Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Daddy Fin Part 1

Daddy Fin Part 1

0     Fin left Freya from the cliff where he poured his grandfather's ashes. He drove back to his home where the love of his life is waiting for his arrival. He passes from the flower shop and he stopped by for a while and pick the beautiful daylily. He asked the person to seal it into a box and he drove back home.     

     She's already waiting at the door wearing a robe. He smiled at her and gave her the box. She was about to kiss him, but he stopped her.     

"I should take a shower first. There are lots of viruses outside. I don't want you to get sick."     

     She was taken aback. He didn't hold her yet.     

"Come, baby." He didn't hold her hand. He started removing his gloves and she followed him. He took a quick shower and when he came out, he kissed her lips lightly. "I don't want to ruin your makeup. I'll go put that gorgeous tuxedo."     

     She nodded and helped him with it. Then he also helped her with her dress. Seeing her naked body makes him happy. It's because someone is growing on her belly and he will do everything to protect her. He also prepared masks and hand sanitizer and whatever equipment he could get to secure her health.     

"Fin, what are those?" She asked.     

"Darling, we will be in a room of crowd. I need to secure you for any viruses and that the nCov virus is very fatal. I can't risk you." He patted her head. "Just trust me. I will take care of you."     

     She pressed her lips to avoid crying. He's something. He's overprotective.     

"Darling, let's get ready okay? I don't want you to stay there for long and avoid physical contact with your friends for now."     

"Okay. Just you."     

"Uhuh." He patted her head. "Very good baby. Every morning, we will have an exercise routine to boost your immune system. How about that?"     

     She bit her lower lip and hesitated for a while.     

"I can handle it." He kissed her forehead. He turned her around slowly and zipped her dress.     


     Andromeda and packed up Zach's suitcase and she frowned at the door. Past few hours, Allona kept on bugging them. She even removed her clothes in front of Zachary. Good thing that she was there. He only looked at Allona's eyes, disappointed and grabbed her away from Allona.     

     Well, at least Zach doesn't like her now. He even called Allona's sister to tell her that she's going nuts and he's offended. He's packing and he even canceled his last appointment. He's pissed. Who wouldn't get pissed at that woman? She's seducing her husband in front of her.     

"Love, are you done?" He asked and folded his laptop.     

"Yup. Ready to go." She told. He strode toward her and scooped her face.     

"I'm sorry that our little vacation turned like this."     

"It's fine. We are leaving anyway, and you are mine." She winked. He chuckled from her cuteness.     

"Well, wifey, I think I need to give you special treatment."     

"Aren't you always giving me special treatment." She teased back. He laughed and pushed her to bed.     

"You know my special treatment." He winked.     

     They make love for an hour and after they are ready, Zach called their driver. She saw Allona outside the hotel and Zach ignored her. She only glanced at her and flipped her hair. Andy let Zach in first to protect him and Allona hissed at her like a snake.     

     Andy turned to her and crossed her arms.     

"You know, even you get naked in front of my husband, he wouldn't like you. My body is way too beautiful than you. He worshipped me and he will never fuck you. So, if I were you," she took a box from her bag and toss it to her. "Better use that if you are too horny to seduce someone else's husband." She hopped in and closes the door. Then she cuddled to her husband.     

"What was that?"     

"Something that would please her." She winked. Zach laughed and patted her head.     


     Andel stared at the food that Ellen prepared for her. It's famishing and every time she served him like her wife makes him more guilty. She wanted to get married soon enough but he's holding back just to protect her.      

"Baby, sit down." He told. She was puzzled. "I will just get the soup."     

     She quickly poured the soup from the casserole to the bowls. Then she put it on the tray. Then she strode carefully to the table and place one to him and then to her. She sat down and smiled at him.     

"What is it?" She asked.     

"Babe, in a few weeks, we will be leaving for Madagascar for our mission." He reached her hand over the table and kissed it. "Don't overwork your hands."     

"Okay." She sighed. "How long are you to stay in Madagascar?"     

"I don't know." He shook his head.     

"It will be harsh, right? You might not come back to me alive…" She broke her voice.     

"Darling, I always come back alive." He pressed her hand. "When I come back, I will give you more time."     

"Can we have a baby?" She asked him. He froze and stared into her eyes. "Nope." She muttered. "If I got pregnant my brothers and my parents would probably search on the person that impregnate me."     

"El, we can. But not in this situation. I can't show up to your parents yet. I still need time to finish a few missions."     

"Okay." She nodded. "You are the only one that I'll marry." He kissed her hand.     

"What if you'll get attracted to another?" She asked.     

"If I got attracted to another then I'll get attracted. But I will never love anyone but you."     

     Ellen is relieved. Whatever he says, she will trust him.     


     Selina noticed how protective Fin to her. In the crowd. He didn't let her have any physical interaction with anyone. Fin would simply cover her and nod at them that she needed to sit down. She only held his hand and the auction started. All her expensive clothes and jewelry has been sold. She immediately processed the money for her funds and then they left quickly.     

     Fin make sure that she'll have the proper nutrition. He made her a smoothie and other foods. She wasn't in a mood to eat a while ago so now, he prepared her something. She's eating a lot and he was happy that she's loving the food.     

"Fin, I have something to tell you." She told.     

"Hmm. Okay?" He reached tissue and wiped her lips. She took the water and sipped on the glass. She put it back. "What is it?"     

     She stared at him for long hesitating for a while. Then she sighed.     

"Let's go to bed."     

"You sure? You are still full. Let's walk a little outside. How about that?" He asked. She nodded. He took her slippers and then her jacket. They walk in the garden while holding each other's hands. He knew what she's going to say. They stopped in front of the fountain and she pulled out a white stick from her pocket and gave it to him.     

     He looked down at it. Just as he expected. She was searching for his emotions but there's none. She doesn't even know what to feel.     

"Daddy Fin." She murmured. He smiled and reached her waist pulling her close to him and he kissed her forehead. "I am pregnant." She told. "You aren't mad?"     

"Why would I get mad? From the start, I know that you aren't taking any pills. We just make love as we want, and you are fertile."     

"Do you want me to keep it?" She asked with a broken voice.     

"Darling, do you want our baby?" He touched her stomach.     

"I do." A tear fell from her right eye. "I wanted a baby. I'm sorry for not telling you. At first, I thought that I just want a sperm donor—but I want you. All of you. I love you so much. I don't want anyone else and if you don't want this baby. It's okay with me."     

"Selina, no matter what your decision is—I will always be here to agree with you. I will always be here to support you."     

     She sighed and giggled. She hugged him tightly and snuggled to his chest more.     

"I am loving you more, Fin."     

"I love you more, Selina."     

"So, when are we going to set up for our baby room?"     

"Anytime you want."     

"I will tell mom about this!"     

     She jumped into him and her legs wrapped around him. He held her and then she started kissing his face.     

"Careful, okay? From now on, you must behave. No heavy work and you need to take care of yourself while I am not there to supervise you."     

"You don't need to supervise me." She giggled. "Take me to bed. I some loving." She winked. He laughed and kissed her passionately.     

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