Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Strange Part 1

Strange Part 1

0They all looked at Andromeda and then to the direction where she's pointing the gun. Andromeda didn't even blink on the shadow and the shadow moved. "Didn't you see it?" She asked them. "See what?" Moira asked back. She moved closer to the dark corner where she was seeing the shadow at that moment. "There's nothing," Moira muttered. "A person is standing there, wearing a cape with a hood." She raises her voice. "Show yourself!" She insisted on the person. But the person stepped back and turned around without making any sound like the person was levitating or something.  She put down the gun when the shadow vanished. They weirdly looked at Andromeda. "Are you hallucinating?" Andel asked and pointed the flashed light around. "There's nothing there.""I think it's part of my fucking vision. I saw a shadow when I woke up. I saw the same thing a while ago. Then I saw the same silhouette now." She scoffed. "Well, I think there's something more in Madagascar than we thought." She looked around. "Let's go. I will find this out later.""Don't make a move without us," Moira warned her. Andy nodded and they left.  They continue hiking and now, they are striding to the direction where Kuznetsov's people camp. They need to at least check their enemy and Andromeda still didn't understand why she scheduled their visit. She doesn't understand herself but maybe she made an excuse for letting the boys get stones so they could give it to their lovers.  Andy didn't know this to herself, but something is dragging her to this place. Not just the visions but there's more of it.  "Are we good?" Andel asked her. Then he checked the calendar with a sigh. "More days to go." He muttered. "You can go ahead," Andy muttered. They all stopped and looked at her. Yeah, they found her weird at that moment. She looked at him. "You only need to install something that we need. That's all. After that, you could go back home, send away that stone so you could give the ring to Ellen.""Are you serious?" He asked. "Yes." She nodded. "What else could I do? If going home makes you happy…""No. Sis, this is my mission." Andel tried to convince her so he could stay and finished it with them. "You are just part of it." She said and reached a branch of the tree from the ground. "Your mission is to the Dark Lord. After that, you are going to rule the Dragon Empire," She looked at Moira. "Together, both of you are needed to survive to rule it. I am the first face and as long as I am alive, I will protect you all." Andel breaks the drama by smacking her back. "Stop being dramatic. I am the oldest here and I will protect you. Besides, no one is going to leave not without any permission. That's an order!" ***  She reached a bowl of fruits and started eating. Steven admired her appetite and then he reached her abdominal to pull her closer to him. She sat on his lap and lean on him. At least the guy is comfortable to lean on. He's not even aroused at all. She wondered. Maybe because he's talking to her about something.  She put away the bowl and turned around to him. Then she reached him, that's when his manhood slowly gets hard and he stared at her eyes. "What are you doing?" He asked. She blinked and didn't let go of it. "Just checking." She muttered. "Checking what?" he smirked at her. She let go of his manhood and turned back from him. It's weird. He thought. However, he loves weird things. "I am just curious about something." She muttered and reached her champagne flute.  Well, her curiosity is odd. What he did next stopped her from overthinking. He took her back inside and tossed her to bed. She sat up and looked up at him. "What's up?" She asked. "I was enjoying the jacuzzi.""What's up?" he asked sarcastically. He crawled over the bed to her direction and then he spread her legs. "You just held my calm buddy a while ago. You provoke me and you have to take the punishment." She lay down and watched him seduce her and make her wet. Well, she's already wet from the jacuzzi and now, he just shoved himself into her and sucked her nipples and then kissed her mouth. Freya makes love to him, but she's more like just having sex with him. Anyway, it's always passionate, hot and she's satisfied.  After they make love, Freya clutches the sheets to her body as she looks out the balcony with open curtains. It's raining outside and she watched as the rain showered harder together with lightning and thunder. She loves the sound of the rain and the thunder. In this cold weather, she never thought that she would feel warm because of someone behind her. He wrapped himself around her with a hum and light kisses on her back. "Women are complicated," Steven muttered. "Hmm.""Still, men adore them.""What are you implying?" She asked. "Well, I am just happy that I have someone to cuddle in this cold weather.""Hmm." She reached his palm and placed it to her left breast and then reached the other to place it on the other. "That's warmer." He grinned and kissed her nape. Steven is satisfied with a life like this. This bed, a house, not too luxury but something they could live on and her. He never felt so warm in cold weather in his entire life. "Do you remember our night in Manhattan?" He asked.  Freya reminisced that night. She was in one of the luxury bars in Manhattan. She somehow just finished one of her missions when Steven hooked up on her. He didn't fall to his sweat talks. She just somehow wanted to have sex or try it. She tried shots a few days ago and she wanted to have a one night stand with someone. No one caught her eyes until him.  Steven liked her curves, her lips, her face, the way her hair falls and follows her every move. She glared at every man and he thought that it was sexy until he hooked up on her and what he didn't expect is she's blunt enough. She wanted to just have sex and that's all.  He promised to make it the best night in her life and it all happens. That cold night in Manhattan was the warmest he ever felt. "What are you thinking right now?" He asked in a husky voice. "That night in Manhattan." She muttered. He smiled with a little laugh. "You are stunning." He speaks with warm breath on her nape. "I can't help but devour you. You are so good." He murmured in his sexy voice. "I know… you didn't stop fucking me that night until we both passed out." It was addicting. She thought.  She closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep after overthinking about Fin's location.  She woke early in the morning with little memory from her dream. She's in Madagascar and what she saw is very unbelievable. It feels like they are living in a fiction. She gently pushed his arms from her and she went to the bathroom to take a quick bath. She checked his wardrobe and took one of his boxers.  She dried herself and put it on then she took his black long sleeve shirt. She put her shoes on and then strode to the bed and kissed his forehead. She took her purse and left without waking him up. She took keys to the Ferrari and then she walked to the garage. She locked the door and turned on the engine. After a minute of heating the engine, she left his house without leaving any words.  She doesn't need to. They are just fucking after all. What she had in mind was more important than any drama. She drove to her unit and packed up a few things. She booked a flight without hesitation and it's time to visit Madagascar and her cousin. ***  Steven is awake when she leaves the bed. He's curious about her gut. He's curious about how she took everything in action. He already sent someone to monitor her every move. She's in her unit and after a few hours, she left with a bag, rented a Taxi and went to the airport. Steven disguised himself well and waited at the airport. She came shortly with a cap. Steven doesn't want to stalk her but he's curious. Is she still going back or is she leaving permanently?  His heartfelt like being pinched. The announcer announced the flight name to Africa. Then she stood. He's slowly tearing as she watched her stride fast and show her ticket. She didn't even glance or looked around. She didn't even think about him.  He reached his chest and watched the crowd cover her from him.      

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