He went through her social media and then sent a friend request using a dummy account with one of the greatest abs.     

        She accepted it and he didn't chat with her for long. Then, after a few seconds, he showed his abdominal. With the time from Russia to the Philippines, the girl is probably off from the Club. The girl sent her photo showing her cleavage and he zoomed it to her background. There's Ilya behind her kissing the man. Wait! Is this for real?     

        He rubbed his shoulders suddenly feel the chill.     

"I need to go back with my masters. Maybe later?" The girl said.     

"Yes, sure." He replied and sent a link to her. She clicked it. In her phone, she would see a GIF of a dick dancing but with that link, he already went through her phone.     

"Do you like that boobs?" Ellen asked behind him and he nearly cursed.     

"Baby, don't scare me like that!" Andel hissed at her. Ellen leaned on the desk and crossed her arms.     

"You like boobs. The girl is practically younger than me."     

"What boobs?" Andel asked and then when he looked at the photo, he finally gets it. "Oh, was that a pair of boobs?"     

"Don't you try—"     

"Sorry, baby girl." He pulled her into his lap and kissed her arms. Then he showed her the background photo. "Those are two dicks sucking faces." He whispered.     

"Oh." She mumbled.     

"I am just getting into the girl's phone to know those two's whereabouts."     

        Then he showed her how he got into the girl's phone and there's a lot of nude bodies and Ilya Lebedov's face and dick as the man with him have it on his mouth. They are filming it and the girl is a slut as those two men are taking her from both of her holes while those men are kissing.     

"That's so gross."     

"I know. This is my project and I'll be seeing more nudes." He scooped her breasts and then kissed the crook of her neck.     

"Then, I'll just stay here just to make sure that you aren't going to masturbate with those."     

        Andel laughed and caressed her thighs.     

"Baby girl, I don't get turned on by those. I only get turned on when you are wearing that kinky bunny outfit and holding a flog." He grinned.     

        Ellen laughed.     

"We'll do it tonight after I put Lizzi to sleep."     

"That's what I'm talking about."     

"Don't stay long here, okay?" She stood and bent down then he kissed his lips.     

"Yes, ma'am."     

        After Ellen left, Andel went back on working and sent all the footage and photos to Andromeda.     


        Noah is helping on dividing the cash from different amounts and putting it on the counting machine including the coins. Once that it was done, he put it on a briefcase with safe code. Since the counting machine automatically put the amounts to their accounting system for daily revenue, he didn't need to enter it.     

        He put the briefcase to their volt and then he removed his gloves and throw it on the trash can as it shreds into pieces.     

"So, you aren't going to visit Miss Bea?" Christian asked as he sat on the desk.     


"What happened?" Christian asked again. "Your main duty is the heiress."     

"My main duty is the heiresses and heirs of Phoenix's ninja army." He said a little hard to make it clear to Christian.     

"That's how you restrain yourself to fell in love with the Goddess-like beauty of Miss Bea?" Christian grinned at him.     

        Noah glared at him and finally, he let out a depressed sighed and he sat down on the swivel chair.     

"I keep falling so hard on her. I need to grab something to avoid falling into the end."     

"Wow. That's a hell of a restrain." Christian said and clapped his hands.     

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